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In Knots, Part 1

((The following is more for my amusement as I play with my characters. It really doesn't do much to further any plots, except to keep t'Ksa from y'ya in fvai who gave Kelton his drugs....yet :D))

In Knots, Part 1

Maenak Morgana t'Ksa & Kheinsa Maec tr'Aieme


There was that long russet plait again. That austere cord bound by a simple engraved clasp that had vexed him all through the Phi’lasasam. Densely woven strands draping in a thick straight rope down past the nap of the neck to the center of the spine. The tail ends not captured by the clasped curling just so, defying the order imposed by the braid above. Now, as was back then, his fingers itched to unbind those tight knots one by one until he set the strands free, silk, wavy, cool…


And this was usually the point where he’d get himself into trouble in the past as his imagination would instigate action and he’d tug on that braid to get t’Ksa’s attention in class. If instructor wouldn’t catch him, t’Ksa would flick her writing stylus against his hand in such a way that it left a bruise that wouldn’t fade for a week.


Today, he wisely stayed at the door, watching the Daise’Maenak so engrossed in her work that she was na aware of his presence until he cleared his throat.


“Just set it over there, Aife,” She flicked her wrist in the vague direction of her desk, not bothering to turn from the etrehh console to see who had disturbed her.


This brought a broad smile to Maec’s face, “Au’s mother is blaming me for au’s hasty departure, Khera. She claims au are hiding from au’s family after the public spectacle yesterday. I’m beginning to think she’s right.”


He watched as Morgana’s whole body jerked, jumping up as she recognized his voice, her fingers skittering over the sensor pad. “How did au get here?” She asked bluntly.


“Transporter.” Maec answered simply, smirking. Obviously na the answer t’Ksa wished to hear, she narrowed her eyes in an expression that clearly spoke volumes about her mood. He smiled, trying to soften that edge with his voice. “Let’s just say I have friends in high places, ie?”


“Is that a polite way of saying a pushy meddling Khre’Riov gave au clearance to be on the ship?”




“Favdt.” She sighed heavily.


“That was na exactly the reaction I was hoping for.” Maec raised his brows. He’d hoped she’d be happy about his visit. Perhaps he should push for finalization of the agreement, if just to--


His thought derailed as she crossed the room, wrapped her arms around him and embraced him. “I’m sorry, it’s na au,” He could feel tension until the moment she changed positions so she could rest her head on his shoulder. He hoped to linger like this, his cheek pressed against the top of her head. “I am just……” She sighed again as he rubbed her back. “Never mind….I’m surprised to see au here.” Regretfully, she leaned away. Luckily the smile on her face more than made up for it. “I thought au prone to space sickness? Have au been teasing me?” She thwaped his shoulder lightly.


Maec shrugged, “Na, just good luck. The ship is docked and my good friends at Galae Medical have good medications.” He was immediately puzzled by her reaction to his statement. She tensed again, and while the smile did na fade from her face, the light did leave her eyes. What was that all about?


“It is nice to see au here,” She pulled completely away, motioning to the door. “Would au like a tour?”


“Ie, I’d like that.”


“Well, then, follow me.” She led him out into main medical, pointing out each individual station. They made the circuit of the other stations with in medical: surgery, recovery, dispensary, therapy, triage, etc. etc. She made a vague motion towards a hallway where the private and isolation suites were before heading down yet another corridor of smaller office suites. The first io holding an electrical chair contraption.


“Now this has been here longer than I have. It’s in excellent working condition as well.”


Maec examined the antiquated interrogation device, finding a bit of dried blood on the back. Machines like had long since fallen out of fashion with the new maenakenn who favored other less barbaric, less messy and less bulky means to accomplish their goals. In Maec’s assessment, this also seemed a bit too twisted to be in t’Ksa’s nature. Yet, here they stood next to a working torture device. Maybe he was wrong? “Have au used it?” Maec glanced from the chair to the maenak standing by his side.


“Ie.” Morgana answered, smirking.


