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USS Republic Sim log

STSF_BluRox -> Mission Briefing: The Repulbic continues it's futile search for the missing crew members, but with little to go on, and the time since the abduction growing, the likelyhood of finding them easily is becoming less and less.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((uh oh))

August Jax Robinson -> (w) and KB, I like the misspelling

August Jax Robinson -> :)

STSF_BluRox -> While the missing crew members, have become the subjects of some sort of apparent manipulation and surgery, for reasons yet undetermined......

STSF_BluRox -> <Insert dramtic music here>



LtCdrJohnson -> ::on the bridge at the engineering station, monitoring the progress of the probe and the deflector pulse being used as a sensor sweep::


Jameson Bardolph -> ((sorry, waht was tbs?))

Jameson Bardolph -> ((or was there one?))

Fiona Weber -> @ ::being a test rat::

STSF_BluRox -> <You dont' know, cause you passed out after you were fed your bug and zapped>

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Scanning for the missing people's signatures::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::waking up from being tazered and fed bugs::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::feeling distinctly queasy::

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Cries::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((are we all in separate rooms still?))

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::another pair of the tall pale aliens wheel a cart towards the door, opening it, and pointing the wrist band towards Bardolph, warning him to back up..

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: We're going to be able to get telemetry from the probe in a few minutes Commander

Joy -> :: Scanning the unexplored zone ::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::looks at the door, sees the bracelet, and is a little too weak to bring the usual chutzpah to the table; scutters backwards on his rump, looking at the door guardedly::

STSF_KBear -> The Sooner the better Johnson

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::not one to give up too easily, still trying to figure out how to get a way out of this mess via examing the walls::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::tired, wondering where Republic is, and wondering where "here" is, for that matter::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::rubs chin in concern::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::still on the bridge, helping with scans::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: The probe will also be able to tell us about planets...habitable or otherwise...it is possible our people are beneath the surface of a planet...or hidden in a ship that has been shielded by subspace

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::seeing the alien back up, offloads the whimpering form of Gunner in the room next to Jameson, and leaves a bowl of salty paste and a bowl of bugs::

STSF_BluRox -> and leaves.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::fancies he can still feel the bug crawling around inside him, though of course that's...hopefully...ridiculous::

Joy -> :: To Heather :: Any outside the box ideas would be weldome at this point.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::eyes the kid:: Oh, jaysus...

LtCmdrRobinson -> <<thats what we usually feed him anyways>>

Jameson Bardolph -> @::then the bowls::

Jameson Bardolph -> @Look, don't you have, like, oatmeal or something?! ::after the alien's retreating back::

Joy -> At this point we are brute forcing the problem from the wrong side of a big tech divide.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @<q>It would be rather obvious if I said I don't like this, wouldn't it?

August Jax Robinson -> :@Gunner> ::Screams at the bugs and mush::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::alien turns and points towards the bowls, then towards his mouth, thenleaves::

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Runs over and clings to Jameson::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: Has the Admiral had any luck on her end?

Jameson Bardolph -> @::after the alien, with a sudden, mounting frustration:: No! I don't eat that!

Fiona Weber -> (Wait, we're all back together again?)

STSF_BluRox -> @ ACTION: As soon as Gunner screams, something causes his eyes to glaze over, and he goes silent, almost catatonic::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::is clung to, looks down, a little startled::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((i don't think so))

Jameson Bardolph -> ((i just have the kid))

STSF_KBear -> ::sighs softly:: Not that I have heard

STSF_BluRox -> <those 2 are, not you 2 yet>

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> Hey there, little guy...it's ok...

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Stumbles and falls over;:

Jameson Bardolph -> @::of course, it's not at all ok::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::grabs his shoulder, holding him up::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::gunner being about as tall as whiskey is while whiskey is sitting slumped bakc towards the wall::

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> You alright? They feed you a bug too?

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> ::walks out onto the bridge:: We've got to figure out some sort of useful search pattern, but also may have to come to the realization, that we may possibly not find them

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Joy :: "I would normally look for alterations in the local gravity from a past scan to one more recent, not sure if it will work in this case or if the sensors are, er, sensitive enough."

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps back onto the Bridge after her forced rest break::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I don't know if I want to come to that realisation

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> We may have to set a time where we have to head back adn get more aid, and then resume the search

August Jax Robinson -> ::Stops short, looks over at Blu::

STSF_KBear -> ::turns to Blu:: Sir Im not willing to go with the Latter.

