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Going down

The sewer.  Hmm, those two words are still ringing in Seiben's head since Jaruq informed them that they -- being Seiben, Jaruq, Light, Black and possibly the Trill, Lo'Ami, are to try to gain entrance into the Water Reclamation Centre via the colony's underground sewer system.  Oh, man. Seiben thinks, who knows what is in there? Actually.. no, I don't want to know what's in there, though I probably will able to tell just by smelling.  Well, at least Seiben is not alone. Though he hasn't spoken to anyone yet, he sees frowns on the faces of Ensign Light and Lieutenant Black. Obviouslly, they're not looking forward to this part of the mission yet either.  Not that he blames them.. I'm sure Jaruq isn't too pleased about wading in.. uhh.... leavings and other stuff... even though it was his idea. Seiben prays to God, Jaruq or one of the others brought a bio suit or something for them to wear. Seiben thinks.  "They'd better, or I'll steal one from the Medical Team, by golly". Seiben says aloud. He looks up, to see if anyone heard him.  But noone did, as Seiben was sitting on the curb away from the others.  Gotta watch what I say. Seiben thinks, and takes a drink of water (from the Arcadia) in his cantine. Seiben hears someone call him, and he gets up and puts away his cantine, and mutters softly in German. "Ach du leiber! Die Dinge ich tun für Starfleet"  (The things I do for Starfleet!)

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