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Cmdr JFarrington

USS Manticore 6.21.2010

=/\= USS MANTICORE BRIEFING #614, STARDATE 51006.21 =/\=

The Manticore has been retrofit to make it ready to be the first strike in the war against Arcturus. The ship is about to cloak an enter enemy territory, where we will collect intell on their main shipyard and destroy any targets of opportunity.


Garnoopy -> ::taps his panel on the bridge::

Mitar Precip -> ::in Security looking at LtCdrFaldek and McFly::

Keb -> ::at the helm, looking very tense as the border approaches::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Bored at TAC?::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::looking at Precip::

T'Prise -> :: In the main science bay, studying the latest test readings from the quantum cannons. ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to KK:: Engage the cloak

Keb -> We're about 5 minutes from the border, sir.

Eva Jaz -> ::in sickbay downing more coffee than usual ::

McFly -> ::looking at a wall::

Mitar Precip -> Target is the Arcturian (misp!!) shipyards...here. Note the blurred image..we hope to get a better fix on it when we move in under cloak.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::taps console:: aye sir

Turris Morran -> :;in the main science lab, looking over a screen. Obviously his mother never told him that if he sat too close to console it'd hurt his eyes::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::brooding, at OPS, but trying not to look like she's brooding:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<Arcturan>>

Asteria Jaxa -> ::In science lab reading over PADD on slipstream again::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::is rather astonished that Eva has not died from caffeine poisoning yet::

LtCdrFaldek -> Shipyard eh... I once destroyed a Romulan shipyard...

Hilee -> ::In Meng at the main console with the eng. staff at stations and standing by::

Mitar Precip -> You'll both attack the Arcturan shipyards with the fighters along with the Manticore.

McFly -> you sure we have enough fire power in those shuttle for that?

Eva Jaz -> ::takes another sip , wondering what Jai's thinking about ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Monitors the power drain and shifts allocations to compensate:::

T'Prise -> :: Glances around the lab, noticing the cardboard cutout of Escher immersed in his research again. Turns to Morran. :: Lieutenant?

Mitar Precip -> Once it is destroyed rendezvous with Manticore immediately...and off we go.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yellow Alert

LtCdrFaldek -> Mini-photon torpedoes aren’t going to have that much effect on a shipyard... perhaps we should focus on any defensive vessels or planetary based defenses near the shipyard?

Mitar Precip -> The Admiral believes the fighters are essential to the operation. Strike payload...

Hilee -> ::Ramps up the additional power and allocates systems as needed.::

Vilanne -> ::finishes in the supply room with the nurses, after running more drills with them, comes out to see the status of the other alert preparedness drills that the rest of the team was doing::

Mitar Precip -> ::looks at both officers after their questions::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::shakes his head::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::seeing the alert lights go up, puffs out a slow sigh:: Here we go...

Turris Morran -> ::Doesn't look away from his screen:: Yes? What is it?

Keb -> ::fingers tense on her console::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::waiting for yellow to engage:::

Hilee -> :;Notes the alert status...::

McFly -> are we expendable distractions?

Vilanne -> ::pauses, sucks in her breath, holds it noting the yellow::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::notices the tension in the back and shoulders of Keb, so he walks to the Helm station::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::nods at McFly::

Mitar Precip -> We will know a lot more about the shipyards when Manticore gets in for a closer look....my guess is they fuel their starships their for launch ...that means antimatter storage. And that is....very vulnerable.

Eva Jaz -> ::puts her cup down seeing the alert ::

T'Prise -> :: Stares at Morran for a moment, obviously rethinking what she was about to say. :: Nothing, continue your work please. :: Turns to Jaxa :: Ensign?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::seeing Vilanne, nods to her:: rokhinu.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::hits the yellow alert button::

Hilee -> Eng.staff> Yellow alert gents...to stations..

Eva Jaz -> ::shakes her head noticing Vil tense up ::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sees the yellow aler status::

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Looks up from the PADD:: Yes?

Keb -> Crossing the border in 60 seconds.

Mitar Precip -> You are NOT expendable....::points to the two of them::

Turris Morran -> ::doesn't even seem to notice her going::

Vilanne -> ::goes to Mele's office and chimes:: Yellow Alert, sir, everyone is at their stations.

Garnoopy -> ::tappity tap::

McFly -> so hit the fuel tanks, got it

Hilee -> ::Tapps:;+Garnoopy+ All systems at full capacity Commander,full power available as needed...all systems nominal

kyle_mele -> ::exits his office immediately after receiving Vil's notification:: So noted.

T'Prise -> :: Jaxa :: It would be logical to have a science officer on the bridge at this time. Have you had any experience in battle situations?

Mitar Precip -> The Admiral developed the plan....and we are going to follow it as ordered.