STSF_BluRox -> Not get help?

Jameson Bardolph -> ::pushes himself to his feet and scoops up gunner, walking over to the bed and setting him down on it::

STSF_BluRox -> Are you somehow precient and happen to know exactly where they are then?

STSF_KBear -> No sir the giving up part.

Joy -> We are far enough out, Heather, that we won't have much in the way of old scans to compare.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::wipes one of her eyes, then goes back to her search pattern::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::trying really hard not to cuss out the idea of stopping the search::

STSF_KBear -> <<Damn slow connection getting me in trouble>>

STSF_BluRox -> I dont' want to leave them either, but it may come to a point....Damn it woman, don't you listen to a word I said?! ::getting angry now, ears laying so flat agasinst her head you couldnt tell she had them::

Joy -> But the computer is full of odd data. Give odd ideas like that a try, if you'd like.

STSF_BluRox -> I 'said', that if our search failed, we may have to get help....

Joy -> We're certainly giving the straight brute force approach more than enough focus.

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Gasps, blinks:: Wawa

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> Alright, you stay there, ok? ::picks up one of the bowls and looks at it with an expression of frustration::

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> Huh? ::absently::

STSF_BluRox -> ::tosses her padd across the bridge:: Mumbles about needing Rian back on the bridge....

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::watches the padd fly::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::resumes her scans::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::frustrated, starting to pace with little else to do::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: If we do that...we could still lose them...we're starting to recieve telemetry from the probe I linked to the deflector pulse if you want to ake a look Ma'am

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks over to Will::

STSF_BluRox -> ::stomrs over to her seat::

STSF_KBear -> ::turns back to her OPS post and shuts up::

STSF_BluRox -> Joy....continue search pattern...

LtCmdrRobinson -> Save the anger for after we get Gunner back. and our people.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @<w>There's got to be something I'm missing here.

Fiona Weber -> @ ::and half-tempted to dig out whatever the aliens put in her with her fingernails, if that was what it took, just because she really didn't like being some subhumans' test-subject::

Joy -> Yes, M'lord Blu.

Jameson Bardolph -> @:;sets the bowl down and sits next to Gunner on the bed:: This bites, kiddo.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Shakes, whispers;: you hear them?!

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::one of the tall aliens enters Fiona's room, and ponits towards the door::

STSF_KBear -> Johnson send the results to The Admiral

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Joy :: "Aye, that is the crux of my problem,"

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> ::turns towards Joy:: And I don't need that attitude from you either Joy.

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Sniffles:: wawa ::Cries::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::turns around and brings up the telemetry on the auxillary screen::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to BluRox:: Sending you the telemetry ma'am

LtCdrJohnson -> ::sends the telemetry to BluRox::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::quietly:: We'll get him back, the admiral is just venting frustration.

Jameson Bardolph -> @Wawa...::sighs:: i don't have any water, kid, if that's what you want.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::eyes the liquid full of bug::

Joy -> No? I fear I am not one to throw small defenseless objects, and must adopt other means to ground an emotion chip.

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Joy :: "I would just head on the last known vector as fast as I could and scan like hell."

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> Already exhausted since the abduction took place,having not slept at all since, spending all her time going over what data they had, and being on the verge of either mentaly loosing it, or borrowing Will's phaser and shooiting someone

LtCmdrRobinson -> Honestly I thought they would have tired of him and sent him back already.

Fiona Weber -> @ I'm not going anywhere.

Fiona Weber -> @ ::crosses arms, and stares stubbornly back at the aliens::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @There's got to be a control panel or something. ::trying to think about what she'd seen so far as she runs a hand over the panelling:: <w>Or maybe I should learn how to pick a pocket or two? ::rueful smile::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Rubs tear away:: I wish

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::Alien presses the button on the wrist control, bringing Fiona to her knees in pain::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::yelps in pain, going down like a brick::

STSF_BluRox -> @ Alien> ::Points to the door again::

Joy -> That would be satisfying to the emotions, but we aren't going to win races with these people. Running down a vector that they gave us assumes they are spectacularly lacking in imagination.

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::wishes he had his baba and binkie::

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Settles on thumb::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::sighs, ruffles Gunner's hair gently:: Yeah, wish I could suck my thumb right about now, kiddo.

