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Shore Leave in Crystal City

Shore Leave in Crystal City


MAY-JUN 2398, Aldebaran Sector



Sal was tired. He had spent much of the last 16 months updating UFP databanks with the myriad of differing planetary systems and astronomical phenomenon that they had encountered while touring the Aldebaran Sector. He had led a team of 16 navigational engineers and so a lot of icon pushing was involved. His office walls were closing in on him and he needed to get away from the techno-titanium world that he called home. Captain Cumings had promised the crew shore leave as soon as they reached the Aldebaran System. Many had requested leave on Aldebaran IV which was the home world of the native Aldebaranese race. To Sal, this was simply more of the same and so he had made plans with four other crew-mates to take an adventure on Tartessos.


Aldebaran III was known to the natives as Tartessos. Originally categorized as a class K planet back in the 23rd century when Aldebaran membership to the federation was established. Since then there had been terra-forming on Tartessos however the planet is nearly twice the size of Earth and much of the planet is still quite arid and barren. Outside the terra-formed areas the average surface temperature is 75 degrees C and the atmosphere is still only at about 65% O-N standard.


Crystal City was not the oldest settlement, only 80 years in development, was still too highly developed for Sal and his band of explorers. The newer sections of the Green River Valley and Lake Beane were still under restricted access, but they offered a more rural environment where they could get back to nature. Terra-forming had been underway there for only 30 years and although there were a couple of small villages these areas still depended on much of their commerce and support from Crystal City and its intergalactic spaceport.


Sal walked up to Lt. Celia Johns quarters and pressed the entry chime. He heard a voice respond that sounded muddled,


“I’m in the shower, Sal. Come on in and make yourself a drink.”


Lieutenant Johns worked in security and Sal had befriended her two years ago when she came onboard. They both had a fascination for old 2D visual entertainment records. Celia even liked the ones that were monochromatic but Sal couldn’t justify it, too artsy for him. His mother had liked this form of entertainment and so it was passed onto Sal as a child.


Sal entered Celia’s quarters and found the replicator. Usually Sal would drink some kind of ale but he was officially on leave now and so he selected high ball. After taking a sip he called out,


“What are you drinking?”


“Sal, you know I only drink Tequila! I think there’s a good starfire mix. Make it a double!”


Sal heard laughter from the other room and called up Celia’s request.


“Are you all packed?”


“Yeah, I’ve already had my bags beamed down to Crystal City. We’ll be there for two days, right?” She answered as she finished getting dressed. She came into the room wearing the smallest dark green shorts that Sal had ever seen. Celia was very attractive but Sal had sensed little physical attraction to him. They were just really good friends in his mind.


“So, where are we meeting them?”


“In Crystal City at three o’clock. The shuttle to Happersville doesn’t leave until 5. We’ll have time to get a bite to eat.”


“I thought we had a couple of days in Crystal City?”


“We do. Happersville is where the nightclub that Tony and Kris wanted to go. It should be a lot of fun.”


“Yeah, I was thinking I might drag you out on the floor.”


“You don’t wanna spoil the whole evening, do you?”


They both chuckled and Celia led Sal to the sofa where they sat and continued to chat. Celia seemed especially delighted that Sal had asked her along and she in a very light mood. They laughed and finished their drinks and then left to the transporter room so they could meet up with the rest of the group on the surface.


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