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Na trip to the beach (cross posted to Republic)

Joint log by tr'Vatrix and t'Rexan (t'Vatrix) - cross posted to


L’haiy was sitting back on the chair, relaxing and organizing some holovids that they had taken on their river excursion and camping expedition. She had na been so relaxed in so long and had barely even thought of the ship while she was gone, having such a good time with Varlon. But upon returning to the ship, they had na been aboard dev siuren, before they were notified that tr’Vatrix had an urgent priority one message incoming, for his eyes only. She did na wish to put him in a tight spot by prying into his business, so decided to organize the trip files instead. However, she did occasionally glance over to the man across the room, rubbing his brow with one hand, the other pulling up other information on his 2nd terminal.


tr’Vatrix sat at the terminal, having just read the missive from the Fvillha, shaking his head in disbelief. All he had wanted had been a few quiet weeks away with his new bondmate, and here he receives a message that he must send her on a mission. A mission, however, that could hopefully prevent a war from breaking out, but as she was off her ship, he was to see she got to the location himself aboard Teronix.


It was na secret that they had incurred heavy losses during the Dominion War, much from the betrayal of the Cardassians, but in the final battles as well. At least the uneasy truce between the Lloannen’galae, which included those Kllinhannsu fvai, that had given them these years to work on rebuilding the fleet, but there were still spots that were of concern. One of those was Dumok’azen, where Talon had been dispatched, as well as the systems beyond it in the Othan and Markomen Sectors.


They had completed this portion of their trip, and were on the way to the beach portion of their time off together, as he had promised her, but now he had to tell her she was needed, requested by the Fvillha for this mission personally. She was going to be disappointed, and the last thing he wanted to do now that he knew she was carrying their son, was to send her on a mission. At least, it was only to be a diplomatic mission, from what he had been told, and only because she had met the other that they would be meeting back during the Dominion Wars. Some sort of ‘mutual respect’ between adversaries. He had even seen the holopicture on her desk in her office. She, two other Rihannsu officers and 4 others Lloannen’galae officers that had worked together during the final battle and had each helped the other out of tight spots. This holopicture, is why she had been chosen for this mission. It seemed that the Lloannen’galae’s request for a meeting, was to be between she, and io of those other officers in the holo.


Getting up from the chair, he crossed over to her, sat beside her and wrapped his arms around her, “How is the organization going?”


“Better now, that I don’t have to keep glancing across the room at you, and that worried look on your face. It’s going well, but it’s na complete. I want to save room for what we take at the ocean resort, I am so looking forward to that,” L’haiy rested her head on his shoulder. “I hope that au do na have too much more work to do while we’re away like this. Au need to relax more yourself.”


“I’m afraid I have some bad news to give au. There was an incident a few months back now, before we departed, that I was called to speak with the Fvillha about. Io of our ambassadors, was murdered aboard a Lloannen’galae station, Camelot they call it, and we were demanding answers. The Lloannen’galae ambassador to ch’Rihan was called in to answer directly to the Fvillha, while several others of us were present to also hear the response. That same Ambassador, has now come back to the Fvillha, with news that the head of Lloannen’galae feels may be related.”


“Perhaps au should na tell me this, I would na expect au to divulge secrets, just because we were bondmates. I understand the need for secrecy.”


Varlon pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head, “This is why I jol au so much. Au do na press when others might. Na, I am able to tell au this, because…..Fvadt, I hate to do this, but au have been requested for a mission. And I am to deliver au there with the Teronix.”


“A mission? But the Talon is already on a mission. And we are away on our So’Rdaz, could na someone else handle this matter?” she looked up at him, seeing the frustration on his face as well.


“I’m afraid na. It seems, that au were personally requested by the Lloannen.”


“Me, I have na to do with them, I hope au know my loyalty to the Empire.”


“Ie, we do. And I do. Na, it was requested by the Lloannen’galae officers that had worked with au during the Dominion Wars. I believe au have a holopicture hrrau au office of some of them standing with au?” he brushed her hair back over her eartip.


“I see, but why now? And how long will this be. I will na have to go with them do I?”


“Because with the loss of io ambassador, another is wary of heading into their space, and evidently, the officer they are sending to speak with au, is io they trust, and who trusts au. The issue that our ambassador, and it seems theirs as well, has been a matter that Galae has been looking into as well, dealing with an illegal weapons trade, and thus why we want io of our own to handle. And na, it is only a meeting, at the neutral zone, au will return to Teronix immediately afterward.”


“Who is this Lloannen?” narrowing her eyes with distrust of these Lloannen that would put her into a possible bad light, and cut short her So’Rdaz.


“A Khre’Riov’ t’Blu’rox.”


“Ie, I do remember that io. Strange creature, I almost shot her for presuming to talk to me, as I first thought her some sort of animal, however, she is very straightforward, and intelligent for io of those creatures they call Katian. She said she would cover our flank, and she did, at risk to her own vessel.”


“So au will meet with this Katian?” tr’Vatrix looked at her, knowing already what her answer would be.


“As I have been ordered by the Fvillha, it seems I must. As au must deliver me as well per orders. It seems,” taking a moment to close the holomatrix she had been working on, “That this will have to wait for another time. If au would brief me upon the murdered ambassador, and on what au know of this mission, I await my order Rekkhai.”


“L’haiy, I…..you’re right. Let me brief au on this first, but then we’ll have dinner afterwards. But na Rekkhai at dinner, ie?


He taps his t’Liss, “Oira, take us to the following coordinates, Neutral Zone and hold position when we arrive. tr’Vatrix ta’khoi.”

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