McFly -> maybe not to you, i know how much you'd hate to have to break in a new security team, but those with the flat butts don't care

Asteria Jaxa -> ::T'Prise:: No just in simulations

Garnoopy -> +Hilee+ Roger. Good work.

McFly -> ::looks at faldek:: remind me to haunt him when I die

Vilanne -> ::steps back to let him out:: Our drills were top notch, we set up temporary triage in one of the surgical suites, the staff is very prepared for this war.

LtCdrFaldek -> I don't plan on dying... so you'll have to do the haunting alone.

Keb -> ::watching the countdown:: Aaaaaand...we're in Arcturan space.

Mitar Precip -> Commander McFly...We are at War.....when we are told to fight we fight. Understood.

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh> :: sitting in a corner , rereading the same line on his PADD once again still not understanding it , puts it down than sighs ::

T'Prise -> :: Nods. :: Very well. Firsthand experience is the best, however, given our situation it would not be rational to send you without prior experience. I will report for bridge duty and you will as well.

McFly -> oh I don't have one problem fighting, I just wish they'd call it like it is... a suicide mission

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::sits again as Vil speaks with Mele::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::standing next to Keb, so he doesn't surprise her when he starts talking:: Keb, it will be alright

Asteria Jaxa -> ::Nods and puts down the PADD::

Mitar Precip -> We will know much more about the target once we arrive cloaked. Until then....I want you both prepping those fighters...and getting ready to for a long sit in them....so we can get you out asap.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Remember, we're invisible to them

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hopefully:::

T'Prise -> :: Heads towards the door, assuming Jaxa is following. ::

McFly -> ::nods::

Garnoopy -> Hmmmm.

Mitar Precip -> You two will be back alive...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and we're inside the toughest nut in the fleet - and I do emphasize "nut"

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh > :: makes his way towards Jai and sits by her ::

kyle_mele -> ::nods:: Excellent. All available staff on alert has checked in, I assume?

McFly -> ::raises eyebrow:: do you wish to wager?

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Stands and follows T'Prise to the TL ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::strangely enough, finds the humor in that and gives a small guffaw:::

LtCdrFaldek -> My fighter is prepped... checked with a full compliment of mini photon torpedos... i suppose i could run another check on the regenerative shields.

Keb -> ::looks up at the Admiral, a little uncertainly but trying not to show it:: Well, a box of nuts, anyway, sir.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::is sat next to::

Mitar Precip -> Commander McFly...we have are orders. See to it your flight crews have those fighters ready.

Mitar Precip -> Dismissed.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gives Dr Josh the "eh?" look::

Vilanne -> ::looks down at her PADD to check shifts:: We just went on Yellow, looks like some haven t' come up out of their quarters yet. Do you want them all here now, or wait for Red?

T'Prise -> :: Steps into the TL, holding the door for Jaxa. :: You will assume the primary station and I will monitor you from the secondary console.

Mitar Precip -> And good luck..

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh > Jai> So .... not too nervous about this whole war thing :: trying to sound pretty relaxed himself ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::smiles at Keb:: Yes, one of those mystery boxes that it's hard to open

kyle_mele -> We don't need them here on yellow; still, do contact those who haven't checked in and ensure they're ready for action.

Mitar Precip -> ::looks at both officers with respect::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Nods as she steps into the TL ::

Keb -> ::gives a little giggle:: And filled with firecrackers.

Eva Jaz -> :: raising an eyebrow watching Josh and Jai ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::thinking more of the contents of the ship than the exterior:::

LtCdrFaldek -> Commander.

Vilanne -> Nurse Nancy> ::finally comes out of storage rooma fter putting everything back together after drills and heads to the nurses desk::

Mitar Precip -> Now...I have to hit the bridge....Time to Cloak...

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Dr Josh> ::bemused, frowns at him::Na, I am na. ::well, not much anyway:: Au are. ::it's not a question::

Vilanne -> You got it Boss. ::goes over to the console to do a little preparing::

Eva Jaz -> :: thinking to start singing Josh and Jai sitting on a tree .. but then realised the timing is not appropriate ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> We've done some crazy things on this ship, Keb, you and I. We always pull through and we will again

Hilee -> ::Monitoring the main console and systems...and observing the eng.staff as they go about their duties...all giving 150%

LtCdrFaldek -> You just make sure and keep a transporter lock on us in case the worst happens...

Hilee -> ::

McFly -> ::does a two finger half-hearted salute:: see you on the other side

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::shifting allocations again as the power fluctuates, the ship adjusting to its new configuration:::

Keb -> ::nods, looking back at her console:: Yessir.

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh > :: blushes slightly :: Me ... no I am not ...

