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Personnel and Personal Changes (In 10 Suiren or Less)

Personnel and Personal Changes (In 10 Suiren or Less)

Khre'Riov t'Rexan & Daise'Maenak t'Ksa


t'Rexan turned after watching Kavek re-enter N'Dak's office and the door closing, she didn't have a really good feeling about that, and really hoped that N'Dak would not throw the new promotion into Kavek's face either. Var'lon had not been too enthusiastic about her planning to do so, and she had warmed Kavek as well, but from a negotiations standpoint, she needed someone with an Enarrain's rank at the center. Worse yet, she knew it should be her. The ship's new systems had yet to be tested and this could turn into a very ugly situation on the planet, or if the Klin'hannsu were somehow involved in this.....


She shook her head and turned to head down towards the lift, as she needed to go talk to the Daise Maenak. She was uncertain how she would take the news that she had been passed over for the position. She deserved it, Elements she did, and the ceremony just the other day proved it, but L'haiy also knew she was more comfortable in the medical bay. If this turned into something ugly, she would be needed there.


Entering the lift, she indicated her deck as the doors closed and momentarily, they reopened, revealing the familiar path towards where the maenak's dwelled. It was na one of her favorite places on the ship to be certain.


The last time she had seen Morgana, the woman had looked half ill, and had threatened to have left her in stasis next time for the events of the surprise ceremony. Though, L'haiy had enjoyed speaking with her parents. Much more so than her visit to t'Temarr's home, these were honest well rounded people, very proud of their daughter’s accomplishments. However, Morgana had na been kidding about her rinam's and being a bit on the nosey side.


Shaking her head, she decided she had best do this h'nah and get it over with. The woman was either angry with her or na. She stepped through the doors which opened for her and looked around for t'Ksa.


t'Culli, returning to her station at the door after performing some duties for the Daise’Maenak as she cared for tr’Radaik, spied the Khre'Riov's entrance into medical. "Jolan tru,


Nodding an acknowledgement to the nurse, t’Rexan addressed her, "Jolan tru Dishern t'Culli. Would the Daise Maenak fahd or available?"


t'Culli nodded in the direction she left the daise'maenak. "She's in the dispensary. Shall I get her for au?"


"Fhaen, but only if she has time to see me. If she is busy, I can schedule another time to speak with her."


t'Culli nodded, disappearing from view. After a moment or two, both t'Culli and t'Ksa returned. "Make sure he gets io dose now. And let the two of them know I'll be back in a few suiren." Morgana nodded to t'Culli, who headed back towards the private suites. "t'Rexan," Morgana smiled and nodded. "Come, let's go to my office, ie?"


Nodding in return to the Daise Maenak, she turned and followed her to the office, not quite sure how to take that greeting. Normally she would get either her rank, or lhhei from her in public, but na just ‘t'Rexan’. She noted to herself to proceed with caution here.


t’Ksa waited for the door to close, and then folded her arms across her chest in a defensive posture, waiting for the next ‘surprise’ t’Rexan would throw her way. "To what do I owe this honor? Are au feeling well?"


“Ie, I find myself well. I have come to speak with au on some urgent ships business however," L’haiy was not really sure how to take the Maenak's stance or tone of voice. Having to guess, she was either still unhappy with L’haiy over the ceremony or for speaking to tr'Aieme if he had mentioned any of their conversation to t’Ksa, or both.


Relaxing a bit, t’Ksa moved to her desk chair, motioning to the chair across way for t'Rexan. "Menkha. I was afraid au were coming in to tell me someone tried to y'ya au again."


Seeing Morgana moving to sit, she herself moved to the chair that was offered and sat as well, "I could only think of about half a dozen who might like to at this time, but only really one that I was a bit worried about coming down here."


"Someone in my department?" Frowning, Morgana sat forward. She was going through a mental checklist of all her staff and which ones who'd be shady enough to carry out such an attempt. No io was coming to mind, which was alarming in itself.


Crossing her arms as well, t’Rexan slowly motioned towards Morgana with her finger and a wry grin.


"Me? What do au mean, me?"


"Ah, so au are na longer angry with me over the festivities? Menkha. I had wagered with au parents au would na speak to me for weeks."


"Oh, ‘that’. I was na happy I was ambushed by the lot of au." Scowling at t'Rexan, "But I can hardly be angry at au for that. For trying to meddle in my jol life on the other hand...." She let the sentence trail off, giving her the look she favored with misbehaving patients.


L'haiy broke into a big grin, "Now, now...au needed Maec at that ceremony. I think au would have passed out had au not had someone to focus upon." t’Rexan stopped short of continuing just yet, unsure of how much of t’Rexan other conversation had been shared, but assuming all of it from the look she had just

earned. Leaning back, t'Rexan actually looked pretty pleased with herself.


Taking a deep sigh, "What in the Elements am I going to do with au?" She leaned back in her chair. "Au are worse than Lannisal. At least she does na have such a one track mind."


