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Talon Tidbits 12.16.2010

M_K_tKsa -> Are au going to whisk the Khre'Riov off tonight?

Var’lon -> I do that every night.

M_K_tKsa -> Ie, but I meant away from the ship for a bit :)

Var’lon -> By the way... I demand a reroll on that 10%...

Var’lon -> Completely unrealistic!!

KhreRiovtRex -> ::Blushes!!::

M_K_tKsa -> Nope. Sorry. What's done is done.

Var’lon -> We'll just have to generate a new roll situation.

t’Rexan> eep! Na fahd!!



Koga S'Bien -> All that's missing is Dakkie I think.

KhreRiovtRex -> Hope he shows, Var’lon's still wanting to make trValdrin the acting CO

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> I hope he *doesn't* show. It would save me the trouble of pushing him out of an airlock.



Koga S'Bien -> ::steps off the oira, ready for the beginning of his ###### on the oira;:

Koga S'Bien -> <craf.. SHIFT>

Lerak trPexil -> < first tidbits >

Koga S'Bien -> <so going in the tidbits>

t’Rexan> and there you have it…



NDak -> ::on the Oira, sitting in his chair, yes his chair, approving paper work::

KhreRiovtRex -> <<Not your chair yet, and the crew don't know yet either>

NDak -> ::Details, details::

t’Rexan> uh huh…….



Koga S'Bien -> ::monitors the transport:: Kh'Reio t'Rex has just beamed aboard.

Koga S'Bien -> <can't spell tonight (understatement) >

t’Rexan> oh Elements, it’s spreading…



KhreRiovtRex -> Well, ultimately, it's 'your' ship......DaiseKhre'Riov....

Var’lon -> Nay... as I said before... it's your ship. I may give YOU orders, but the ship is yours. :::grins:::

t’Rexan> So basically, I get the car, but he wears the pants and provides the gas money!



NDak -> ::Looks back to the ISD he was working on:: I assume au were able to find au quarters?

NDak -> ::Quarters he'd double bugged::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::Quarters he'd swept for bugs twice over and twice again. Nods to N'Dak, rounding to the command area:: Ie. I did. All settled in.

t’Rexan> Let’ the one-upping begin…



Lerak trPexil -> +Ditsy+ "I've bored myself in the mess, where are au currently?"

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> +Pexil+ In engineering. Au are in the mess? Again?

t’Rexan> or is that “in a mess again……”



Var’lon -> :::waits till they're alone again::: So are you ready to get away for a bit?

t’Rexan> Calgon…take me away!



Koga S'Bien -> ::engages thrusters and eases Talon out of her berth::

Koga S'Bien -> ::increases speed as they exit the berth::

t’Rexan> Trying not to envision that scene in Galaxy Quest….skreeeeechhhhh…..



KhreRiovtRex -> As long as I'm with au, ie. I'm nervous about leaving them, but they are all trained officers, I have to trust them sometime

t’Rexan> Just not sure this is the right time….



NDak -> ::Leans back in his chair::

NDak -> ::His chair::

t’Rexan> Excuse me….my chair.


NDak -> ::Takes a deep breath as the Talon lurched forward::

t’Rexan> Who’s driving this thing!? No lurching!



Lerak trPexil -> :: to engineering at large :: "Even this is a short trip, everyone at their stations."

t’Rexan> So was the USS Minnow……..3 hour tour….



tAehjae -> :: closes her console na wishing the information on Kelton to leak out and heads for the Observation lounge::

t’Rexan> Ie, I want to know who ‘did’ leak the information on Kelton though…



NDak -> ::Valdrin:: It's not as if the command structure of this vessel has ever been stable.

KhreRiovtRex -> <co'S been stable enough the last 13 years!>

NDak -> << define "stable" >>

M_K_tKsa -> ((No comment. That said it all))

t’Rexan> Grrrr!!!



Var’lon -> <<Now... no letting the cat out of bag yet!>>

Var’lon -> <<Sheesh.... worse than a bunch of old women gossiping....>>

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> (( You've got the XO in the CO seat and a virtual stranger in the XO seat and CO in the RR with head of Galae --- I think the bridge crew knows something is "up" ))

t’Rexan> perhaps?



Var’lon -> ACTION>> It's been 12 minutes....

