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USS Republic Simlog

STSF_BluRox -> USS Republic Mission Briefing 101025: The Republic is still working through basic repairs to the saucer section, and a large scale EV is about to take place as many of our sensors have been damaged by the blast. Crewmen will EV and identify those locations which need repair first and foremost. As we are on limited power and using alot of battery power with the loss of the Stardrive section, we must also start conserving our power and resources. Hopefully our ships we sent for help will find someone soon.




Jameson Bardolph -> ::off trying to figure out where to store a whole bunch of Klingons ::

STSF_BluRox -> ::Waking up in sickbay having passes out a bit::

Joy -> :: Reviewing the scan results she took circling the saucer in the yacht. ::

LtCdrJohnson -> Ensign DeAngelo::exits his quarters towards engineering to get his repair kit::

Jameson Bardolph -> Qel> ::maybe still in sickbay::

Fiona Weber -> ::still in sickbay, recovering::

STSF_BluRox -> ::sits up, still feeling rather disoriented, but sees Fiona still across the room, and gets up and walks over to sit by her::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::in a somewhat heated conversation with the quartermaster, trying to get him to rearrange enough room to house the guests::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::scans the area::

STSF_BluRox -> ::pulls over a chair, and sits up by her head, watching her breathing in her sleep::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sleeping::

Joy -> :: looks to the Big Chair to see if there is any guidance to be had ::

LtCdrJohnson -> Ens DeAngelo::walks into the engineering section of the saucer section and grabs his kit::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Rolls over:: GRumbles:: Wiiiiiiiiill

LtCdrJohnson -> EnsDeAngelo::to BobO:: Lt Commander...am I correct am assuming that there is still work to be done on the ventral section?

August Jax Robinson -> BobO Where isn't there work to be done?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::throws a pillow at her:: Yes, your majesty?

Jameson Bardolph -> Quartermaster ::already in an understandably bad mood, has to be rather coaxed into putting the time in but finally begins working through the necessary logistics::

August Jax Robinson -> we should have been up a while ago

Jameson Bardolph -> ::leaves QM's office feeling a bit worn out::

STSF_BluRox -> ::reaches over and fixes her blankets, and brushes the hair out of her face::

Joy -> Any thoughts, Heather?

LtCdrJohnson -> noted, thank you??

LtCdrJohnson -> thank you

Joy -> Looks like sensors are high on the priority list, and we know a bit about sensors.

Heather Jamieson -> "A shower... oh oh the ship."

LtCmdrRobinson -> No, *I* should have been. You should be getting rest.

LtCdrJohnson -> Ens DeAngelo::to BobO:: Care to join me for a stroll sir? ::smirks::

Joy -> Pardon?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks at the view screen in contemplation::

Heather Jamieson -> "Does engineering need my assistance with an EVA?"

Jameson Bardolph -> +Will+ Bardolph to Robinson.

Heather Jamieson -> "Getting sensor damage map."

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Bardolph+ Go ahead.

Joy -> Well, they haven't asked for you in particular, but there is a call for those with EVA experience.

August Jax Robinson -> BobO no! your head could explode out there, you want your brain oozing out your eye sockets

Heather Jamieson -> "I don't have a great deal of experience." :: sighs ::

LtCdrJohnson -> EnsDeAngelo::to BobO:: Hence why they invented EVA suits sir

Joy -> Lots of burned out sensor components, but most of the sensor modules are pallets that can be swapped in and out.

Jameson Bardolph -> +Will+ Quarters for our latest guests are in the process of being arranged; should be finalized within the next few hours.

STSF_BluRox -> ::talking quietly to herself:: Damn, I hate that this type of thing keeps happening to my crew

Fiona Weber -> (test)

Jameson Bardolph -> ((pass))

STSF_BluRox -> pass

Joy -> Limited replicator use as well. I think we should bring in several pallets, swap parts to make a few good pallets, and replace.

LtCdrJohnson -> EnsDeAngelo::to BobO:: Well if you change your mind...I'll be outside

Ayumu Kasuga -> SOunds good.

Heather Jamieson -> "What is the status of the industrial replicator?"

Joy -> Functional, but they are conserving energy use.

August Jax Robinson -> what guests?

Fiona Weber -> ::starts to wake up a bit::

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Bardolph+ Understood, good work. ::pauses for a moment because he just gave the wife-stealer a compliment:: Let me know if we have any problems.

Joy -> I suspect they will be trying to actually fix stuff rather than reproduce new stuff.