"Well, that is partially why I am fahd. I wanted to let au know, that au will be getting a reprieve from na only me, but my 'meddling'. I will be leaving the Talon for some time, and have just notified N'Dak that shortly he will be named acting Enarrain of this vessel. Well, actually I just promoted him to Enarrain as well, but I do plan to one day return."


“It is this however that brings me to speak with au. I know that au are the Talon's second officer, and in this instance, should be move up to take the position of First Officer of this vessel for the length of this mission, however; in light that we're expecting to possibly need au more hrrau medical, tr'Vatrix and I thought it better to bring on another First Officer, and allow au to remain as 2XO and hrrau medical. This by all means does na reflect upon au abilities. The awards au were just given show just that, and I would trust au to always take on this responsibility, but there are other issues at hand as well. I wanted to inform au of this decision before we notified the crew of the personnel changes. Au do have the right to file a protest with Galae should au feel the need.”


"Wait, au are leaving the ship?"


"I am," t’Rexan passed over an ISD with which she had pulled up the information on the new First Officer. "The new First Officer will be coming down to meet with au as well shortly, once he has finished speaking with N'Dak. I will warn au, don't let them use au to play sides. They are old rivals, from houses that are even larger and older rivals. I've warned them both that they 'are' to work it out, end of story." She pushed the ISD across to her with Daise'Erei'Riov Kavek tr'Valdrin, bio on it, still avoiding answering t'Ksa 's question further. “I'm sure if au have na heard of him, au have of his father, Deihu Chavek tr'Valdrin, io of the most powerful men hrrau the government. He has the Fvillah’s ear and is a strong supporter of Galae."


"And how confident are au that this new io can handle the job?" She asked, skimming the bio for a moment. Her eyebrows rose when she saw the holopic ID.


"tr'Vatrix himself assigned him, that tells me enough."


"As au wish, rekkhai." She nodded, setting the ISD down on her desk. "How long can we expect this arrangement to be in place?"


Just as quickly as she had put that grin on, it faded, "Unknown, but it will be for at least the length of au upcoming mission."


"What's wrong?" Morgana raised a brow.


"Nothing, I had just thought I'd be back from my personal business before the ship was assigned a mission. I had assumed it would go through a period of testing first, but there is an urgent matter taking place along the neutral zone, and Talon's being dispatched. Testing will have to take place on the way to Dumok'azen."


Having a hard time taking the whole story in, Morgana decided to review what she thought she’d heard so far, "Let me recap here. Au are going to leave the ship, temporarily hopefully. Au promoted N'Dak to Enarrain and have assigned him mission Enarrain. Au are skipping me and appointing a First Officer from outsider our ranks. Ie?" She paused, and if t’Rexan was wondering how the Daise’Maenak would react, now was the time."I do na know if I should badger au about au's personal business like au do me. Or hug au for na making me XO." She held up a hand. "Not that I would na be honored if au did, and I would na mind helping N'Dak but I have my hands full here at the moment."


She sat back, rested her elbows on the arms of the chair, steeled her fingers together, and tapped them to her pursed lips a moment before continuing, "As for my leaving the ship, I had told au hrrau the park the other day, when au disapproved of the union. I believe if it were solely up to him, I would na be returning to the ship at all, but he's given me that choice. Well, before this mission suddenly came up that is. We will be off celebrating our So'Rdaz and he felt the crew could handle this minor incident and allow us some time off together." t’Rexan stared right at Morgana, "And ie, I spoke with au tr'Aieme just the other day about doing the right thing and pinning au down as well. He's put au off for much too long. Everyone at the celebration, save for au family that knew otherwise, everyone thought that the two of au were already bonded. It's a natural fit, everyone sees it."


Morgana opened her mouth to make a remark, and then shut it again. Giving herself a few seconds to think better of her response she tried again. "It is na that I do na approve, L'haiy. It was that it was sudden and I wanted to make sure au had fully thought about it. If au are happy, then I am happy for au." t’Ksa quite deliberately na speaking of t’Rexan’s other meddling nature. Morgana had always kept her jol life very quiet in light of what had happened in the past to other suitors, she was na inclined to break that silence at the moment.


"You were going to say something else there, that was na your first thought. What were you going to say Morgana? I'm na so sure au are as happy for me as au say."


"That I'm sorry if I gave au that impression. I did na mean to offend au." She paused, making a face, deciding to be truthful. "That and....trying to figure out a tactful way to tell au to butt out of my jol life."


"Na so much offended, but perhaps a little hurt, that the only person I could share my new happiness with, disapproved of it. As for au and Maec, I've said all that I could say to both of au on that point, if au both do na see it, then there is na I can do to help the two of au. "


"How many times do I need to tell au I do na disapprove, only that I was worried it was a bit sudden. Elements woman." Being slightly on the dramatic side due to lack of sleep, she laid her head on her desk. "By fire, what would make au happy?" She looked up again.


"Tell me what's got au so stressed down here for a start. N'Dak had mentioned something was amiss with one of your dishern. And," her face suddenly became a bit dark and angry remembering Laehval's mother, "We need to discuss the matter of a certain engineer, which I want au to look in on, before the ship is ready to leave on this mission."


