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Joe Manning


"T minus eight minutes ... "


Commodore Petro DiAngelo craned his neck to look at Commander McKinnick. She was still standing behind his chair with a terrified look on her face. He looked squarely into her green Irish eyes and reassured her in his gentlest voice, "Not to worry, Commander. Admiral Sawyer will come ... and this war will end without one more sacrifice."


Those green eyes shifted down to meet his. The shiver than ran down McKinnick's spine at the word 'sacrifice' was not betrayed by those eyes. She was, indeed, hoping that Admiral Sawyer would appear on this battlefield ... but no so much to save their lives as to take the Commodore's place at the head of their fleet. Her faith in her commanding officer was diminishing rapidly.


DiAngelo smiled and turned his head back to the viewscreen. Admiral Geron's fleet was at the edge of the Zencar system. Thirty-eight vessels, mostly Andorian Guard or Starfleet, with representatives of a few of the other member worlds' fleets ... and one Vulcan survey ship. That would be their statement -- 'Vulcan does not fully endorse your views.' "Lieutenant Eetho," he said. "Open a channel to the rest of the fleet ... "


"T minus seven minutes."


Commodore DiAngelo stood and stepped toward the viewscreen, tugging down at the sides of his uniform. He watched the incoming Coalition fleet, the flagship of the Andorian Guard at its lead, and waited for the tactical officer's go-ahead. When he received the signal he turned to face his crew on the Bridge. "This is Commodore DiAngelo of the USS Montgomery, to the ships and outposts of the Allied Foundationist Fleet. You can no doubt see, as I do, that the final confrontation of this long war is drawing near. It is a relief to me that this terrible chapter of my beloved Federation's history will soon be ending. It is ... joyous to me that all you will join me in making history on this day ... in succeeding at protecting this beloved Federation from the greatest threat it has ever known."


"T minus six minutes."


"This ships you see on your viewscreens and console displays are coming here to put an end to everything this Federation has toiled for two hundred and fifty years to put in place. Their ultimate goals are no different from ours -- they, too, wish to ensure the safety of the Federation's citizens. But they wish to do so at a cost that it is far too great. The worlds that make up this United Federation of Planets were once societies in turmoil. With no higher code to follow, they fought amongst themselves over the pettiest of concerns, and freely exploited less advanced societies to further their own agendas."


"T minus five minutes."


"When the Coalition of Planets met to draft the Constitution by which those societies would govern their affairs, they did not seek to make us stronger or more secure by strengthening our fleets, -despite- the threats imposed by the Klingon and Romulan Empires. They did not seek to acquire resources to ensure that their fleet numbers could keep pace with the Klingon and Romulan fleets. The founding members of this United Federation of Planets sought the security that they could achieve ... by adopting a code of conduct that would elevate them above the Klingons and Romulans!"


"T minus four minutes."


"We raised the bar of interstellar government, and over the centuries to follow we achieved power and prosperity that has been the envy of -every- society we have since contacted. The ideals laid out in that Constitution were what -made- us the Federation. Without the Prime Directive, we are no better than an interstellar club, no better than the Klingon Empire or the Romulan Star Empire, or the Dominion, or the Cardassian Union. We are just a collection of ships protecting a collection of worlds that our leaders do with as they please. To sacrifice the code to protect the Federation is folly, because the loss of that code is the beginning of the Federation's downfall."


"T minus three minutes."


" ... it is quite possible that we will not receive the reinforcements we need to successfully defend the Zencar system. ... but no matter the outcome of this battle, we -will- successfully defend our ideals. There is no higher calling for a soldier. This is a fight we cannot lose. The Andorians are out of control; with their actions over the past ten years, they have thrown away any right to govern this Federation that was given to them by their forefathers. When word reaches the ears of the Federation's people of our valiant defense of the ideals on which this society was founded against these dangerous radicals, our cause will gain renewed support."


"T minus two minutes."


"Our names will live on. Others will rise up to defend the Federation. Admiral Geron's misguided crusade will end in failure. And not one of the sacrifices that we have made during this war will have been in vain. The Federation -will- emerge from this conflict stronger ... but only because we will prove this day that there are men and women willing to fight for the code that was established at its founding. For our children, who will inherit this United Federation of Planets, let our purpose now be united and our resolve be true."


The Commodore nodded to Lieutenant Eetho.


"Just under a minute and a half until the fleet is within firing range, Commodore. ... the flagship is hailing the entire fleet. I believe they listened in to your speech ... "


"Good." DiAngelo returned to his seat. "Put him on screen."