KhreRiovtRex -> ::Walks over to Var'lon, straightens his tunic, and stands on her toes to give him a brief kiss::

t’Rexan> Knows how to make good use of 12 minutes



M_K_tKsa -> But na io will have engraved plaque for theirs like au's, N'Dak.

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::folloing N'Dak into the lounge, he smirks again:: I understand the stasis units here are widely used.

t’Rexan> Understatement!!



Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> Do au know that au received an order to report to the observation lounge? ::She turned to Pexil.::

t’Rexan> Good thing Pexil’s gotten himself an answering service…



KhreRiovtRex -> ::enters and looks at the crew, hoping they stap to Vae'drae quick enough as the Daise'Khre'Riov enters with her::

M_K_tKsa -> ::stands and slides to vae'drae gracefully:: (:P)

Koga S'Bien -> ::staps to::

Koga S'Bien -> snap

t’Rexan> Smart alec!



KhreRiovtRex -> She's been detailed on a special assignment for the time being.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> (Au might even call it a suicide mission.)

Laehval tTemarr -> (( ::beep:: ))

Laehval tTemarr -> (( ::beep:: ))



Var’lon -> With some of the recent changes to the ship... I've decided to make a few changes to crew personnel.

t’Rexan> A few!?



Lerak trPexil -> :: realizes he left t'Ditsy in charge ::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Totally doing nothing except sitting on her butt::



NDak -> ::Was also still wearing the rank sash of a Daise'Erei'Riov::

Koga S'Bien -> ::regarding N'Dak's sash, wondering when that happened::

NDak -> << I've been Daise'Erei'Riov for a while >>

Koga S'Bien -> <lol, of course. Duhh>

Koga S'Bien -> <no more beer for Koga lol >

tAehjae -> <<LOL so THATS the trouble >>



Var’lon -> Effective immediately Daise'Erei'Riov N'Dak is elevated to the position of Enarrain.

tAehjae -> :: eyes widen a bit and looks between t’Rex, Var’lon and NDak::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::shoots a look at Destorie::

Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at Var’lon, then at N'Dak::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::still glancing over the crew for their reactions, focuses on Sar'vek for several long moments, staring at her::

M_K_tKsa -> ::curious to see what the crew's reaction to that announcement was, she leans back in her chair ever so slightly to see through her peripheral vision::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::looks toward the newcomer, suddenly putting two and two together::

t’Rexan> A whole lotta looking, glancing and looking going on here….



Var’lon -> Now that leaves an opening in the Executive Officer position.

Lerak trPexil -> :: knows that post would NA be his ::

t’Rexan> Good guess….



Varlon -> Now... I'm sure many of you are wondering why this sudden change of command is happening..... Your Enarrain has been temporarily "reassigned".

t’Rexan> And na, she’s na knocked up….Hann’yyo the Elements for that io….::sighs in relief from t’Ksa’s test.::



Varlon -> It's really a quite selfish reason really.... :::reaching into his box:::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::Selfish. Oh. This was going to be menkha.:::Maybe they were finally going to exterminate the clone.::::That would be "special".::

Varlon -> It's somewhat of an unusual assignment.... one she has volunteered for.

Varlon -> <<Willingly if you believe that...>>

Varlon -> During your next assignment, she and I will be celebrating our So'Rdaz.

t’Rexan> is really glad we didn’t’ bother inviting ya’ll to the reception!


Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::glances briefly to Varlon and t'Rexan, but is more interested in how the crew would react::

NDak -> ::Looks to the Daise'Khre'Riov, ::feels a wave of possible nausua wash over him::

NDak -> ::Hides his inner urges to roll his eyes, was for the moment pleased that he was going to have command of the ship::

t’Rexan> Na quite the reaction we were going for….


Varlon -> Before we can get to the really fun part of that however.... we need your help.

NDak -> ::Nearly looses his lunch at the "fun part of that one" comment::

t’Rexan> thwaps NDak


Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::stares again:::stands, barely able to contain herself::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> If... au will excuse me. I thought this was to be a mission briefing. Na a... a circus for au and au's jol.

NDak -> ::Blinks::

Varlon -> I would be honored if all of you would bear witness to our bonding... joining ceremony.

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::his gaze snaps to Sar'vek and narrows slightly::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::with great effort, unclenches her fist, gives a look at the little lovebirds::

M_K_tKsa -> ::rasies a brow, wondering how t'Rexan feels about such a public display::

NDak -> ::blinks repeatedly::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::utterly infuriated by such a display on duty, from Khre'Riovs::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::glances at N'Dak and tr'Valdrin:: If I might be excused. Rekkhais.