“It's tr'Radiak." She frowned. "While on shoreleave, he may have engaged in some highly questionable activities. He was found the other day under the influence of a highly addictive and rather expensive designer drug - defloxso. Ever heard of it?"


"I've seen reports of it in briefings, popular with those with the latinum to pay for it, and not caring what it does to their minds. We do na need that here, have him transferred off the ship immediately and requisition auself new medical staff before we go. With au commendations, right now au can pretty much get whatever au wish from Galae Medical."


"I....I want to keep him here, L'haiy and see if can help him. Galae Medical will na treat him so much as disabuse him for one incident. It will ruin his career. And..." she shook her head. "...there is something about this that seems wrong. It is out of his character and his story...I do na know. There are inconsistencies, ie, but..." she stood, pacing a bit, truly troubled by the incident.


"I've come to learn to trust your intuition, well, with the one exception we were discussing a moment ago, I can tell au that au are wrong on that count, but if au wish to look further into it, then so be it. But au will have to also persuade the new first officer. He may have none of it. tr’Radiak is your officer, he's your problem. With regards to our other problem with a certain engineer, that incident, has taught me about jumping to conclusions. If au need me to write orders for au to be the only one making decisions on this one's treatment, I can do that for au now." She picks up her ISD, and quickly starting to tap out the orders.


“I can handle it, t'Rexan. But hann'yyo for the offer."


t’Rexan paused, "Au are sure?"


"Ie," She nodded. "He's my officer. My problem. And I will defend it on my own. Or he'll find the business end of io of my rusty scalpels." She smirked.


Shrugging, she tossed the ISD back on the desk, "If that is what au want. As for the other matter I do na know how much tr'N'dak or tr'Aieme has told au about Laehval, but it is na menkha at all. She will have a long hard road back, partially as it seems she has na will to live at the moment, and she lost much blood before she was found. Sound familiar? However, she will na have the benefit of nanogenes to help her with her recovery. I’ve just sent au all the pertinent files on her as well, fhaen brief yourself on them. Should she recover physically, she will have a long way adjusting mentally as well. I've come to understand her now, and know that my previous approach to her was,” Pausing a siuren, “flawed, for lack of a better term. However after dealing with the miserable excuse she has for a family, I'm seeing to her recovery myself. Should she show improvement and stabilizes, I am having her moved to a better facility, but on ch'Havran, where she can get some quiet rest away from prying eyes.”


"tr’Aieme has told me nothing. N'Dak just gave me a brief statement. He said we were keeping this quiet, so I have said nothing to the others. I assume au have a maenak or re in mind to help?"


"It's been quietly arranged for at Galae, and I've asked tr'Aieme to be involved as well."


"I wish au menkha luck. It sounds like au have a lot on au's plate with her."


"I still would like au to look in on her before the ship departs hrrau a few days. I would consider it a personal favor."


"As au wish," she nodded formally.


t'Rexan looked across at t'Ksa, noting her cool reaction and somewhat surprised, she had thought the two of them had been fairly close friends at one point, and wondered what had happened between the two of them.


"Do we know when we're to depart?" She paused. "And when will au be making these announcements with the crew."


"All I know is 'shortly', Var'lon kept telling me he was planning on surprising me, but with the urgency of the mission, I'd say in the next few days, as soon as we get the rest of the supplies aboard and the preliminary testing of the new systems. I believe he intends on making the announcements here aboard the Talon, to prevent others groundside from trying to 'dissuade' us of our plans. He felt we could trust the crew to support us. Then again, anyone na, may find themselves inspecting the open side of an airlock."


"As for my personal matter, we've already prepared and exchanged our paperwork, and they only need to be signed in front of the right officials.”


"Congratulations." She smiled. t’Ksa was choosing her words carefully now, na wanting to give t’Rexan the wrong impression.


L'haiy only nodded solemnly at t'Ksa, still na convinced that she meant what she said, "As my family will be unable to attend, I had wondered if I could ask au to stand with me, but perhaps we should just forgo that part of the ceremony. I do na wish to bother au."


"L'haiy, I'd be happy to, if au wish me there."


"I have io other small request of au as well Morgana, something very personal, if I may?"


"What is it?" She tilted her head.


She reached over and picked up the ISD again, keyed up a request that she was going to send to the maenak, and passed it across the desk to her. "Just would like to take some precaution, as those nanogenes seemed to refresh the rest of me, I'm a bit worried about this as well,” blushing a dark shade of green.


"Oh that would be just what we needed, wouldn't it?" She laughed softly. "Come on, let's do a quick scan, then we'll get that taken care of, ie?"


Sighing in relief, "Hann'yyo, I appreciate au discretion. It's something I've na had to worry about the last 40 years and well, it seems I've been trying to make up for those 40 years in just the last few weeks alone.” She stood and followed Morgana out to one of the small examination rooms which was a bit more private than the Daise Maenak’s office.

Edited by m_k_tksa

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