Admiral Geron appeared on the viewscreen. The perspective of his face was shifted downward, to make him appear larger and more elevated. He looked down at DiAngelo. "Commodore DiAngelo and members of the so-called 'Foundationist Fleet.' I will repeat to you the same ultimatum that was given in this system nine years ago, when my fleet was significantly smaller. You and the commanding officers of all the ships and stations which have joined your cause are to surrender at once and turn yourselves over to Starfleet Command for court-martial. Furthermore, you will turn over Ambassadors Ri'nok, T'Sera, and Sirov, who will placed under arrest for treason against the United Federation of Planets. The Zencar system --"


"I fail to recognize," the Commodore interrupted. "Starfleet Command's backing of your demands, Admiral. Or of the United Federation of Planets' support of your charges of treason. By my count, there are as many Starfleet ships in my fleet as there are in yours. Further, I have heard of no endorsement by the High Admiral of Starfleet of your fleet's crusade. And the aforenamed Ambassadors, despite holding seats on the Federation Council, took no part in any hearings in which a declaration of treason was made."


"The Federation Council," Geron replied with a sneer. "Ordered you out of this system seven years ago -- "


"-After- Ambassador Ri'nok and his fellow consulates fled to this system to escape threats that were being received at the Vulcan embassy on Earth. Threats that were levied by the Andorian government."


"Unfounded speculation," Geron replied. "And, ultimately, irrelevant. The Council made its decision and my fleet has returned to enforce it. Your defiance of their authority represents sufficient grounds for court-martial. You have one minute, effective now, to surrender the Zencar system to Andoria and to turn yourselves in for judgement by Starfleet and Federation arbiters. I would advise you to take stock of the forces that are arrayed against you, Commodore, for they are prepared to open fire if you do not comply with our demands."


"Commodore!" Lieutenant Eetho called out. "New sensor readings at the edge of the system ... coming from behind us! Twenty or thirty ships!"


DiAngelo quickly stood and looked down at the tactical officer. "Can we confirm their designation?" Commander McKinnick circled around the command dais and took DiAngelo's side hopefully. On the screen, Geron was looking off the side in confusion.


" ... Lexington ... Constitution ... Geneva ... Enterprise, sir!"


"They sent the fleet!" DiAngelo glanced up at the viewscreen, then looked at McKinnick, who was smiling hope and relief. Excited murmurs coursed through the Bridge of the Montgomery. "Earth is with us!"


"This is Admiral Geron of the Andorian Imperial Guard to the Starfleet ships entering this system ... " the Andorian said with frustration in his voice. "Please explain your presence here."


An expectant silence hung over Montgomery's Bridge. Throughout the Zencar system, the crews of the Allied Foundationist ships and stations waited for an announcement from the newly arrived fleet. On the viewscreen, Admiral Geron's brow was deeply creased, and his antennae were drawn close to his head. Finally, the voice of Admiral Sawyer came over comm speakers throughout the system ...


"This is Fleet Admiral Stephen Sawyer, Starfleet Command, acting commanding officer of the USS Enterprise to Commodore DiAngelo and the Foundationist Fleet ...


"Stand down."


The Commodore staggered back a step. He found his command chair pressed against his legs, and he fell back onto it.


"Your fleet is acting in defiance of Starfleet orders and Council edict," Sawyer continued. "This system is officially under Andorian control, and will be restored as such. The Vulcan Ambassadors seeking asylum here will return to Earth to face the Council's judgement. The commanding officers in charge of this fleet will be stood before a Starfleet tribunal; amnesty will be sought for all personnel who have followed your orders. I repeat ... your fleet is hereby ordered to stand down."


Commodore DiAngelo sat in the midst of the heavy silence that had fallen over the Montgomery's Bridge. The terrible reality of Admiral Sawyer's words pounded at his skull and sank into his chest. He recalled his days at Starfleet Academy, specifically the day that the Borg invaded the solar system. He recalled pledging after that crisis that he would always do his duty as a Starfleet officer to protect Earth, primarily by ensuring that the Humanity of the Federation never be comprimised. He recalled reaffirming his duty to Earth when the planet was attacked by the Beholders. Again, he saw a strengthening of the Federation's Humanity as the key to its perseverance. Clearly ... his fellow Humans derived other lessons from the Beholder attack. The Earth that he loved had turned its back on him. "Lieutenant Eetho ... relay the order to the fleet ... they are ordered to stand down. Inform the Admiral of our surrender." He looked up at Commander McKinnick. Tears were streaming from her green eyes. He could comfort her only with a morbid smile and an epitaph.


"Long live the Federation."

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