Mitar Precip -> Of Course. ::turns and walks out of the bay....his heart pounding::

T'Prise -> :: TL doors close. :: Bridge. :: Turns to Jaxa. :: I assume you have run a duty rotation on the main bridge before?

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs::

Hilee -> ::Deftly tapping away...compensating for power variables::

Mitar Precip -> :: rides lift::

LtCdrFaldek -> They shoulda let us take Chimera instead...

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Mmhmm. ::na convinced::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::and.. surprisingly enough... no one on the ship is complaining about anything...at least not to her:::

Turris Morran -> ::doesn't look in T'Prise and Jaxa's direction as they leave, but as the doors clicked shut he sat back in his chair::Computer, do a scan of the ship for any DNA matching this sequence. ::inputs the sequence into his console::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: T'Prise :: Yes I have

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh > :: raises hands palms up :: well ok maybe a bit

McFly -> ::watches precip leave then walks to the door himself:: come on, let's go strap ourselves to some bombs

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::nods::

LtCdrFaldek -> That ship would be better equipped I think... ::heads for the door, seemingly with McFly behind him::

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh> But I would have thought that a woman with err your kind of experience would be used to this kind of things

Mitar Precip -> ::TL Doors open Precip exits and looks straight at Kansas Kenickie whom he approaches::

Eva Jaz -> ::chokes on her coffee , hearing Josh ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks at him with some honest curiosity:: What do you think is my kind of experience, rekkhai?

Turris Morran -> Computer> One match found in holodeck one

Kansas Kenickie -> ::nods:: Sir

McFly -> probably would be but i'm sure it was more expensive to build, wouldn't want it to get nicked

Vilanne -> ::close enough to hear Dr Josh, and turns to listen::

Mitar Precip -> Status Commander?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> We have more than a day to our destination, so if you keep holding those helm controls so tight, you'll just end up bending them

T'Prise -> :: Nods to Jaxa. The TL slows to a halt at the bridge. :: After you, Ensign.

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh> :: blushes a wee bit :: Err I mean .. you look experienced ..

Garnoopy -> ::tappity tap::

Turris Morran -> ::grins a bit, drywashing his hands:: I knew you were here. Computer, is there currently a program running in holodeck one?

Eva Jaz -> :: chokes for real , coughing ::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Exits the TL onto the bridge ::

Keb -> ::grins:: My first flight instructor said nearly the same thing back in the academy. I suppose I am a little tense, sir.

LtCdrFaldek -> Its got the same shields that the smaller fighters have... oh well i's been awhile since we blew crap up in the little guys, right?

Vilanne -> ::smiles at Jaiysa, waiting for her response::

Kansas Kenickie -> Yellow alert, cloaked.. going towards target

Turris Morran -> Computer> Negetive.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::):

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::blinkblink::

McFly -> true

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> I must commend you, rekkhai. You really know how to make a compliment.

Mitar Precip -> ::looks to Keb briefly then to Kansas...wondering....:: Confident that superweapon is bleeding energy through the cloak Commander?

kyle_mele -> ::sideglance toward Jai and Josh::

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh > :: makes a "who me? " kinda gesture :: Oh well you know ...

Hilee -> ::Watching as the grid appears to be settling down a bit...looks like she's got her wind and settling right in::

McFly -> I'm just curious if we'll actually do any damage or if they'll just laugh themselves to death

LtCdrFaldek -> I'm not entirely happy with killin' folks... but it'll be nice to let off some steam...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::slow turn towards Precip:::

T'Prise -> :: Follows Jaxa out onto the bridge, nodding to Keb, A9, and Precip as she passes. Takes a seat at the secondary science console and ties it to the primary. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::snorts::

McFly -> since when do you enjoy not killing people? you can't be in security without enjoying the thrill of taking a life

Eva Jaz -> :: finally stops coughing , trying to catch her breath ::

Mitar Precip -> ::thinks he best...do something...he cannot give Keb a chance...but he can give Kansas a chance...::

Vilanne -> ::glances around, and puts up the Acturian anatomy charts on a couple bioscreens so people are keeping familiar in case they have to help any of them::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Takes a deep breath and takes a seat at primary science console smiling at T'Prise ::

Eva Jaz -> << useful to choke in sb .. no one helps you >>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((physician, heal auself))

Hilee -> ::Lovingly pats the padded rim of the console...there you go my lady::

Vilanne -> <LOL>

Turris Morran -> ::looks around at the yellow lights flashing in the bay and sighs:: I suppose I will do with that in time.

Keb -> ::nods back at T'Prise::

Eva Jaz -> Dr Josh> Sooooo which part of Ch'Rihan are you from?

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters TL:: Main shuttle bay.

Kansas Kenickie -> Taking over Tac?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Josh> :;was actually about to give him a legitimate answer but at his second question, determines that this is not a conversation with a point and cocks her head back with a smirk::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::precip, Kansas:: Commanders, something bleeding through the cloak? Something I should know about?