Just as Maec opened his mouth to protest the use of such a device, he caught t’Ksa’s slight hand signal, asking him to wait for a moment. Then he heard the foot steps and saw out of the corner of his eye io of t’Ksa’s staff members slink past the door. The satisfied smirk faded into a mischievous grin as she held a finger to her mouth as a signal to remain quiet, then motioned to him to crouch down behind the chair with her.


This time, her voice was soft whisper as she shared her secret. “Ie, but na in the traditional sense.” She reached under the frame of the chair, then pulled out a small electrical box. Upon opening it, she continued to explain. “It has been it modified, see?” She showed him the circuit box and the safety measures engaged. “Io would have to re-engage the circuitry manually here before the chair could function again. This here and here control the voltage equipment, au have to know which switch and wires to connect to deliver any shocks. Aside from myself, only T’Neya and tr’Rike know about the safety device. Everyio else thinks it’s a working chair.” She closed the box again.


As she reached back up under the frame, she continued her whispered explanation. “I use it more as a veiled threat to those who intend to take of residence in medical for minor ailments. Or misbehaving disherns. The crew has been told that consequences for either offense may be a trip to the ‘chair’. Combined with the occasional false rumor that it’s been used recently, it works brilliantly as a deterrent. Of course I’ll have to start the fear factor all over again with replacement crew members for the next tour,” Morgana grinned wider, a mischievous glint in her eyes.


It was then he realized that this device was the maenak’s idea of a practical joke on her crew. Was there something wrong with him if he found it amusing as well? “And how do you au do circulate those rumors?”


She stood up, speaking much louder now. “Oh I have a dishern Engineer who maintains it for me.” She winked as she jerked her head back towards the door to indicate he should follow her. Outside, he could see io of her nurses milling about as she led him through more of the office space.


“What’s this io?” He looked into the door way of a room in the process of being repaired.


“It is supposed to be a kheinsa’s office, but we usually end up using it for storage instead.”




“We haven’t had a ship’s kheinsa for eons.”


Maec followed t’Ksa, casting one last glance at the room before turning to her. Now that was interesting. “Is that the Khre’Riov’s doing or au’s?” He asked innocently.


“More like Galae Medical.” She paused at the intersection of corridors between the private suites, main medical and office space. “I have been requesting io for years. But there are far less in au’s profession than there are of mine in the Galae. I often have to fulfill both roles as best I can. Although my results are na as…” she paused, her eyes drifting towards the private suites, she frowned. “…well, let’s just say I must engage in perpetual on the job training, ie?”


“What’s wrong?” He brushed his hand against her arm to focus on him and not the corridor.


“A patient.” She shook her head, and then began to lead him back to her office near the center of main medical. “He said some troubling things. I’m just trying to make sense of the situation.”


“Do au want me to talk with him?”


“Na, he’s sedated right now. He wouldn’t make much sense even if au did speak to him now,” She tried to smile, but it was na reflected in her eyes. What was she hiding? “I will let au know if I need assistance if necessary.”


“Are au sure?”


“Ie, ie.” She turned towards her office only to see two of her staff members heading in their direction. “If au will excuse me just io moment. Just stay right here.” She indicated her office. Once he nodded his agreement, she went to intercept the nurse and maenak.


While Morgana concentrated on consulting with the staff members, Maec stood at the doorway to her office trying na to concentrate on that favdt braid of hers. That, combined with thoughts of flirting during inappropriate situations vexed him. It had na been this bad in the Phi’lasasam. Then he’d wanted to just untangle that hair. Now he wanted to untangle more.


Fixate on something else, Rulon. His eyes leisurely skimmed from the bottom of her braid downward to her hip. Favdt. Not helping. He turned look away. It was then he felt a heavy tremble and heard a deep rumble through the bulkhead and floor decking. A generator or machinery of some sort? Repair work nearby? The other three medical staff members did na flinch, so either they did na notice or they were accustomed to the vibrations. When throbbing sensation intensified, so did Maec’s nausea. Suddenly he had more to worry about than controlling his fingers.

Edited by m_k_tksa

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