Jameson Bardolph -> +Will+ ::a bit dryly:: You'll be the first to know. Any further orders for the moment?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Klingons, dear.

Joy -> Rather old fashioned, but it is either that or save energy by shutting down androids.

STSF_BluRox -> ::sees her stirring:: Shhh, Fiona...it's ok....You're safe now

Heather Jamieson -> "I'd play you on a nice bed for the duration."

LtCdrJohnson -> EnsDeAngelo::heads out of engineering to go and put his EVA suit on::

LtCmdrRobinson -> +bardolph+ Not if you need the down time, otherwise keep yourself busy.

Joy -> Don't tempt me.

Heather Jamieson -> er place, grr

Jameson Bardolph -> +Robinson+ ::chuckles:: Aye, sir.

STSF_BluRox -> uhm.....ok

Heather Jamieson -> long day with a 2 year old

Fiona Weber -> Wha... ::starts to roll over, then groans with the effort:: Am... oh, that's right, we're back on the ship.

August Jax Robinson -> (w) where are the boys?

STSF_BluRox -> Whoa....take it easy there. You just had some major work done on your back. Wait a second..let me call one of the nurses over to use that regenerator on you a moment..

Heather Jamieson -> "What sensors should we repair first, long range?"

LtCmdrRobinson -> Who? ::vacant expression::

STSF_BluRox -> ::motions ofr one of them to work on Fiona's back to ease the pain::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Oh....them. I thought you were watching them.

Fiona Weber -> ::grimaces, gritting her teeth against the pain:: Weren't you... concussed?

Joy -> Wouldn't be a bad first start... picking up ships and transmissions at a long distance is our need.

STSF_BluRox -> ::reaches down and takes Fiona's hand in her paw:: Feel free to squeeze it while they work, it might help.

Joy -> Complete coverage all around would be a worthy goal.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Thwapps::

Fiona Weber -> ::slightly suspicious of the kitteh::

STSF_BluRox -> Yes, I have a bit of a headache still. That's why I'm still down here myself. Seems I bounce my head off the bulkhead in the shuttle. At least that's what Barcode said

LtCmdrRobinson -> Relax, I'm kidding. They are still asleep thankfully

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs::

Fiona Weber -> I... ::paw-squeeze, slow exhale:: ... see. Shouldn't you be lying down?

Jameson Bardolph -> Qel ::busying himself with examining the Federation equipment in the med bay, just because he can::

LtCdrJohnson -> Ens DeAngelo+Jax+ Ensign DeAngelo to Jax, Ma'am, with your permission I'm going to continue work on the ventral section, try to get some of the sensor grid back up

August Jax Robinson -> There is a tone of EVA work to do, and I have to stay on the bench for all of it

Jameson Bardolph -> ::heads down to the cargo bay to inform the Klingons that they'll be getting better digs soon::

LtCmdrRobinson -> You sure you can’t go out there? It’s not like the kid is going to float away. Its kinda stuck in there.

Heather Jamieson -> :: making a repair priority list on a PADD ::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::as he waits for Jax's response he heads into a TL::

Joy -> Looks like engineering already has someone out there.

LtCdrJohnson -> Ventral Access port

Joy -> +Engineering+ Is there someone coordinating EVA schedule and priorities?

Heather Jamieson -> :: was really tired of her head buried in repairs ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Tapping console, monitoring the Engineering team's progress as they prepare to venture outside the ship::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::exits the TL and heads for one of the EVA lockers outside of shuttle bay #2::

August Jax Robinson -> it's not the EVA that will hurt the kid, it's the compression going from each

Fiona Weber -> ::watches to the side while the doctors finish working for the moment, twisting back to look at them and regretting it::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::jogs into the cargo bay; wrinkles nose slightly:: ::"what an incredible smell you've discovered..."::

Fiona Weber -> Do you know how long it'll be until I can walk again?

Joy -> Apparently not...

August Jax Robinson -> I have to get up and get to work. I am over seeing this trip

Jameson Bardolph -> ::this many of any race kept in tight quarters goes funny after a while; Klingons especially::

Joy -> Ayumu? Do you know if anyone is coordinating repairs and EVA activity?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well then, I guess we shouldn’t compress the kid then. I'll bring you back a souvenir.