T'Prise -> :: Checks sensor logs and stats, then looks at Jaxa. ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::notes that nothing is showing on her console:::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> No really .. I always really ben real interested to learn more about it

Mitar Precip -> Commander Kenickie....The Admiral wishes a fighter assault with our attack on the target as well. I think some supervision over the weapons outfitting on the fighters is necessary for Commander Faldek and Commander MCFLYs craft. Will you please proceed...

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: trying to look truthful ::

McFly -> ::climbs inside the wyvern and starts a thorough systems check::

Mitar Precip -> To the launch bay to assist them.

Mitar Precip -> ::looks at Kansas as if this order has extra meaning....if he could convey that face::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::enters the main shuttle bay, and heads to Griffin starting up pre-flight::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyes him guardedly for a moment and then shrugs:: Near Apnex.

Kansas Kenickie -> Sure I'll go help them

Keb -> ::glances up at the stars on the screen...endless black Arcturan space.::

T'Prise -> :: Quirks a brow at Jaxa and then shoots off a status report to Jami at OPS. ::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: makes that face of ppl trying to hide they don't know what the heck they're talking about :: Oh Apnex eh?

LtCdrFaldek -> +Hilee+ Commander Hilee.

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Looks over sensor logs and sensors making sure everything looks normal ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hearing the ping of the status report at her console, her eyes still on Precip, waiting for a response::: Commander?

Kansas Kenickie -> Tac is yours

Eva Jaz -> :: notices a slight shake , and decides to slack of on the coffee for the next ... 30 mins ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::reads him like a book and laughs:: Ie.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::heads for the lift::

Mitar Precip -> Thank you Commander.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns from the Helm station and sees Precip at Tac::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> Sooo is it nice this time of year

Mitar Precip -> Commander Farrington...the cloak is green...we are running silent.

Vilanne -> ::makes a note that Dr Josh has built up his bedside manner small talk well

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Na.

Hilee -> ::pauses and tapps::+Faldek+ Hilee here Commander...go

Garnoopy -> ::notes A9 looking around::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes that at full value:: Thank you, Commander. ::her concern somewhat assuaged, she turns back to her console:::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps on the lift::: Shuttle bays

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Commander Precip, we will have a tactical briefing for your team tomorrow at 0700. We should have some better images of the target by then

McFly -> ::trying to think of what he would want for his last meal, never thought he'd actually get one::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> Bugger .... So what do you do for fun?

LtCdrFaldek -> +Hilee+ Anyway we could squeeze some extra power to the shields in Griffin and Wyvern... just in case?

Keb -> ::thinking "once we get closer..." as an addition to A9's comments to Precip.::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: speaks real quick :: Not that I care ... just making small talk here

Mitar Precip -> Aye sir. Hopefully we see if the Arcturans not defending their yard.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::sends an acknowledgement to science for the information:::

T'Prise -> :: Transmits a secondary status report regarding the quantum cannons and there power intake, including the secondary deutriuem feed for the slipstream emitters to Precip's station. ::

kyle_mele -> ::glances around sickbay::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> (("Not you."))

T'Prise -> * their

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Steps off the lift and walks into the shuttld bay::

Hilee -> +Faldek+ The refits have been designed and set up for maximum potential as they are,and regulated by the systems for optimal balance and performence for this situation...any more,no guarntees...

LtCdrFaldek -> ::running full diagnostics::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Hoping that a shipyard will not be defended during war? You are a hopeful sort

LtCdrFaldek -> +Hilee+ Roger that, Faldek out,

Eva Jaz -> Josh> ::notices Mele and puts on his serious face :: Jai> So doctor, have you studied these Arcturans ?

Kansas Kenickie -> ::walks over to where the Boyz are:: Hey there

LtCdrFaldek -> ::pops head out, hearing KK:: Hello.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tappitytap:: Bay chief reports fighters prepping, Admiral.

Eva Jaz -> Josh><q> We can discuss the rest later :: winks:: If you want to ... as colleagues

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::gives him a strange sort of look and wonders why everyone asks her that question; looks somewhat relieved when he changes the subject:: Ie...I'm familiar with them.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Ack, Jami

McFly -> ::sees KK through the door of the shuttle:: hey babe

Mitar Precip -> The Arcturans ....have they launched an fleet offensive?

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Climbs up McFly's shuttle:: I was sent down to help

Mitar Precip -> ::to A9::


Eva Jaz -> ::approaches Vil:: Vil> Am I hallucinating this ? :: chin motion towards Josh and Jai ::

Mitar Precip -> ::notes chirp::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> They ... what is it, Mitar?

