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Talon Tidbits 27Jan11

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Eyes Nova with all the suspic...suspisc...suspicsiou... evilness of a Romulan.::

t’Rexan> We are na evil…..just misunderstood! Well, ok…maybe a little bit evil.


M_K_tKsa -> ::in her office, pacing back and forth, burning a hole in the carpet::

t’Rexan> Take it easy on the new carpet!


Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((i assume i'm not still covered in paint, ie?))

M_K_tKsa -> (I dunno, are you? LOL))

t’Rexan> would you like to be?

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((i'm going to say na :D ))

M_K_tKsa -> ((Fresh and clean, smelling like a daisy then. :P))

M_K_tKsa -> ((Or an SRM model?))

t’Rexan> Dang, she’s only been away from tr’Maec for a month and already the mind is wandering….


NDak -> ::notes Aife:: Is t'Ksa in her office?

M_K_tKsa -> Aife>Ie, but I would na go in there if au value au's life, Daise'E....err...Enarrain.

NDak -> ::Smiles at Aife:: Oh, I do na know, yy'a could be a sweet release.

t’Rexan> I’m sure it could easily be arranged….


Lerak trPexil -> "My and your shift t'Ditsy. Can au get dressed please?" "I can wait out here."

t’Rexan> I would certainly hope so…otherwise that might be creepy…taking that new Daise position, a little far there Pexil……even Laehval didn’t watch you dress for duty!


M_K_tKsa -> Fvadt, fvadt, fvadt. ::scowling, drumming her fingers against her arm::

t’Rexan> I’m thinking…. ‘she’s na hrrau her happy place’…....


tAehjae -> +trValdrin+ Rekkhai, I have been told that Au turned io of my dheno staff against me. I do na think that a fair test, since he used upgrades that I had just released.

t’Rexan> Since when do Rihannsu have to play fair?


M_K_tKsa -> ::mutters something about snowballs and that other place Romulans would prefer not to visit before glaring back to N'Dak:: Plainly, right now Enarrain, I'd like to throttle au and the rest of that oira crew of au's.

t’Rexan> I’m putting my latinum on the Daise Maenak to win. She’s pissed….


M_K_tKsa -> I don't use the comms just to hear the sound of my voice.

t’Rexan> Hann’yyo, because the feedback from all that high pitched whining could make io go deaf!

NDak -> ::Glances to her for a long moment::

t’Rexan> ……..Awkward…….


NDak -> ::Frowns:: Of course I was displeased. I do not find advantage in that pairing. Forgive me if I think beyond her happiness.

t’Rexan> Well excuse me!! I didn’t realize that I had to check with au and see if it would be a political advantage to au just who I chose to jol and bond with!!!


tAehjae -> ::grinding her teeth to keep from putting her fist through a wall::

t’Rexan>::makes tAehjae an appointment for new dentures, as she has the feeling this will become a habit:


M_K_tKsa -> ::takes out the ISD from the desk drawer, and while she does not throw it at his head like she originally intended ten minutes ago, she does still lob it to him::

t’Rexan> Awww, au should have went with au gut and original intentions!


Lerak trPexil -> "How angry do au believe t'Aehjae is after this exercise?"

t’Rexan> I believe in the dheno’s case, they prefer the term calisthenics!


Koga S'Bien -> Acknowledged, rekkgai. Beginning protocols, now. ::tapping at his console, watching sensor levels thoroughly::

Koga S'Bien -> erkkhai*

Koga S'Bien -> <bah, can't spell>

t’Rexan> oh, I thought it was more of au strange Canadian language


M_K_tKsa -> Then watch au's fvadt facial expressions. ::motions to the ISD:: She trusted us, as if we were family. I can see why she's hurt that we did na respond in kind.

NDak -> Her new bond mate has made it no secret that he does not trust, like or find me worthy of my position. He has threatened my life and my career should I 'displease' him or not live up to his expectations.

t’Rexan> Ever think it was because of the way au respond? Au did try to kill his mate. He’s just giving you incentive…..to keep her alive for him!


tAehjae -> :: decides she’s going to leave her Dheno intruder traitor in the brig for a spell to teach him a lesson::

t’Rexan> Lesson being, if you’re ordered to hose your department, do it well enough that the rest of them are demoted below au so there are no repercussions later.