NDak -> ::Not even sure what to say::

Koga S'Bien -> ::Glances at Sarvek::

Lerak trPexil -> :: turns at t'jhiin's words ::

Varlon -> :::grins sheepishly::: Due to circumstances beyond our control..... we ...

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> It seems that this... briefing... is over.

Varlon -> :::pauses and glances to tr'Valdrin::: I'm not finished yet. I don't remember dismissing anyone. :::eyes turn cold for a moment:::

t’Rexan> And to think, we did this on the ship to avoid such a display on the planet!



KhreRiovtRex -> Perhaps, the crew does na share our enthusiasm for such union. Perhaps they were to fond of the latinum they were recently awarded.

::glowering at most of those there:::now embarrassed by her crew and going to have to explain to him again later why she insisted on keeping them around::

t’Rexan> So much for rainbows and glitter and gummy bears.....be prepared for fire and brimstone and brussel sprouts



NDak -> ::Wondering if he could just yy'a himself and get it over with h'nah and spare himself further trouble::

t’Rexan> It might be easier at this point…



Varlon -> Circumstances beyond our control prohibited us from being able to have our families here to join the ceremony. However she has always considered you her family as well. I was hoping all of you would share our joy.... while I can see that not EVERYONE does, I certainly hope that most of you will join us in this moment of our lives.

NDak -> ::Nods:: We are of course honored to play host to au bonding ceremonies.

KhreRiovtRex -> I had hoped au would have been supportive, but evidently I was wrong. ::again surprised at this in front of the crew, but figures to Areinnye with them, how could she have been so wrong about her crew, now convinced that she should have let him get rid of each and every one of them, except possibly tKsa::

t’Rexan> yea, so I hope you feel bad now…..



NDak -> ::Doing damage control like mad::

t’Rexan> too late…



Varlon -> :::turns to tRexan::: L'haiy ira-Kallen t'Rexan... you mean more to me than anyone in the universe. You are my sun rise and sunset and my world revolves around you. I give to you all that I have... my wealth, my life... my soul. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with you at my side.

NDak -> ::Silently wondering if those days could be shortened::

t’Rexan> OMG, he’s still plotting against me!

NDak -> ::And is firmly convinced that this was a bad idea::

t’Rexan> You would have thought he’s have thought it a good idea, as she’d leave the ship, and he’s have it as his!



Lerak trPexil -> :: Can't wait to tell t'Ditsy about this, especially on how Sar'vek took all this ::

t’Rexan> Troublemaker!



Varlon -> <<The first one of you to try and throw something however will not be happy. lol>>

M_K_tKsa -> ::polite clapping, making several mental notes about the situation::

Koga S'Bien -> <<I'm lucky I ran out of rice then lol>>

t’Rexan> Elements….DO NA give t’Ksa the empty bowl!!



Varlon -> :::leans over and whispers to him::: Don't get to comfortable in that chair son. This is temporary. She'll be back. Pauses a moment::: And remember... I put you in that chair... if you so much as blink the wrong way, I can pull you right back out of it.

t’Rexan> See, I told you it was ‘my chair’.



KhreRiovtRex -> :Turns to NDak:: I'm leaving my spoons here, I'll be back for them. ::: angrily leaves the room::

t’Rexan> Make sure you dust them….



Varlon -> Wow... talk about some drama. I know I said family... I did not realize how disfunctional.

M_K_tKsa -> Ya kinda sprung that on them. Need to give the kids some time to get used to the idea.

KhreRiovtRex -> <man, she's not going to be happy at all when she 'does' return. You finally get her in a good mood, and waste it!! lol

Koga S'Bien -> IT's always one person that has to spoil the party lol

NDak -> Des thinks he should just kill himself now and get it over with.



M_K_tKsa -> Ksa's making a mental note not to repeat the same mistakes.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::pokes up from where he ended up lurking in the peanut gallery:: jolan tru, all, and congratulations. i think. :)

t’Rexan> coward, hiding up there!!



KhreRiovtRex -> ::waves to Kelton:: Just think, soon, when you're released, you might find a package that's been left for you

M_K_tKsa -> and we'll have to start aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall over again

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::twitchtwitchtwitch::

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