Eva Jaz -> Vil> maybe he suffered a head injury we don't know about

LtCdrFaldek -> Oh great... they're going to have to clean the seats in the Wyvern...

Hilee -> ::Feeling the thrum from the floor plates...listening to the sounds in engineering::

Mitar Precip -> Passive sensors..detecting a vessel...::reads heading, bearing distance::

T'Prise -> :: Makes note of the long range sensor readings, quirks another brow at Jaxa. ::

Keb -> ::goes tense again::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::goes back to his console, watching the diagnostics::

McFly -> that was sweet of him, although I’m not sure what you could help with seeing as how we're just doing diagnostics

kyle_mele -> ::would be tickled spotless if Jai asked him the same question::

Vilanne -> <w> And she's going along with it? ::giggles::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Rolls eyes at Faldek, can see why he has no friends::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::keys in external comm monitoring:::

kyle_mele -> ::paces sickbay, hands clasped behind his back::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::didnt say that loud enough for anyone to hear::

kyle_mele -> ::noting and recalling a million things, none of them especially important::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Looks over long range sensors to find the origin of the vessel ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Precip:: External communications monitor at full.

Eva Jaz -> ::shrugs:: I don't know I was half dying in the corner half their conversation ... but know one seemed to notice

Vilanne -> <w> I think you better make another pot of coffee, the Chief looks like he needs it.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Shrugs:: he relieved me from Tac, Thank the stars.. I hate Tac

Vilanne -> Half dying? ::stares at Eva::

Garnoopy -> ::listens to bridge chatter:

T'Prise -> :: to the bridge at large :: Detecting a vessel on long range sensors. Transmitting information to ops now. :: Taps console. ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Details, Mitar

Mitar Precip -> ::to A9:: Classfying target as Arcturan border picket vessel....looks like she is on routine patrol.

McFly -> doesn't it just make you want to swallow your comm badge just to see what happens

Eva Jaz -> :: looks in Mele's direction and back to Vil :: On it ... and yes half dying ... I snorted my coffee when he sat by her .. then choked til I was blue

Garnoopy -> ::listens carefully::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::saps more power from nonessential areas for what should be a more efficient cloak, therefore a more secure one:::

Vilanne -> <LOL McFly>

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::turns to OPS:: Jami, send out the word, rig for silent running, NOW

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: making mental notes on how cuuuute Jai's ears look ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::making mental notes on how inane Josh is::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +All Hands+ Rig for silent running.

Garnoopy -> ::taps his panel, shutting down non-essential systems::

Kansas Kenickie -> nope ::Shrugs::

Eva Jaz -> ::goes towards the coffee machine :: Mele > Can you use a cup Doc ?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Cutting internal communications.

Keb -> ::adjusting engine settings for silent running::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Mitar, how close will it come to us?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::hearing the call to rig for silent, tilts her head upward::

kyle_mele -> ::glance at Jaz, pauses his pacing:: Sure. No sugar, extra cream.

Vilanne -> ::looks around for anything not running on silent::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Essential internal comms only. Command level.

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: makes mental notes she likes playing hard to get and to ask her friends about her later ::

Kansas Kenickie -> Bridge is on top... first thing to get hit

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::Shifts to text::::

T'Prise -> :: Quietly :: Run silent, run deep.

Cmdr JFarrington -> +SILENT RUNNING ALARM+

Hilee -> ::Tapping away...insuring all eng. stations go to silent running::

Mitar Precip -> Unless she is really looking for us...she'll miss us sir. Looks like her route is towards the border...away from us.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::runs a diagnostic simulation to see how many back up systems kick in::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +WHICH IS, OF COURSE, SILENT+

Eva Jaz -> Mele> On it :: grinds beans and makes a new pot in a record time ::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: moniters the quantum and slipstream sensors to ensure everything is as it should be for silent running::

McFly -> actually i'm betting the lounge is the first to get hit

Eva Jaz -> Coffee machine >:: tired of being over used .. ponders about burning the Trill doc ::

Keb -> ::checks course to ensure that we're about as far as we can be from the other ship's trajectory::

McFly -> so is he getting you out of the way or keeping me occupied?

Kansas Kenickie -> They wouldn’t go for the hooch first would they?

T'Prise -> :: Glancing calmly around the bridge, curious as to effects of the tension on her crewmates. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((which one, coffee machine?))