Fiona Weber -> @ ::Stares for a second, then shakes head resolutely, bracing herself for another round of pain::

STSF_KBear -> :: watching her console:: ::thinking to herself:: We have to ind that trail if nothing else.::

Joy -> Searching an area because it is totally lacking in information... is not fully satisfying either, but I am not allowed to diss the approach very loudly as I have nothing better to offer.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::pushes himself to his feet and circles around the bed, then goes to the door and slams his fist against it:: What do you people want?!

Capt Rian Kwai -> @:;bites her lip, wondering if the slight temperature change she feels in the wall panel means anything in particular, eyes it carefully for seams::

STSF_BluRox -> ::sees Johnson sent some data to her console and presses a button to read it::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::presses button again::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::wonders belatedly whether they hit the kid with the pain bracelt the way they hit him::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ::points to door::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear & BluRox:: Telemetry is showing nothing so far that would indicate our people are anywhere in the probes current range...there are several planets...moons...an asteroid field...a class 4 comet...but no ships

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Reaches for Jameson::

Heather Jamieson -> "Perhaps we are going to have to rely on our missing crew making contact with us.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::looks around, seeing the kid reaching out:: ::sighs:: Right, come here. ::picks him up, thinking that it's not exactly hampering his fighting ability since he doesn't seem to have much advantage here anyway::

STSF_KBear -> I hope they can contact us.

Fiona Weber -> @ ::wonders how long this could go on, and if they'd eventually give up on this tactic -- probably, and then they'd just knock her out. Better she stayed conscious. Warily, Fiona headed towards the door.:: Where am I going?

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::clings tightly::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @<m>Well, J'Rom, at least I've learned something over the past few years. ::tries to pry her finger nails into any finger hold she can:: Not to freak out so quickily. So take that. ::does a raspberry::

STSF_BluRox -> @Alien points to another door across the way, and an alien standing beside it:

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Although apparently I haven't learned how to keep from talking to myself when I find myself in these situations.

Joy -> We should certainly be monitoring for all possible forms of communications, but given the ship to planet range of our communicators and the transwarp speed of the grabbing ship, I wouldn't count on them tapping their chests and saying hello.

Fiona Weber -> Don't have a UT? ::frowns, almost sneering, and follows the gestures into the next room::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::clung to:: ::sighs:: Alright...it's ok. Gonna be ok.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::doesn't believe it for an instant, of course, but getting the kid upset won't help::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((it's teh ghost of christmas future))

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: The probe I sent out it set for that...however...it won't pick up frequencies that are underground...or cloaked

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Bardolph's lunch has decided to crawl out of the bowl and they ahve started to scamper around the room

Fiona Weber -> (does that make Gunner Tiny TIm?)

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks over Will's shoulder:: I can't take this much longer... I am freaking out

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::does something unusual...bites her finger until she draws a little blood, then marks the wall where she detected a temperature change::

STSF_KBear -> I have the com open but am getting nothing

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well you better damn well hold it together long enough to help me find Gunner. After that you can lose it.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::noting the bug starting to move; sighs:: That's *exactly* what I wanted to see.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::tapping at console::

STSF_BluRox -> @ACtion> 2nd alien points Fiona towards the door

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Points:: noooo

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> No what, kid? Doesn't matter if it's in the bowl or not...

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::still looking through databases for any similiar abductions in the past::

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> ::not sure who she's more angry with at the moment.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: The only other way I can think of to approach this from a technological standpoint would be to gather several more ships..amplify all of our deflctors and send out a deflector wave...which would be able to scan at a greater range

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::clings tighter::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Let's see if my theory holds up. ::starts to move along the wall again, trying to feel for more temperature changes::

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> Don't like bugs either, huh?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: We're just one ship...we can't search the whole galaxy alone..hell it would take us months just to search the next four or five sectors

Fiona Weber -> @ ::heads through the door: outlook, grim::

STSF_KBear -> Jax we are doing all we can, I know how you feel. If it was Schawana, I know Id be acting as you are. We have to stay calm and keep trying. I am not giving up.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::rocking gently from one foot to the other, watching the bug's progress around the room::

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> Joy's attitude and the Lord Mud remark, or Kawalas countermanding her again....

Jameson Bardolph -> @::kind of trying to build up strength for the next time he pushes against his captors::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::or in case Gunner cuts off circulation in his shoulders::

LtCmdrRobinson -> <is it time for another Kawalas demotion already? it must be Monday>

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: I also suggest we send a message to any and all starbases in the sector...they may have probes...or ships to spare

Jameson Bardolph -> @::murmurs:: Got a grip on you for someone so small...