August Jax Robinson -> :)

Heather Jamieson -> :: a model of the saucer section is moving this way and that on the padd ::

LtCdrJohnson -> +Bridge+ Ensign DeAngelo to the bridge, I am going to be heading out to the ventral section...what is the highest priority out there?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes sir, I think the Engineering team is coordinating such an effort. As far as I am aware, Ensign DeAngelo is preparing to venture outside the ship.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::gets dressed::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Speaking of which... ::hears his comm::

Joy -> Just called Engineering and got a no response.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::gets his EVA suit on, wonders if Jax is still resting::

Joy -> :: waits a bit ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Sir, Ens. DeAngelo wants to know what the highest priority was on the ventral section.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Gets dressed::

STSF_BluRox -> Hold still Fiona. God you're worse than your patients

August Jax Robinson -> ::Grabs Comm badge:: I am going to the Bridge.

Joy -> :: tries to figure out who Ayumu is talking to ::

August Jax Robinson -> you have fun with the boys :P

Ayumu Kasuga -> We don't have comm power?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::growls:: Thanks

August Jax Robinson -> Doesn't mean I can't ware it!

STSF_BluRox -> I'd have to ask that Klingon Qel that took care of you, I think he went to get something to eat

August Jax Robinson -> ::exits quickly::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::digs up the Klingon captain and delivers the happy news; is thanked with a slap on the back hard enough to half knock him over::

LtCmdrRobinson -> thats GREAT, I’m gonna ignore all comms now and pretend its a system failure. good idea

Joy -> We have comm power, but I think Joy is senior on the bridge, and she doesn't know the priorities.

Jameson Bardolph -> Qel ::is on the other side of the bay investigating the Federation med equipment::

Fiona Weber -> ::gives Blu a look:: I can check on the status of my staff's work... ::twists again, unsuccessfully, and flops back onto her pillow::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ahh..

Fiona Weber -> This is bloody awful.

STSF_BluRox -> Stop it and just stay still. They said you need to remain still a bit, that's why I'm sitting here with you. They want me sort of still as well.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps on the lift:: Bridge

STSF_BluRox -> figured we could at least give each other someone to talk to

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::wakes the boys up and tries to get them around::

Jameson Bardolph -> Qel ::wanders back in Blu and Fiona's direction, hearing his name mentioned::

Fiona Weber -> ::thinking that it's a shame Blu isn't a kitty-kitty, because a pillow-sized kitty would be about the right amount of warm::

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks onto the Bridge::

STSF_BluRox -> Cardboard Rian ::setting a great example, and is standing on the outer hull, looking marvelous while checking hull

LtCdrJohnson -> ::finishes getting his EVA suit on and heads into the de-compression area on the side::

Joy -> Ah. An engineer.

Heather Jamieson -> :: sees August ::

Fiona Weber -> Hmph. ::grumpily:: You should be resting as well. What's our status?

Jameson Bardolph -> ::wheezes out a "You're welcome" to the Klingon captain and re-exits the cargo bay quickly::

Fiona Weber -> How many hours out are we from a base?

STSF_BluRox -> Yea, about that. Currently, we're estimating about 3 years to the nearest large inhabited planet, and 17 years to Excalibur Station

August Jax Robinson -> Sorry I am a little late all

Joy -> (( I think that would be Camelot Station ))

August Jax Robinson -> ::heads over to the Engineering Console::

Fiona Weber -> Three light-years isn't bad.

STSF_BluRox -> No.....3 years. We have no star drive

Fiona Weber -> We should be there soon enough. And then we can consign my corpse to scie...

STSF_BluRox -> We are at 1/4 impulse drive while we fix damage to the hull of the saucer

LtCdrJohnson -> ::puts on his @ and steps out onto the hull::

Fiona Weber -> What do you mean we're without a star drive? What the bloody hell did you do to it?

Fiona Weber -> ::starting to look panicked::

STSF_BluRox -> Please don’t' yell, it hurts my head.

August Jax Robinson -> ::takes a seat, looks over the rotation schedule::

Joy -> Jax? Anyhing you want Heather and I to be doing on EVA?

STSF_BluRox -> We had a warp core containment failure. And taking damage from the Oest ships firing on it, one of the clamps was unable to release.....

August Jax Robinson -> ::leans back in her seat:: you know the sensor systems well.. you can work on them if you feel like you can

LtCdrJohnson -> @::slowly makes his way towards the ventral section, where part of the damaged sensor grid is::

STSF_BluRox -> At least it was used to explode the ships following us, and it collapsed the wormhole

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::drops the Spawn and the Clone off in daycare::

Joy -> The approach I was thinking of was hauling in a handful of sensor pallets, swapping bad components, and pulling them back out again.