Hilee -> ::Nods at Lt.Mcare:: holds his finger up to his lips::

Kansas Kenickie -> Do you need to be occupied?

kyle_mele -> [[ i know, there's more than one.. let's be specific now.. ]]

McFly -> not sure but you never know with him

Eva Jaz -> << Coffee machine > the addict one >>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((I can make some recommendations))

LtCdrFaldek -> ::watches the diagnostic go all the way to secondary back ups:: Wow! ::said very loudly::

Mitar Precip -> ::keeps quiet observing 3d Tac display::

kyle_mele -> [[ more clarification is still needed ]]

Eva Jaz -> :: pours Mele a cup and carries it ::

Garnoopy -> ::tapps rapidly::

Eva Jaz -> << Coffee machine > ok I'll burn you both >>

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ((lmao))

Vilanne -> ::quietly taking care of business, watching reports of the war that are streaming RSS across the console to keep the crew updated::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Looks at T'Prise and her calm outlook wishing she could be so calm hoping she hasn't missed anything ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I hope we have our passive scans up and recording, I want to gather as much info on this shi pas possible, but we are NOT to engage. We must reach our target

Eva Jaz -> Mele> Here's your drug boss

kyle_mele -> ::cup-carried to::

kyle_mele -> Many thanks, Doctor.

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Crawls in and plops down on his lap:: I bet you thought two people couldn't fit in here!

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sticks head out the Griffin::

Hilee -> ::working away...silently::

LtCdrFaldek -> McFly!

Mitar Precip -> Understood sir...computer recording....And Passive scans are the rule at my station.

Keb -> ::takes a deep breath, forcing herself to relax a bit:: Our trajectories should not intersect, Admiral.

Hilee -> ::Working away silently::

McFly -> ::sighs:: ...What!

Eva Jaz -> ::nods and sneaks a tiny cup for herself ::

T'Prise -> :: A9 :: The passive sensors are functioning within normal parameters, sir. We will route all pertinent information to your console.

LtCdrFaldek -> They installed SECONDARY backups...

kyle_mele -> ::takes, sips, aahs, continues his pacing, this time the mug firmly grasped in his right hand, the left on occasion making its way to his forehead in pensive form::

McFly -> ::raises eyebrow; says quietly:: interesting

McFly -> Big whoop!!!

Mitar Precip -> ::glad to hear T`prise answering that::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: sees that mele is busy drinking coffee :: Jai> Sooooo :: realizes he says that a lot :: err do you want a cup of coffee

Mitar Precip -> Chief Garnoopy?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Na. ::as curtly as she can muster, almost more just to see if it offputs him at all::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::starting to be a bit amused by this::

Hilee -> ::Looking around...everything so quiet...you could hear a "pin" drop::

Cmdr JFarrington -> :focused, listening and watching for any sign that they have been detected:::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Smiles::

kyle_mele -> ::pauses his pacing to look at the heads-up display::

Garnoopy -> ::looks at Precip:: I would concur. Everything is functioning normally.

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: thinking that she likes him , as he read somewhere that no means yes :: sure ? cause the spotted ones are going to drink it all soon

LtCdrFaldek -> You're supposed to be making sure your ship is in tip top shape, not schmoozing with your co-worker slash girlfriend on duty...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Now we get to find out if the Arcturans can see through our cloak, eh?

kyle_mele -> ::headtilts, glances toward the pair::

Vilanne -> ::feels Mele's pacing stop, turns to see what has his attention::

Mitar Precip -> Did you install a silent running mode on that side project you made for me?

LtCdrFaldek -> If you get blown up out there, I don’t have a wingman to watch my back, in the event of something bad happening!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Na. ::equally curtly, but now suddenly trying not to laugh::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::takes a few deep breaths, holding them a few seconds before exhaling:::

Eva Jaz -> ::turns to Josh :: Did you just to refer to me and The big boss doc as spotted ones ?

Mitar Precip -> I'd rather him not look our way sir.

Eva Jaz -> ::eyes Mele :: Did he ?

McFly -> ::sighs again:: do you want me relaxed or not out there?!!

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Sighs hearing Faldek whining:: do you want me to move?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::snorts::

kyle_mele -> ::chuckle, small nod::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: blushes :: errrr .. I meant it in a good way .. spots look real good ..:: eyes Mele :: especially on you boss ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> I'm with you on that one, Mitar. He is not our target

McFly -> ::looks at KK:: you're fine where you're at

Eva Jaz -> :: chuckles ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::eyebrows go up a bit::

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Decides to schmooze since he thinks they are anyway::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::smirks::

LtCdrFaldek -> We're not going to launch for a while.. im sure when you get off duty tonight there will be more than enough time... for whatever it is you like to do on duty, which is a breach in protocol, i shouldnt have to remind you of.

Vilanne -> ::snorts:: If youare bucking for a raise, don't count on it, Josh... we are at war. You may lost your rations if you keep that up.

kyle_mele -> Doctor, have you studied up on the Arcturians?

