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Ruca NEtani

"The Cure"

"The Cure" -- Part One
Doctor Ruca N'Etani, Ensign
Stardate 0308.03

The vial that Ruca held in her hand was priceless. Precious. Very important. She hated being in the lab by herself, but Doctor Telano had gone off, and so had Doctor Honeycutt, and Ruca found herself holding the entire outcome of this mission in her delicate fingers. She glanced about the lab .. it was entirely isolated except for her, but she could hear the general hustle and bustle outside the door. Frantic medical personnel moved about, caring for the slowly dying patients of this contamination. If only Doctor Telano would return .. then they could get this show on the road. If there was anything Ruca hated, it was waiting. Perhaps she didn't seem like a very impulsive or passionate person on the outside, but within, she could grow very impatient with how things were ...that was they only she ever made it off Turani VII and was today: impatience and dissatisfaction with how things were turning out. She had hoped this would turn out easier ..

"My dear .. this is Johnson Alcott, the man I was telling you about, " Mister Mason introduced the rugged-looking man to his wife. Mistress Mason sat regally in her chair in the ornate sitting room, sipping a cup of tea and snacking on delicate little cookies. She didn't even stand, but held out her hand to the man, who graciously kissed it and bowed.

"Mistress Mason .. your husband did not do you justice, you are much more enchanting than he mentioned." Alcott grinned, and offered a wink, though made sure Mister Mason missed THAT part. Mistress Mason smiled a whimsical smile and put her hand back on her lap.

"I assure you, Mister Alcott .. my husband always forgets details. That is what I am around for ... so you will be running our cargo?"

Alcott smiled, "Yes ma'am .. and I assure you, it will get there safe and sound. I have a great record and never, ever have anything go wrong. At least not yet .."

Mister Mason interjected, "And I'm sure you will make sure nothing goes wrong with our cargo this time as well ... because if you do, it will surely be profitable for everyone."

Alcott just smiled, "Well, let's get going.. I want to go over the cargo and get some preparations taken care of..."

Mason nodded, "Yes, let's go then... my dear, I will see you at dinner .. make sure Ruca has it done on time, since Mister Alcott will be joining us."

"Of course, dear."

Mason and Alcott exited the room and Mistress Mason glanced over her shoulder, "I know you are there, Ruca. Felt like eavesdropping?"

The 16 year old Ruca, now a grown up young woman, stepped from the shadows and bowed, "I'm sorry, ma'am .. I was just curious."

"Curiosity will get you killed .. you are lucky we didn't kill you over the books and education incident. Now get to the kitchen .. you heard what my husband said."

"Yes ma'am.. " Ruca walked past, stopping only to curtsy to her owner's wife, before making her way into the kitchen. This cargo run .. there are been many others before, but this was the first time it had occurred to Ruca that there may be a way to get out .. she would have to check out the cargo herself, later that night .. because it went out in the morning.

.. was freedom around the corner? And was the cure to everything wrong with her life in the form of Johnson Alcott?

There was a crackle of a communication, and her mind was brought back to reality. She tucked the vial in her labcoat pocket, and listened to the communication again.

"Medical emergency! Medical emergency! South-east wing of the hospital! Telano's been shot .. do you read!?"

Ruca blinked without a moment's notice .. left the room and broke into a run..

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