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All Bad Things...

As the chemically-stored memories from the Delta Quadrant reality streamed into our Alpha Quadrent brains I sensed an unusual increase in agitation among the crew and the Klingons, myself included.  I had even challenged my CO when it appeared he was insulting me, something the Delta Quadrant Van Roy would never do.  Were it not for Garnoopy drawing my attention to himself I don't know where that altercation could have ended up.  Not that the situation had somehow diffused itself, as I was now in an insult match with Garnoopy, who tried to bluff having a phaser.  


Fortunately Rhoz informed me his recalibrations were complete.  Left to my own devices I would not have permitted Rhoz to set foot in my department, but Narn's reluctance to cooperate left me no choice but to stun him into unconsciousness.  As it was, Rhoz was the only one familiar enough with Narn's work to prepare the systems and equipment for the massive overload we were to inflict on them.


Once the ball was in my court the only thing remaining was to activate the auto-destruct and hope for the best.  The three ranking Federation officers were Messner, Perfect, and myself.  Messner initiated the sequence, followed by my confirmation.  Perfect had bridge command and so was contacted to give her confirmation from there.  Messner gave the final confirmation and ordered the self-destruct in 30 seconds with audio countdown.  A chill went through everyone, even me, when he made his ship-wide anouncement:  "This is Acting Captain Messner... We are about to try to reverse our situation.. but now is the time to make your peace with the world, just in case.."  30 seconds is barely enough time to replicate a cup of coffee, so that's what I did, preparing for the wave of quantum energy to wash over me...




I woke up on Deck 15 of the QoB-Lakota, which Narn had converted into a huge holodeck.  Strange sensation.  Just a few seconds ago I had been struggling with Narn to contain a plasma leak in his singularity device.  How did we loose consciousness?  Narn was still unconscious so I used this chance to more closely inspect his device.  It looks to be a collection of fried components and drained power cells.  I disassembled it as scrap.

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