Keb -> ::trying not to breathe too loudly::

Garnoopy -> Yes I did Precip

kyle_mele -> ::directed at Josh, of course::

Mitar Precip -> ::looks at Keb again , not able to send her down to the launch bay. He lowers his head clenching his fist....this had better work::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::notes the border patrol ship is moving away from Manticore, on it's pre-existing trajectory::

Vilanne -> ::considers recommending Josh for the graveyard shift, so Eva, Jai and herself don't have to deal with him::

Garnoopy -> ::tappity tap::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::looks more amused than she has in several weeks::

T'Prise -> :: Checking sensor logs, scanning through them for any anonmalous readings. ::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::out of Josh's directly line of sight but in just about everyone else's::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> ::gets up :: Yes of course ... they're flappy face folks ... similar to a couple species as far as anatomy

Mitar Precip -> What I meant to ask sir....has the Arcturan military made any offensive moves into Federation space?

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: hopes he got it right not wanting to look bad in front of Jai ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::exhales:: Okay then. That's a good start

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Keeps her eyes on the console while contining to monitor logs ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Jami, Secure from Silent Running

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Pauses:: he is such a party pooper

kyle_mele -> What couple of species?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Securing from silent running. ::taptap:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> +Secure From Silent+

McFly -> ::rolls eyes:: if you feel that strongly about it go tattle, otherwise I'm making the best of my situation while i still have it

Vilanne -> Whewww.. we can talk freely again.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> What do you call the assassination of CG Yendis?

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Tilts head:: while you still have it?

LtCdrFaldek -> Matt... you can sleep in your, or her quarters tonight, we wont be at the shipyard for another few duty shifts...

Hilee -> ::Secures from silent running and signals all stations to reset to previous settings...lets out a sigh::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: blushes :: err Klingons sir and err some other ones

kyle_mele -> Such as?

Mitar Precip -> An assassination...just that. I am referring to Arcturan military vessels crossing Federation space.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::actually grins at Josh's discomfiture::

McFly -> ::looks at KK; raises eyebrow:: i am being sent to attack a shipyard in a shuttle

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: makes faces :: I think I need to double check the data base sir

T'Prise -> :: Still cautious, keeping passive scans engaged. Looks over at Jaxa, monitoring the ensign's progress and noting her nervousness. ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::wonders if intel about them massing on the boarder counts:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::border::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yes, there are reports of their ships probing into Fed space, but never staying long enough to be engaged

Eva Jaz -> Josh> Mele> and I am doing so right now :: smile like an idiot::

Kansas Kenickie -> it would make more sense if we had more

LtCdrFaldek -> ::walks over to Wyvern and kicks the nose, to see if the airbag would deploy and splat them both in the pilot's seat::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::ambles away from behind Josh so as to no longer be directly associated with him::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::goes over to stand next to Vil::

Hilee -> ::Pours a large mug of joe...and resumes duties as usual::

Keb -> ::breathing a little more normally now::

Eva Jaz -> ::stands with da girlz too ::

Mitar Precip -> Aye sir. Thank you for that sir.

McFly -> it would wouldn't it

Kansas Kenickie -> <<we might like that Faldek>>

Vilanne -> ::smiles at Jai::

Kansas Kenickie -> are you worried?

LtCdrFaldek -> <<airbags can break noses and things of that sort>>

LtCdrFaldek -> Hey... thats a good idea...

McFly -> ::sees faldek through the window; waves:: you're just mad keb isn't here right now!

Hilee -> ::Tapping away again at the console...monitoring systems as the staff goes about business::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> <<remember, Faldek and McFly, those ships are heavy fighters - and what did the Japanese use in Pearl Harbor? Light little planes, eh?>>

kyle_mele -> ::nods at Josh:: I would certainly recommend doing that as opposed to, say, attempting to discover the off duty likes, dislikes, and goings on of your fellow doctors.

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Is starting to calm a little knowing that T'Prise is here as well...checks over the quantum and slipstream sensors ::

T'Prise -> :: Begins running a analysis on the sensor data, looking for any small variable that may be out of the norm. Creates an analysis matrix for the data. ::

Keb -> ::making slight course adjustments::

McFly -> <<yes but there were a lot more of them and they dropped bombs from high in the sky>>

kyle_mele -> Considering a yellow alert, and all that. ::wink::

LtCdrFaldek -> No... I know how to separate on duty from off duty activities...

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::still poised over her console, as though she were performing delicate surgery::

McFly -> ::looks back at KK:: let's just say, i'm keeping a realistic attitude

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::smirks::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: blushes :: Mele > I wasn't err :: shuts up and goes to study ::

Kansas Kenickie -> me to, I think you will both be fine. I trust the Brass up top to plan this crap out right

LtCdrFaldek -> ::is tired of being ignored, heads back to Griffin, and finishes his diagnostics::

Keb -> ::possibly looking slightly more relaxed, with the dullness of routine::

kyle_mele -> ::nod::

kyle_mele -> ::continues pacing, sipping coffee now and then::

T'Prise -> :: Begins performing innocuous tasks, routing data to astrometrics, and stellar cartography, to update the database. ::

Eva Jaz -> Josh> :: sits down with a PADD , brooding about Mele humiliating him in front of Jai::

Kansas Kenickie -> (w) he is no fun at all, how can Keb stand it... I like fun

Eva Jaz -> ::elbows Jai:: So you and Joshie eh>?

