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RES Talon -- Talon Tidbits

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> (( I never said they were poisonous. They could be totally harmless. Just mad.))

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> (( Or they could be poisonous. ))

t’Rexan> oh the drama….oh the ambiguity!


NDak -> ::In his quarters, brooding::

t’Rexan> Well, he’s definitely na a Vulcan…oh wait, they brood too, but then just lie to themselves about it


Issaha> ::Looks at the D'Heno:: Na, they like to play catch and be called fluffy while au pet them.

t’Rexan> and I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George…..


Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::feeling somewhat more at ease after obtaining tea, a little calm, and a clean uniform jacket, is leaving his shift in sickbay, blissfully unaware of the ravaging reptiles below decks::

t’Rexan> Are you sure it was just tea?


tAehjae -> Dheno 1> ::grabs the trapped lizzard:: catch it!!::holding it by its back leg carriing it back into the lab::

Koga S'Bien -> ::hearing the Benny Hill theme music as the Dhenos chase the lizards in fast forward, because it's funnier::

t’Rexan> Au know what, I could actually see this!


Issaha> ::would head-desk if he had it:: Just shoot them!::glares:: There is a word, it is called sarcasm. I suggest you learn it. H'nah... shoot the damned things and be done with this silliness.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::would much rather see Issaha shot::

t’Rexan> as would a few others


Lerak trPexil -> "Ah!.. It's up my leg!" :: falls to the floor ::

t’Rexan> Na touching that with a dev foot pole….


t'Ditsy> ::Waves her kit at Lerak.:: Kill it! Kill it!

Lerak trPexil -> "Well don't hit me with the ki.." :: Pexil gets knocked pretty good about the head by Ditsy's kit ::

t’Rexan>Nice shot!


Issaha> Oh for the love of the elements. Can au people do nothing right.

t’Rexan> Do au really want us to authen that?


tAehjae -> Dheno 1>:: starts feeling the effects of the Poison as his sight starts to blur but does na stop what he is doing::

t’Rexan> A fine example of the placebo effect….


tAehjae -> Dheno 1> :: sees something run from under the table and fires once more::

t’Rexan> Firing at a moving target in a room full of others, in a dark room with only emergency lighting……

sounds like a plan!


tAehjae -> :: checks a monitor to see that her prisoner is still in the brig were she left him::

t’Rexan> Elements! Au better believe he’s staying hrrau there, he’s safe from the lizards and dheno firing weapons all over the place in there…


tAehjae -> ::again checks the monitor in the brig noting her prisoner is still there and alone::

t’Rexan> Yep…still na lizards hrrau fahd!


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::turns to the lesser N'Dak:: Ie?

t’Rexan> Oooooo…lesser…that’s cold…


t'Ditsy> Is he going to live? Will you have to amputate his leg?

t’Rexan> Meanwhile, tDitsy is realizing that she may get to sleep in tomorrow morning instead of getting up ridiculously early.


Issaha> On the contrary. I can file my protest with au superior.

t’Rexan> Loosely translated……I’m telling my big brother on you!!!


NDak -> ::Feels a disturbance in the force, but as na io had yet to contact him::

t’Rexan> I think they’re all hoping it will go away soon, so as na to have to tell au


Kavek tr'Valdrin ->Au can... ::he smiles thinly:: but na even your brother has the authority to override my official report. It was a reasonable drill and will be noted as such in the report. Your concerns are touching.

Issaha> ::nearly on the verge of punching the smug SOB, consequences be damned:::makes a mental note that if Destorie does not kill the veruul, that he just might::

t’Rexan> Careful Kavek, they might team up on au!!


Vial> ::looms larger and larger on Kelton's mind as he moves away from it::

t’Rexan> Like a giant lava lamp on his mind….


tAehjae -> :: walking toward the brig steaming::

t’Rexan> Mmmm, now I’m hungry…Steamed Shrimp, Steamed hot dogs, steamed rice, steamed veggies…..


NDak ->::still brooding, drinking a glass of wine::

t’Rexan> I’d still be brooding too if I were drinking that foul wine, have a decent ale man…


Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::unusually distracted and trying very hard to hide it::

t’Rexan> Au are going to get caught, Au are going to get caught, Au are going to get caught……..


Lerak trPexil -> "The rumors!" :: ouch ::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> What rumors? ::tensing up, loads a hypo with a painkiller::

Lerak trPexil -> "Nothing stays private very long here."

t’Rexan> Watches as Kelton shoots up Lerak with pain meds to shut him up and knock him out cold. “Nice move! That was almost worthy of au Daise, she ‘has’ been rubbing off rhea au!”


Issaha>::Sar'vek:: It can wait until we're done cleaning up ::picking up pieces of an experiment:: I need au opinion.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> : Au will excuse me if I abstain. The last time I had an opinion I ended up whipped by au's brother.

t’Rexan> Well, that was just because it was the ‘wrong’ opinion…..


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::turns to give him a look over her shoulder:: Au are Daise. Au can handle it by auself, unless au would like me to tell the Enarrain or our new XO that au are incapable of handling the work load on au's own and are turning to disgraced ereins to advise au. I have na reason to aid au, and I have na intention of offering my advice.

t’Rexan> Still having issues figuring out that whole insubordination thing, eh?


Issaha>Do na get cute.

t’Rexan> Don’t worry, L’haiy has that all taken care of for the siuren!


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> If I hear that au are mistreating him in any way, we will have another discussion. And the next io, au will na like. ::darkly::

tAehjae -> AS AU wish...

t’Rexan> Envisioning the dread pirate Roberts tumbling down a very steep slope….


KhreRiovtRex -> <So much for NDak's little social dinner tonight.....half the crew is in sickbay>

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, so as NDak still has not been notified of all this, he's probably still assuming you all are still on for dinner

Lerak trPexil -> No leg of lamb please

Laehval tTemarr -> We're having lizard.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> good. very high in protein.

Lerak trPexil -> Tastes like chicken


Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::goes off to curl up with his brand new fix and try to avoid getting yy'ad::

t’Rexan> My latinum is rhea t’Ksa, she’s going to yy’a au herself….

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