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Data Packet recieved for Dumok'azen

Information received in the latest packet from Galae:


The inhabitants of Dumok’azen are a short stocky race of humanoids with dark complexions and used to living in rough and rugged terrains. Much of Dumok’azen is rocky, and barren, the polar climes snow covered mountains, and in the more equatorial climes arid rocky bluffs and vistas. There are a few smaller bodies of water, small seas more or less, and some forested areas, but much of the planet is not comfortably habitable. Being such rugged terrain, and these people already well suited to working there, the Rihannsu brought in few of our own people, using basically other races to help with the mining and processing of the rich mineral resources. Prisoners have always been a source of labor here, as well as the native inhabitants who are easily kept in line by the Rihannsu troops assigned here. The inhabitants have been allowed to have their own tribal leadership to help keep the people in line, and they report to the provincial government run by the Rihannsu overseeing the mining operations.


For years, ore has been extracted and sent to processing plants that have been constructed on the planet as well, to save on costs of shipping and disposal of the slag.

Currently operations include 15 primary mining sites, along with 3 major processing plants, and a fourth currently under construction. With the completion of the 4th plant, mining operations will be able to handle an increase to 21 primary mining sites, much to the concern of the Dumok’azen people. They see an increasing blow to the environment of their planet, and worse an increase in the forced labor their people are made to endure. Mostly men work in the mines and processing plants. Women, play more of a role with food production, tending the farms along with the children, elderly and those that have been too injured to continue in the mines.


Recently, the Provincial Governor has discussed increase the workload. Until now, the Rihannsu have allowed the Dumok one day a week as a rest period, but on a rotating basis, so that there was never a shut down in the mining operations or processing plants. Currently, Governor tr’Darius had been contemplating starting around the clock shifts at the processing plant to increase production to meet the demand that was being placed upon him by his superiors. Tribal leaders have petitioned complaints that this is overtaxing their people and their religious leader, she has been heard stating that pushing them too far, would incite rebellion.


Current Planetary Governor: Governor tr’Darius

Governor's Aide: El'Riov tr'Baris

Garrison Commander: Recently promoted Daise Erei'Riov tr'Dranek


Tribal Leaders: Dumo Halo, Dumo Jarus, Dumo Farus, Dumo Xako, Dumo Sarix, Dumo Dahn

Religious Leader: Kazen Kara

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