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Surgeons log, SD 10308.04

Well the quarters were nice enough


BJ had to admit there were amenities serving on a starship. Barroom brawls were more the exception than the rule. And the ship while older by comparison to the rest of the fleet seemed like it was in good shape, so the instances of plasma fires and other injuries associated with older ships was also rare.


So what does that mean to a trauma surgeon? Down-time!


The Marines injured on the surface had checked out of sickbay. Doctor NEtani was patching up Doctor Telano on the surface. So in Sickbay not a creature was stirring, not even a moose. And when the ship was not under warp power, Sickbay fell into a dead calm. BJ took this opportunity to catch-up on some mail. As he accessed his personal mail he saw the normal junk, some of it useless but some of it was just fun to scan over. Seems like everyone has a "new and improved" plasma scalpel. Some improvements were useful, like the ones with variable x-y-z axis discriminator controls. But some were just silly, like the Andorian model with the built-in clock.


"Ah" BJ said out loud as he saw a mail from a med school buddy Marc. He was a good enough Doctor, but BJ was sure that someday a chair was going to assimilate Marc. Marc and BJ were assigned together as study-buddies the first day and had been seated next to each other for the final. They really did make a good team, Marc as the thinker and BJ as the go-getter.


As BJ read the mail Marc was talking about his new post on Starbase 117. 117 was a Medical base that was so far from civilization that it made a perfect research facility. BORING! Spending his day watching germs fornicate was not how BJ planned on spending his life.


But then the mail changed direction. Seems Marc had met a nurses aide named June a few months back and it was getting serious. BJ leaned back after reading this. Based on his friendship with Marc he could tell Marc was fishing for approval. He was thinking on how to reply to this. Marc did not have a great track record with women. He just was not assertive enough and they ended up losing respect for him because they could walk over him so easily.


After a few minutes, BJ sent a response to Marc. He replied how happy he was to hear about June and how pretty she looked (OK, that was a stretch but Marc liked homely women). BJ ended his mail by telling him to send him an invitation when they were ready to become Doctor and Mrs Welby.


After he sent his reply, he started to think about his own timetable. Establish himself in the Medical field by 33. Then marry at 34, with kids to follow at 35 and 37. By then he would begin to look "distinguished" with a 20% mix of grey hair, which would set him up for a trauma center chief of staff position.


Yep, he was right on track

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