Fiona Weber -> ::blinks::

STSF_BluRox -> ::reaches over stroking Fiona's hair trying to calm the panic in her voice::

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods:: that sounds like a good idea, this way we can double check the wiring as well

LtCdrJohnson -> @::walks past the cardboard Rian, saluting as he does::

Joy -> Heather? You said you could drive a work bee?

Fiona Weber -> ::eyes kitty for a moment, sighs, closing eyes:: Are you saying that we're just a saucer right now?

Heather Jamieson -> "Yes, I have some shuttle training."

Joy -> I'll break out the connectors and you tractor to a shuttle bay?

Jameson Bardolph -> ::decides to take Will up on his assertion that he should take a break; heads for the mess hell::

Jameson Bardolph -> *hall

Joy -> :: Evaluates what sensors are bad in which pallets ::

STSF_BluRox -> Don't worry, I sent out the modified runabout and another warp capable shuttle to head back to knows shipping lanes to contact the Fleet for help. We're expecting if they send us anything, to see it in about 2-3 months

STSF_BluRox -> Would you like a glass of water?

Joy -> Well, the heck with talk. Let's just do it. :: stands ::

Fiona Weber -> Months. ::quietly::

Fiona Weber -> Yes, if you don't mind.

LtCdrJohnson -> @::looks over at some of the damage:: Woah...we really took a beating

Joy -> I'm going to use a custom EVA suit. What say you check out a bee and we meet outside?

Heather Jamieson -> "Beats sitting here where I can.. er, sit in a work bee.."

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads up to the bridge::

Joy -> Can you lug around sensor pallets without crunching them?

Heather Jamieson -> :: walks with Joy to the lift ::

Joy -> :: Directs the lift first to her quarters so she can change into her suit. ::

Heather Jamieson -> "I'm not sure what I can bench press."

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sulks::

Joy -> Oh, the bees have manipulating arms and low power tractors.

Joy -> I'll do the bench pressing if you can lug things to a shuttle bay.

LtCdrJohnson -> @::kneels down and opens his repair kit::

Heather Jamieson -> :: smiles as Joy may not have caught the humor ::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::heading into the mess, orders himself a steak and, after debating something stronger, a coffee::

Heather Jamieson -> "Are we running out of crew quarters on the saucer?"

Joy -> We're a bit pressed, yes, between loosing the stardrive section and picking up some passengers.

Ayumu Kasuga -> We still have enough quarters by pairing off single personnel.

Ayumu Kasuga -> But, we don't have much left as Joy mentioned

Heather Jamieson -> "I've not been asked to add a roommate, the thought just occurred to me."

Fiona Weber -> ::waits for the kitty to return with her water:: Did we lose any crew in the separation? Injuries?

Joy -> Nor have I been asked.

Jameson Bardolph -> Quartermaster ::informs Heather that she will have a Klingon roommate effective immediately::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Nor have I, but I'm sure that'll change if we pick up more people

Heather Jamieson -> :: see the lift stop at her stop :: "I'll meet you outside, I believe engineering is arranging the replacements."

Joy -> Well, I'm off. ::Steps off the TL :: See you outside.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodluck, Commander!

Joy -> :: Smiles :: Appreciated, but hopefully this will be fairly routine.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks over the progress the teams have made::

Joy -> It's not like one is trying to keep up with Fred Astaire... :: Smiles ::

Joy -> :: rolls eyes but with a gleam in them ::

Joy -> :: Steps into her room ::

Heather Jamieson -> :: walks down a few corridors, past more personnel than normal, her padd beeps.. :: "Ugh, cra.."

Heather Jamieson -> :: enters the bay with the worker bees ::

STSF_BluRox -> ::sees the Qel across the room: and motions for him

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::steps on the bridge:: Any news?

Joy -> :: changes, double checking anything, though she doesn't really need the life support aspects of the suit. ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks at Will:: On the rescue front? No. But Joy is about to go outside on the hull.

Heather Jamieson -> :: talks to someone dispatching craft to get a worker bee ::

August Jax Robinson -> There are a few teams out there working, it will be slow work

LtCmdrRobinson -> I think half the crew is going to be out there. Let’s try not to lose any of them along the way.

