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Eva Jaz

Just in case

Nurse Bellamy made sure she was alone before sitting in front of the nurse office's console and syncing a PADD she always carried , just in case.

The console beeped and displayed :



Personal communication [ Pending Starfleet HQ Security Approval ]

Anastasia Ilana Bellamy ,R. N.

To : Katharina Sacha Pavlova & Col. Aurellio Michael Bellamy


Mother , Father

If you received this communication something happened to me . Someone from Starfleet will be contacting you shortly with details .

There's a few things that I cannot leave unsaid .


Спасибо за все Вы сделали для меня, для карьеры, которую Вы бросили для Михаила и меня. Вы всегда были моим вдохновением для всего, что я сделал в моей короткой жизни. Я хотел быть медсестрой, чтобы быть в состоянии помочь, и беспокоиться о людях путем Вы беспокоились обо мне.Не оплакивайте меня, понимайте, что я оставил этот мир путем, я выбрал к, я знал то, что риск был день, я присоединяюсь к Флоту. Я следовал за моими мечтами, главным образом потому что я знал, что это - то, чего Вы желали больше всего для меня. Все эти годы, когда вещи были трудны, я мог услышать Вас поощряющий меня, поскольку Вы всегда делали.Я был вне дома, но я держал Вас со мной всегда. Я люблю Вас и продолжу любить Вас от того, куда когда-либо я иду.*


I have spent too many years angry with you , as I got older I now understand that it was only your way of trying to pass on your teachings and values on to me . Well , I guess it works . I have been applauded for my strong values , my cool head and my sense of ethics . I don't have to search from here to Campor III to know where I learned it from . I am sorry I was too foolish and hot headed to appreciate what you did for me all these years . I guess I know the true meaning of "though love " after all. Sir, I also want you to know that even though there is much I can disclose , I believe your daughter's service would have made you proud. Take care of Mother , she is not as strong as we are .

and last . Daddy , I love you .



Satisfied that the message would be transmitted in the event that she would not recover from this illness , Nurse Bellamy exited the office and made her way back to sickbay , scratching her scale-covered arm on the way .








Thank you for everything you did for me , for the career you gave up for Mikhail and I . You've always been my inspiration for everything I did in my short life . I chose to be a nurse to be able to help and care for people the way you cared for me . Do not mourn me , understand that I left this world the way I chose to, I knew what the risk were the day I join the Fleet . I followed my dreams , mostly because I knew that's what you desired most for me . All these years , when things were difficult I could hear you encouraging me as you always did . I have been away from home but I kept you with me always . I love you and will go on loving you from where ever I'm going .

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