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances at Mele as he goes past:: <m> Hann'yyo, Daise (thank you, chief).

Vilanne -> ::notes the familiar pace is back up:: <w> Jai, I've never been involved in a war before... that... I remember

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Eva> Ah. Na.

LtCdrFaldek -> ::sits in his seat and connects to the Manticore main computer, and sends a message to Keb's console "Dinner and extra cuddles when your shift is over?"::

Mitar Precip -> Commander Farrington....a word if I may.

Keb -> ::gets the message and grins, typing back--"Absolutely. XOX."::

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> ::glances at Vil:: No...I do na think you have. ::dryly::

LtCdrFaldek -> ::smiles::

Asteria Jaxa -> :: Looks over sensor logs looking for anything abnormal hoping there's not ::

Eva Jaz -> ::notices Vil looking really anxious :: Vil> it's work as usual Vil , we just might end up a bit more busy , we got to focus on saving lives :: tries to comfort her ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::turns:: Commander Precip?

McFly -> ::wraps his arms around her and pulls in closer:: don't worry about it, I just want to have all the time I can with you

Mitar Precip -> I believe a shift rotation might be in order before we reach our target. To maximize combat effectiviness.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::nod:: Noted. ::looks to A9:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and...

Kansas Kenickie -> ::Snuggles in::

T'Prise -> :: Makes small notations in the duty log. :: Ensign Jaxa, you seem to have everything in order.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> =/\======= PAUSE SIM =======/\=

Admiral Atragon-9 -> BTW, Hilee, did you mean to notice the comm from the bay to the Bridge?

Hilee -> yes..it did come through the main computer...and we all know what happened last time...soooo certain sec safeguards were installed to monitor and flag any unauthorised comms through the main computer

Hilee -> to help prevent and insure that does not happen again :lol:

Admiral Atragon-9 -> not really sure it's unauthorized, it's internal between depts of the ship, so it's not going to raise flags or be "external" - sorry

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay, Jami - any comments before I announce?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps up to the podium:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> None, sir.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> The Commmand staff is pleased to award a meritorious log award for an excellent log that was written about 2 weeks ago - Jami?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Yes....

Cmdr JFarrington -> To T'Prise, for "Borderline."

Eva Jaz -> ::claps ::

Vilanne -> Cool T'Prise...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Whoo-hooo!!

Mitar Precip -> ::applauds::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::motions her forward::::

Turris Morran -> :;applauds::

T'Prise -> :: Looks around. :: Wait, me?

Keb -> ::applauds:: Wooooo!

Asteria Jaxa -> Grats

Cmdr JFarrington -> Yes, you logical one.

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> Congratulations, yyaio. :(

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hands her the award:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> AND......

T'Prise -> :: Goes back into Vulcan mode. :: Thank you.

Cmdr JFarrington -> The command staff of Manticore would like to award another Meritorious Achievement to....

Cmdr JFarrington -> Admiral Atragon, for his log "It was a dark and stormy night."

Eva Jaz -> WoooHoo

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::motions him forward:::

Keb -> Woooooooo!

T'Prise -> :: Claps politely. ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Awwww, shucks

Mitar Precip -> haha...right back at ya ::applauds::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::kicks the dirt... if there was any dirt::

Vilanne -> Congrats Admiral!

Jaiysa t'Tamarak -> W000t, enriov!

Asteria Jaxa -> ::applauds::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hands him the award and will give him the other stuff later:::

Hilee -> Applauds for all :: :P

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Ooooh!

Eva Jaz -> Janitor> :: gives A9 a dark look for dirtying up the place ::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::blushes::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Congratulations to both of you.

Cmdr JFarrington -> TBS, Admiral?

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Okay folks, the sim time is 1400 hours, the next sim will take place at 2200 hours (and there is that security briefing at 0700 the next day)

Admiral Atragon-9 -> so it will be 8 hours later

Admiral Atragon-9 -> and we will still be cloaking our way into Arcturan space

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Other comments questions

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Yes Precip?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ! after Mitar.

Mitar Precip -> I asked if there was going to be a shift rotation...I think that question needs to be answered so characters will be able to ...have an idea on writing logs..

Admiral Atragon-9 -> well, it's 8 hours later, so I would say we're all off duty, unless someone is pulling a double

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