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RES Talon - Talon Tidbits 17Feb2011

M_K_tKsa -> ::has been busy repairing the crew so they can repair the ship::

t’Rexan> What a vicious cycle!


NDak -> ::Annoyed with the entire situation, he sat on the Oira making notes in his official report about everything, right down to his concerns that if he was to be given command of the Talon, he should have had more input in selection an executive officer::

t’Rexan> …and now he’s questioning me yet again….and he wonders why I don’t confide in him more!


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::in one of the back labs, avoiding her boss:::so, par normal::

t’Rexan> Ie, cause he’s been getting sorta grouchy!


Kelton tr'Radaik -> Ah...ie, rekkhai. ::a bit too quickly:: ::beat:: I am fine, hann'yyo. I...slept poorly.

t’Rexan> That’s cause you’re too busy thinking about……that vial!


tAehjae -> ::decides to patrol on her own spot checking her own officers::

t’Rexan> ::whistles:: Fahd Spot!! Fahd Spot!! ::whistles:::


M_K_tKsa -> Oh? Something wrong with au's quarters?

t’Rexan> Besides being full of an illegal substance?

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::thinks, ie, my rooms have defloxso in them...but keeps his expression still:: Na. Na, na thing is wrong...


tr’Vatrix> Make sure na to damage this ship, I wish the return of my officer

NDak -> ::Wants to say something about taking all the fun out of hunting Lloann'na garbage ships, but again simply makes a mental note::

t’Rexan> Hlai!


t'Ditsy> ::Groans softly as whatshisname hits a particularly sore spot. She sighed when he stopped rubbing.:: Hann'yyo. I needed that.

t’Rexan> Well, we see he’s been making an actual impression upon her…


Lerak trPexil -> :: Was na sure the dislike was of engineers or him personally, exits science ::

t’Rexan> Ooooo, that’s a loaded question!


tr'Usten> ::sees trRadaik speaking with the Daise Maenak, and he grins, seeing them already talking......:: <whispers> Ie little trRadiak....keep mining that information for us...

t'Ditsy> ::Standing next to tr'Usten, she stared.:: Are you talking to me? Or to yourself? She stared a moment longer, thinking the man was probably in medical for a psych consult.

t’Rexan> Careful little girl, he may have some candy for au too…


NDak -> I will brief senior staff on our new orders at 0800 tommorow. ::Makes a note for tr'Valdrin::

KhreRiovtRex -> <oooo, breakfast with NDAk>

t’Rexan> Hope he’s bringing the Danish!


Lerak trPexil -> :: young officer :: "tr'Beiber."

t’Rexan> Pexil picks out his new haircut!


KhreRiovtRex -> # Oh Fvadt.......::activates the button to read it after all::

KhreRiovtRex -> # Fvadt, Fvadt, Fvadt......::lets out a string of expletives as well as any other ones she knows....

t’Rexan> Omg…look at the language ya’ll have driven me too!

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