STSF_BluRox -> @Alien 2> ::opens 2nd door, pointing for Fiona to enter, Kwai standing against the back wall::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::slight look of relief:: Captain. ::sigh:: Thank God. I thought they were starting more tests again.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to KBear:: Who knows if we are the only ones impacted by this...it's possible other people on other ships could have disappeared

STSF_BluRox -> @ Alien> ::places bowls of the paste and bugs on the floor, watching to see which they choose::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((i keep being reminded of that thing in Galaxy Quest))

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::turns around once she heard the door, while visably happy to see she's okay, Rian eyes the alien over Fiona's shoulder:: Doctor, are you okay?

STSF_KBear -> Johnson, As far as I know there have been no other reports of such thing,

STSF_BluRox -> <that's extremely close!! >

Jameson Bardolph -> (("Are you enjoying your ket-pop-plet-tiks, Dr. Lazarus?"))

August Jax Robinson -> ::leans on Will::

Jameson Bardolph -> (("Just like mother used to make."))

STSF_BluRox -> <I love that movie!>

LtCdrJohnson -> ::as he waits for the latest telemetry he takes a look at anything for the current set of scans::

Fiona Weber -> @ Aside from having a chip in my head that turns me into the latest exotic slave of our captors, yes.

LtCdrJohnson -> More telemetry is coming in...sending now ::sends a copy of the latest telemetry to BluRox::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::sits back on the bed with Gunner, speaking aloud, since, y'know, why not?:: So, we've got a kid, a gun-jockey, an empty room, and two bowls, both of which look entirely unappetizing...

Fiona Weber -> @ You? Are you all right?

Jameson Bardolph -> @Though I guess I'm either expected to eat it or pass the time by making wallpaper paste and a terrarium...

Heather Jamieson -> :: Ensign Jamieson poured over a multitude of scans and sensor data, hoping to find something useful ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @About the same for me too. ::eyeing the bowls with her brows raised:: What the heck is that about?

Ayumu Kasuga -> 2

LtCdrJohnson -> <<This reminds a little of the Voyager Episode "The Chute" , the thing with the microchops anyway>>

Fiona Weber -> @ ::stares at for a moment:: Please tell me that's not dinner. I'm starving.

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> ::glowering at the unchagning viewscreen::

STSF_BluRox -> @Action: One of the bugs crawls out of the bowl and across the floor

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> Whaddaya think, kiddo? We supposed to eat that? ::makes an exaggerated disgusted face at him::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((for which of us?))

STSF_KBear -> ::continues to watch her console hoping for some sign to show up::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((or both?))

STSF_BluRox -> <2> ..... Fiona

August Jax Robinson -> @Gunner> ::Mumbles:: Wawa

Fiona Weber -> @ I am not eating that. ::wrinkles nose, walks over and stomps on the insect solidly with her boot::

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> You're not a much better conversationalist than our hosts, are you?

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::crouching down, picks up a bug from the bowl, then holds it in the air to exam it:: Perhaps they are to pets?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks at her scans::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ACTION> Gunner, having been gone earlier, wants down to the floor::

Fiona Weber -> @ Oh wonderful. Just what I always wanted: the next step up from my childhood ant farm.

Joy -> (( Reincarnated with the souls of beloved ancestors, Rian. :lol: ))

Jameson Bardolph -> @::feeling Gunner start to get restless, sets him down on the floor::

Jameson Bardolph -> @Go on then. Can't get much of anywhere.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::has quietly decided he'd better keep a close eye on the kid, though; this place is going downhill fast::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @An ant farm? ::half listening, half curious about the bug and what suppose to happen with it::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Heather was feeling useless and lonely ::

Fiona Weber -> (Think how many brownie points you're earning with its mother, Bardolph)

STSF_BluRox -> @ ACTION> Gunner goes rigth for the bowl of paste, and starts hungrily eating it up

Jameson Bardolph -> ((mmm))

Jameson Bardolph -> @Ahhh...no. No, no, no, come here.

August Jax Robinson -> <<Eww, boys are gross>>

Jameson Bardolph -> @::so much for keeping him out of trouble::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Sighs::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::hops down from the bed and grabs Gunner by the collar::

STSF_KBear -> Joy? do we have any answers at all? anything?

