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Cmdr Ridire


    Aidan keys up a sensor readout of the Poy ship on the repeater display to his right and quietly studies it.  Knowing that sometimes the best thing a First Officer could do was to stay quiet and let events unfold as they would while the Captain acted as the primary point person wasn't one of the things they taught in the Academy's Command courses but it was usually one of the first things learned nonetheless.  A ship couldn't have two heads, figuratively speaking.  And truth to tell, Aidan is still a bit uncomfortable as to the exact boundaries of his position with regard to the crew, especially to the Captain.  


      He had served most of his career aboard the USS Venture and she and her crew had become his family away from home.  Though he never served as the USS Venture's First Officer he knows he would have been a lot more comfortable in the role because of time he had already spent there.  Which isn't a slam against the Reaent or her crew, just that some things took time to sort out.  


      "Speaking of old shipmates and new positions, I wonder how Nicholas is doing," Aidan muses to himself.  A brief smile flashes across Aidan's face, having just found a way to put himself and his situation in perspective.  As uncomfortable joining a new ship has made him, he knows that Nicholas would have a tougher time.  The crew of the Venture had gotten used to Nick's genetic heritage and the personality quirks it lent to Nick.  "Or rather," Aidan considers as a frown replaces the earlier smile as he considers the thought, "Nick had gotten used to not feeling the need to interact with the others with his emotional shields raised because of his heritage."  Aidan gets distract from further musings by an incoming report from engineering.

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