LtCdrJohnson -> @::starts making some patches to the sensor array so the burnt out relays can be replaced::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I am hopeful that is what the end result will be.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads over to tactical and brings up a display so he can monitor who is outside the ship::

Heather Jamieson -> :: gets in her craft and does a preflight check ::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::settles in with his steak, actually relaxing for the first time in several days::

Joy -> :: Heads to a shuttlebay with a tool locker to pick up the right tools for unlocking sensor pallets ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::forwards Tactical control to Will as she focuses on managing what remaining resources the ship has from her console::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs::

Heather Jamieson -> :: the worker bee checks out. Heather starts it up. ::

Joy -> :: Notes a bee about to head out. Decides to walk out the bay rather than working a lock. ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::sighs, hoping Kawalas and Dave are making good progress in procuring help::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Do we have all non-essentials shut off yet?

Joy -> :: walks along the wall to where the lock will open ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Checks:: Yes, sir. All non-essential systems are off-line.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Gives Will the Look::

Joy -> :: Runs diagnostics on the suit, fires brief test bursts on the wrist and ankle thrusters. ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::wonders what THAT is for::

Jameson Bardolph -> ::tilts head back against the back of his seat and finds himself dozing, fork half-skewered into the steak::

Fiona Weber -> ::looks to see where Blu went, needs to learn to stay still::

August Jax Robinson -> anything over subspace? by any chance?

Joy -> :: Starts up the side of the hanger deck away from the bee, moving towards the door to the void. ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Looks at JAx:: Sorry, no.

Heather Jamieson -> :: is moving her bee around slowly, as it's been a while ::

Joy -> :: Seeing the bee moving cautiously, decides to take a flying leap. :: +Bridge+ Joy... heading out from shuttle four... moving to pallet 30 low.

Heather Jamieson -> :: moves the bee into place to grab a pallet ::


Joy -> :: Breaks into a sprint much like a gymnast about to do a tumbling run, then leaps out clear of the ship. ::


LtCdrJohnson -> @:: finishes up patching one series and starts installing new relays::


August Jax Robinson -> ::drums fingers on the side of her console::


Joy -> :: Activates thrusters as soon as she clears gravity, low power, but a graceful smooth arc towards the first sensor ::


Heather Jamieson -> :: grabs the pallet with the bee's arms, turns and heads out the door ::


Joy -> :: sort of pleased to be without gravity for a while ::


Ayumu Kasuga -> ::re-routing power where it's needing via the ODN::


Heather Jamieson -> :: clears the door and into the black cold of space ::


Joy -> :: Slows, gently lands near 30 low, activates magnetic boots. ::


Heather Jamieson -> :: before turning the bee around ::


Joy -> :: Walks around the edge of the pallet, cutting power and releasing holding latches ::


Heather Jamieson -> :: approaches Joy with the pallet ::


Joy -> +Bee+ That you, Heather?


Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ :: over the comm :: "Yes, trying not to slice you in half."

Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "Wait, that bee me."


Joy -> +Bee+ Appreciated. I've got 30 low ready to be pulled.


Heather Jamieson -> :: runs her hand through her hair :: +Joy+ "Understood. Are we having another bee gather up the bad pallets


STSF_BluRox -> ::comes back to sit by Fiona: The Qel seems to think you will be us in short ofre if you just leay still


LtCdrJohnson -> @::starts replacing some more relays::


August Jax Robinson -> ::Grumbles::


Fiona Weber -> That's easier than it sounds. I can't even roll over onto my back.


Joy -> Hmm. Just drop the new guy into freefall while you pull the new guy.

Joy -> No drift vector, though.


Heather Jamieson -> :: sets the new pallet down as still as she can ::

Heather Jamieson -> +Joy+ "It's moving less than one meter per minute."


Joy -> :: Moves well clear so she doesn't get caught in a tractor sidelobe. ::


STSF_BluRox -> I know, I know. I had to do that once, it's miserable. Can I get you something? Some sort of music, a book?


Heather Jamieson -> :: moves her behind to the damaged pallet ::


Fiona Weber -> ::small sigh:: A book would be nice.


Joy -> +Bee+ Shouldn't be a problem, then. I could likely cancel that just with suit thrusters.

Joy -> +Bee+ Your target is unlatched, ready to be pulled.


Heather Jamieson -> :: grabs on to the damaged pallet :: +Joy+ "Let me take this one back inside."


STSF_BluRox -> You got it. ::gets up and quietly padds over to the shelving unit, and grabs book for Fiona


STSF_BluRox -> and...




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