Jameson Bardolph -> @::hoisting him up and away from the paste::

Fiona Weber -> @ Ant farm. A little insect-terrarium meant to please children.

STSF_BluRox -> <dont' look too hard around the science lab Fiona, we still may have some of McKee's fluorescent ants that escaped her ant farm wandering around down there, along with part of the blob>

Jameson Bardolph -> @Don't touch that. ::sternly::

Joy -> Negative, KBear. I'd even be interested in new questions.

Jameson Bardolph -> @Because I haven't the faintest idea what the [redacted] it is.

Ayumu Kasuga -> <And that blob!>

STSF_BluRox -> @ Action> Gunner hits Bardolph in the head iwth the bowl, and tried to get down to get the 2nd bowl of paste

Ayumu Kasuga -> <lol>

Jameson Bardolph -> @Ow!

Fiona Weber -> (LOL, were they from Chartreuse?)

August Jax Robinson -> ::collapse next to Will::

Joy -> My problem is the mix of high technology with lack of a record of their presence. They have the speed to have trivially contacted the many local Gamma powers, yet they are unknown.

STSF_BluRox -> <lol>

Jameson Bardolph -> @::holding Gunner out at arms length:: I was being nice to you, too. Seems to get me a lot of hostility with your family, doesn't it?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::scoops his wife up off the floor:: August?

Joy -> I am almost thinking they might be new to the area. Combined with their speed, I might almost think out-of-galaxy.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Ah...never had one as a child. Is it a human thing? ::putting the bug back in the bowl, then dips her finger in the paste bowl to examine::

Joy -> But this is pure conjecture.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Maybe it's because they show up in much the manner they did to us...taking our sensors down....blinding us with light...to avoid anyone scanning or seeing them

August Jax Robinson -> ::opens her eyes::

STSF_BluRox -> @ Action> A bit of paste drips down Bardolphs face, and while talking touches his lips, leaving the most amazingly good taste

Fiona Weber -> @ I suppose. At least... the form I'm talking about is. ::small shrug::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Heather's eyes were getting heavy, her auburn hair had flattened and her ideas were few ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::blinks:: I'm OK.. ::Tries to stand quickly::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ACTION> Gunner greedily is emptying the 2nd bowl all on his own

Jameson Bardolph -> @::tastes the paste::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::eyeing the bugs:: Well, if we're stuck with those, then there could be worse things. The insects are fairly nutritious. Protein-rich.

STSF_KBear -> <<BRB Phone call>>

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::straigthens her up:: We need to get you down to sickbay where you can rest.

Joy -> The gap between technical knowledge and communications skill is also spectacular, but alas well precedented. Those with force often don't seem to think they require manners.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::sighs:: Alright, could be worse. But still...::not very enthusiastically::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Shakes head:: no... i'm OK

Jameson Bardolph -> @Alright, here, don't eat it all at once; you'll make yourself sick.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::extracts the bowl from Gunner with his free hand::

LtCmdrRobinson -> You just passed out, that is not OK.

STSF_BluRox -> @ Gunner> Screams adn pulls back at his bowl::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Taps console::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @That's what I was thinking too. Not sure what these is suppose to be though. ::she rubs the paste back and forth between her fingers:: If it is food stuff, then I suppose eventually I'll get hungry enough to eat it.

Fiona Weber -> @ I am reticent to take anything they offer, though. I don't trust them not to drug it. ::scratches at the implantation-spot::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ACTION> Aliens note Bardolph taking food away from the young one

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Joy :: "Is there a pattern to the people they took? Something all of them have in common?"

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks up at him:: i'll be fine

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods::

Joy -> :: considers ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::stares at her for a moment:: Anything else happens and you are in sickbay, no arguement.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::glancing up:: Yeah, but not eating anything could cause problems as well. You'll need your strength if we're going to get out of here. ::trying not to follow suit and scratch at her own wounds::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Stumbly takes a seat:: Ok

Joy -> I see no obvious pattern, but feel free to search for one, Heather.

Joy -> A worth idea to meditate upon, certainly.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Happily, we're not overly restrained. So that is something. Hmm?

Fiona Weber -> @ I want this thing out of me. But I don't think I could get it out safely. ::frowns, rubs at it harder::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::sighs:: Fine, fine, have it if you've a mind to!

Fiona Weber -> @ Oh, I don't know. I'd prefer a good set of manacles to having alien technology in my head.