Lerak trPexil -> :: moves over and grabs her feet :: "Au can keep my drink but the feel have to go.."

t’Rexan> Kinky Pexil!


M_K_tKsa -> I have faith in au. If au get au's head out of au's rear. ::smirks:: If au must know, I can help au with a cranial-rectal inversion. Or a deflation of the ego when necessary.

t’Rexan> Best…..line….ever….. rofl!


Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at his vibrating ISD :: "Ugh, power failure."

t’Rexan> Evidently au batteries are still working…….brown chicken brown cow


NDak -> ::Shakes his head:: What good is a leader if he has no one to follow him, eh?

t’Rexan> About as good as a one legged man at an arse kicking contest…


M_K_tKsa -> Just be cautious of au's facial expressions when au do so. They can read au like a book if au start grimacing again.

t’Rexan> The only problem, is that Ndak only likes picture books, he gets confused by all that text…


Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She wrinkled her nose.:: I would rather na talk about him, if au do na mind. He is a liar and a user.

Lerak trPexil -> :: laughs :: "I think that sums up aur feelings."

t’Rexan> Well you did wake her up early, of course she’s grouchy.


Koga S'Bien -> <to t'aehjae, not Pexil>

Lerak trPexil -> <aww>

Lerak trPexil -> <We had things so good S'Bien>

Koga S'Bien -> <luls. I'm a two timing Sbien eh >

Lerak trPexil -> <too late now S'Bien>

t’Rexan> Something we should know you two?


M_K_tKsa -> Aife>I'm sure. ::slightly smug sounding::

t’Rexan> but only slightly mind you…..


NDak -> ::Smiles:: As always, Morgana, I value your council.

t’Rexan> ::coughs:: Bullsnix


NDak -> Issaha> ::sighs:: Elements. ::looks over to her then to the erein in the corner who'd been bitten and was being attended to:: +Oira+ Sorry was in the process of capturing io of the lizards. We have people injured down here and still at least four possibly more of the creatures running about.

t’Rexan> So of course, it makes sense to open the doors and let the creatures out…::rolls eyes::


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ACTION> Engineering does the trick and the doors begin to slide apart. Which is when the remaining two lizards decide to make their escape, running into the corridor and attacking the engineers and dhenos.

t’Rexan> Nothing says containment better than an open door…..

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M_K_tKsa -> ::in her office, pacing back and forth, burning a hole in the carpet::

t’Rexan> Take it easy on the new carpet!


Engineering will get right on a burn-proof carpet for her office.


Lerak trPexil -> "My and your shift t'Ditsy. Can au get dressed please?" "I can wait out here."

t’Rexan> I would certainly hope so…otherwise that might be creepy…taking that new Daise position, a little far there Pexil……even Laehval didn’t watch you dress for duty!


Heck Pexil could hardly get dinner.


Koga S'Bien -> Acknowledged, rekkgai. Beginning protocols, now. ::tapping at his console, watching sensor levels thoroughly::

Koga S'Bien -> erkkhai*

Koga S'Bien -> <bah, can't spell>

t’Rexan> oh, I thought it was more of au strange Canadian language


I thought those were the Canadian spellings.


Lerak trPexil -> :: moves over and grabs her feet :: "Au can keep my drink but the feel have to go.."

t’Rexan> Kinky Pexil!


He almost felt her feet. He just can't leave the ladies along seemingly.


Lerak trPexil -> :: looks at his vibrating ISD :: "Ugh, power failure."

t’Rexan> Evidently au batteries are still working…….brown chicken brown cow


It was either that or Lady t'Gaga. Maybe Taylor t'Swift.


Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She wrinkled her nose.:: I would rather na talk about him, if au do na mind. He is a liar and a user.

Lerak trPexil -> :: laughs :: "I think that sums up aur feelings."

t’Rexan> Well you did wake her up early, of course she’s grouchy.


She was talking about N'Dak and NOT Pexil.


Koga S'Bien -> <to t'aehjae, not Pexil>

Lerak trPexil -> <aww>

Lerak trPexil -> <We had things so good S'Bien>

Koga S'Bien -> <luls. I'm a two timing Sbien eh >

Lerak trPexil -> <too late now S'Bien>

t’Rexan> Something we should know you two?


All these years and you are just finding out? Koga, I think Pexil will join you at your next beach-tall drink combo vacation. The private beach.

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