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Ens Garnoopy Duty Log Stardate 50211.22

=/\= Computer Begin Recording =/\=


Ensign Garnoopy Duty Log

Stardate 50211.22


Standing at tactical, on the bridge, I continued to monitor systems. Lt. Shamor entered the bridge from the turbolift, and I gave him a nod of recognition. He had just returned from seeing the Poy Ambassador off.


I informed the Commander that shields were raised and weapons powered as ordered. The Commander thanked me, and ordered me to continue my scans. Lt. Shamor walked over to the Captain and Commander, and informed them that he suspected the Poy Ambassador had been an android. This definitely drew my attention, for he pointed out that an android would feel no pain. Shamor pointed out that the Ambassador had felt no pain when he squeezed his arm, and I pointed out that him being an android would explain why he was not injured when I smashed my hand on his shoulder.


I pointed out that the transporters would have noted that he was an android, but he pointed out that if the Ambassador was more biological than mechanical, the transporter might not have noted the difference. Shamor pointed out that the Poy did set us up from the start.


At his point, I noted that there was an energy buildup in the Miji ship closest to us. I informed the Commander of this. He asked if I could adjust shields to help defend against their weapon, and I did so. Shamor inquired as to how the Miji could have weapons after the hits they took. I informed him that the Miji had rerouted power from all nonessential systems and other weapon systems to their main plasma torpedo tube. I pointed out that the energy readings on the damaged Miji ship were fluctuating, showing that they were heavily damaged.


I moved over to the right side of tactical for Shamor to take his place. Lt. Shamor was ordered to open hailing frequencies, and he did so. I inquired as to what Lt. Shamor thought the Miji could be up to, and he pointed out that with torpedoes and an engine, they could do a lot of things.


I noted that power levels on their ship were erratic, and that they were not in good shape, but that they still had power to their main plasma torpedo thingy.


Captain Fred sent a message to the Miji, saying that we wanted to help them. The Miji responded with a simply reply of “Accepted”. Not the friendliest thing, but a good sign none the less.


Captain Fred asked Lt. Shamor to have a full security guard escort present to beam over the Miji Ambassador. He did not want to have a security guard overpowered like the Poy Ambassador did.


I asked Lt. Shamor if I should accompany him, and he ordered me to stay at tactical. Captain Fred gave the conn to Ensign Vanroy, and left the room. I informed Ensign Vanroy that when we transported the Ambassador over, our shields would be down and we would be vulnerable.


The Miji sent a simple signal informing us that they were ready for transport. I informed Ensign Vanroy of this, and he ordered me to lower shields. I did so, and we transported aboard the Ambassador. I then brought the shields back up.


Ensign Vanroy inquired as to the status of the Miji ship, and I informed him that the Miji ship had not changed status, though some power had been taken out of their main weapon system.


That is where I remain, on the bridge, manning tactical.


=/\= Computer End Recording =/\=

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