Jameson Bardolph -> @::sets them both down, reflecting that any harm at this point has probably already been done::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Are you suggesting we are not capable of finding them?

Jameson Bardolph -> @::then reflecting that this leaves him with the bugs::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::groans::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::NOIP:: this is not bloody fair...

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Stop that all ready. It's not helping. ::sniffs the paste, then touches a bit on her tongue::

STSF_BluRox -> @ Gunner licks his bowl clean, then holds it back over to Bardolph::

Joy -> Think on the problem from their perspective. They have a large technology gap. The speed alone would be a killer. They move fast enough to clear our sensor range in less than a minute.

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION> Kwai gets a delicious fruit and grain tasty, tangy, yet sweet

Joy -> What reason have you to suspect that we can catch them if they don't want to be caught?

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> Oh, thanks, much.

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> What am I supposed to do with this then?

Jameson Bardolph -> @::the sort of overserious voice one uses with children, a little wry laughter underneath::

August Jax Robinson -> @ Gunner> more

Jameson Bardolph -> @::spreads his hands::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @That's not bad, actually.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Maybe they are testing us to see just how far we'd go to save our people...maybe they are like the Q...curious about our devotion...interested to see what we can do

Jameson Bardolph -> @I don't ahve any more.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @What it lacks in appearance, it makes up for in taste.

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> You ate it all.

Joy -> Playing games and testing us is entirely plausible.

August Jax Robinson -> @ Gunner> MORE!

Heather Jamieson -> :: examines the profiles of each person took

Jameson Bardolph -> @Gunner> ::with equal determination but no hostility:: WHERE?

August Jax Robinson -> ::takes a deep breath, happy no one noticed::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Well.... almost no one::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::wrinkles nose, looks away:: It's probably drugged.

August Jax Robinson -> @ Gunner> ::Looks around:: Wawa?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Let's assume...just for some second..this is a game...or a test...what can we do to surprise them.....

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> With the miniscule amout of time in which they disappeared, are we able to extrapolate what type of speed we're loooing at here, so that we may possibly narrow down the sarch of this quadrant?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Get their attention...

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Perhaps. But I doubt they'd kill their prisioners so quickily. ::looking at the bug, decideds to try dipping the bug in the paste and trying it like Klingon gagh::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::sudden moment of dawning realization:: ::quietly:: Your mama's not here, Gunner.

STSF_KBear -> <<back sorry was getting a microchip number from a preivous owner of a dog that I had at the house that escaped its kennel last night>>

Fiona Weber -> @ ::arches an eyebrow at Kwai::

August Jax Robinson -> @ Gunner> ::Sniffles, lips quiver:: Wawa

Joy -> We were able to track them cleanly, but only over a short time. I have been using the word 'transwarp'. They are well over 9.99. We could extend the decimal points a bit if you like, Admiral.

Jameson Bardolph -> @We're gonna get you back to her, ok?

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::eats the paste covered bug, wincing a bit::

August Jax Robinson -> @ Gunner> ::Covers his face with his hands, cries::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to BluRox:: Admiral...there is one drastic step we haven't considered yet

STSF_BluRox -> @ Aliens> wheel a cart past Kwai's door with the bloodied body of one of of the engineers on it, and another of the crew walking head down behind the cart

STSF_KBear -> :: listening to the talk between Joy and Blu::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks at Johnson::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::suddenly feeling a good deal more miserable than he was before::

STSF_KBear -> ::looks to Johnson::

Joy -> But finding a transwarp ship wouldn't help us catch it. If we are planning for success, we almost have to assume that they will transfer our people to a planet or somewhere where our spead and weapons cannot be trivially nutralized.

Fiona Weber -> @ ::stares out::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::awkwardly wraps one arm around the crying gunner:: Alright...easy there, kid, gonna be ok. Gonna be ok. ::eyes darting around the room, looking for anything, anything that he hasn't noticed already that could get them out::

Joy -> This is not a technological problem. It is a diplomatic problem.

Joy -> Yet they have given us no diplomatic openings.

STSF_KBear -> ::wondering why Johnson hasnt said anything about this drastic measure before::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: If that is the case and asssuming that whoever these people are, are extremely powerful...and that we aren't the only ones targeted...what if we tried diplomatcy with someone else

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Someone more powerful than we are...someone who could help us find our people

Joy -> If they are testing us, two of the tests might be of courtesy and patience. I am not thinking we are passing very well, though I am not at all clear I have identified the correct tests.

