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William Tomlinson

Thoughts...Personal log of Will Tomlinson

::Will Tomlinson almost literally dragged himself back to his quarters. After his little interlude with Anna O'Halloran in the Arboretum, he went to find Angel and was immediately assigned to the assist the repairs to the shuttle bay. Here he was after 12 hours of heavy labor almost crawling into his quarters. He knew that he should sleep but between the aches in his muscles and the grime and mess that inhabited every bit of his uniform, he decided to gather the energy to clean up first. He started by disposing of his filthy uniform and then went in for a quick shower. The shower worked wonders on his body and when he came out, he found that he had just a little energy left to spare, so he threw on a robe and grabbed his PADD. He hit the record button and began another personal log entry.::





Personal log: Will Tomlinson, Lieutenant, Fighter Pilot, U.S.S. Reaent NCC-3345-G





To say that things are never dull on the fine star ship that is the Reaent would be the understatement of the millennium. Since it has been a little while since I've had the opportunity to put down a personal log, I'll sum things up a little first. We investigated an anomaly that turned out to be a doorway through time back to the year 2295 where, through luck, fate or whatever you call it we managed to stop four Klingon ships from intercepting and possibly destroying the Enterprise-A during its historic mission to Khitomer. ::Will sighs as he thinks:: I know that my next words are probably going to be considered unfair and perhaps arrogant but Captain McQueen's attitude towards temporal matters aggravates me greatly.





When we discovered that we were thrown backwards in time and found out about the Klingon warships that we didn't know of in our history, I wondered if we had somehow been not only thrust backwards in time, but had in actuality been thrown into an alternate timeline, as Lt. Worf did on Stardate 47391.2. When I shared this possibly with Tabor, he agreed that we needed to verify that we were in our own time line before engaging the Klingons to the possible detriment of the timeline. For reasons only he knows, the Captain utterly refused to listen to my proposals and we engaged the Klingons, utterly destroying them with our superiors technology and firepower. It was until that ancient relic known as the Guardian of Forever told us that things were as they should be were my fears quieted but still the Captain's attitude is very disquieting to me.





One thing I'm proud of though is the fact that I successfully landed the shuttle I piloted down to the Guardian back into the Reaent's shuttle bay without the use of the tractor beam. Although I did make quite a mess out of the shuttle bay, everyone survived the landing with only minor injuries. ::Will smirked slightly and almost whispered to the PADD:: I just hope that no one finds out that I tried that kind of landing in the simulator over a dozen times and not once did the shuttle survive the crash. ::Will chuckles at the thought of how the other passengers would've reacted if they knew THAT little detail, especially Anna. At the thought of Anna, Will face softens a bit:: Ah Anna O'Halloran, a smart and beautiful woman. I'm going to have to write a letter to my family and send it when we get back to our time. I wonder if this was how he felt when he met Mom, I'll have to ask. ::Will rubs his eyes and realizes that he needs to sleep soon.:: Well I guess For now though, our main objective is to get back to our own time which is why we are headed at maximum warp to the infamous star system Wolf 359. I have no idea what the Captain hopes to do when we get there but hopefully it will involve us getting back to our present. Speaking of present, I need to get some sleep so Will Tomlinson signing off for now. ::Will hit the stop recording button and uploaded the personal log into the ship's log database before putting the PADD away, removing his robe and going to bed.::

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