Capt Rian Kwai -> @::looses her appetite at the view of the bloodied body, sitting back on her knees:: Oh we really do need to get out of here.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: We're passing the endurance one....and courage..loyalty too

Joy -> :: considers :: I don't know that we have any IOUs from people in that class.

STSF_BluRox -> :listens to Johnson::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: Not the Borg or the Domnion...but what about the Andorians...or the Romulans

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::listens to JOhnson::

Joy -> I mean, we can't go to the Organians or Q every time we have a problem like this.

STSF_KBear -> Who would that be Mr Johnson? Who do we contact.

STSF_KBear -> <<DANG Lag>>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks kinda pale::

Fiona Weber -> @ Don't eat any more of that. ::paling, slightly::

Joy -> Do the Andorians or Romulans have the speed to catch these people, or the sensor capability to track them?

STSF_BluRox -> <4 minutes.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: That's not the point of it

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::keeping an eye on the wife while he works::

Joy -> The point is?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: The point is to show these people we are willing to take drastic measure to save ours

Capt Rian Kwai -> @It's not the food. It's that. ::motions to the door to what she saw a few moments ago::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::picking Gunner, still crying, back up, leaning him against his shoulder carefully and going over the the windowed door, staring out, looking for any sign of the aliens again::

STSF_KBear -> ::looks around the bridge then bsck to monitoring her console::

Fiona Weber -> @ ::shaky nod:: We absolutely have to get out of here.

August Jax Robinson -> @ Gunner> ::leans on Jameson, starts to fall a sleep::

Joy -> But are the Andorians or Romulans ready to take drastic measures to save ours?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: We have saved theirs in the past

Joy -> I have a distinct impression that this is our problem.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Joy:: And like I said...they might be impacted the same as us

Jameson Bardolph -> @::feeling Gunner start to fall asleep, relaxes a little, thinking that this is the first thing that's gone right all day::

Capt Rian Kwai -> @Any ideas on how? ::glancing up::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::wonders absently how his ankle's holding up to this and then decides this is not the time to worry about that::

August Jax Robinson -> ::hearing half the babbling around her, wanting to yell::

Joy -> They might feel information about the new contact important... but neither power has strong assetts in Gamma at this point.

STSF_BluRox -> Blu> ::looks over towards Johnson::: Are you forgetting Mr Johnson, that we're in a section of the Gamma Quadrant, that we have very poor star maps for, that we're some of the first to ever map this region and months from home. How do you propose having the Roulans come here, and teach us how to scan?

Fiona Weber -> (Word has it the Romulans are pretty tough in these parts)

STSF_BluRox -> <<WINK!! WOOt>

Ayumu Kasuga -> <They're some mean muchachos>>

STSF_BluRox -> <Except, they are on the way homeandgetting close to the wormhole>

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to BluRox:: We've exhausted our technological expertise...as Commander Joy has pointed out...which means we need to contact a species that might be better at this than us

Heather Jamieson -> :: to Joy :: "Was the alien vessel acheiving transwarp speeds under their own power or through a conduit system?"

Joy -> And someone with the right assetts fairly close by.

STSF_BluRox -> Well, seeing as the last species we've come across here, would like to kill us, do you propse we go back to strike up a conversation?

Fiona Weber -> (Hah, maybe this is the species that built the jumpgates)

Joy -> Interesting question, Heather. I haven't an answer. Feel free to explore it.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to BluRox:: No...and the only species we know of that might be around here other than the Romulans...is the Dominion...and I bet their still smarting from the war

August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances over and up at Will::

Jameson Bardolph -> @::hums something under his breath, trying to keep Gunner soothed, and looks out the door:: Come on, you [redacted]...why are you holding us here?

STSF_KBear -> :: listening to the banter::

Heather Jamieson -> :: brings up the sensor data as the point where the people were taken and crawls through the subspace data ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::gives her the 'are you OK' look::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION:: Alien points to table and the bloodied engineer is placed face down, while the blood is cleaned from his neck inscision from where he tried to dig out his own control device. The 2nd crewman obeys the one with the wrist controller and layd on the 2nd table, ready to

August Jax Robinson -> Take me home?

STSF_BluRox -> ready to donate what blood is needed to help his friend

STSF_BluRox -> Yet, this is out of sight of Fiona and Rian


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