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RES Talon Updated Crew Manifest

RES Talon Crew Roster

Updated: 2009.12.22

Crew Compliment 9 active, 2 XLOA

Awards updated for active players!!! (Merit awards still pending)


R. E. S. Talon

D'deridex Warbird

Registry# - 2415




Enarrain/CO : Khre'Riov L'haiy t'Rexan [female] <Stasis, status classified by Daise Maenak >

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%######$$$@///////////////// (14% 6# 3$ 1@ 17/)



Executive Officer/Tactical: Daise Erei'Riov Destorie Ma'Lyn N'dak [male]

%%%%%%####$//////////////// (6% 4# 1$ 16/)

(Traitorous Whipping Boy) <Has assumed Command of the Talon >



2XO: Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist):

Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa (the Evil Maenak)[female]

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%####//////////////////// (16% 4# 20/)

<Has assumed position of Executive Officer of the Talon >


Oira Officers:

Ops/Comm: El'Riov (Senior grade) Koga Nraku S'Bien %%%%##$$@@////////// (4% 2# 2$ 2@ 10/)

(ship's hearthrob, how could he be a spy?)

<Acting 2XO upon tTemmar being relieved of duty>


Helm Officer: = Open internal posting=



Daise'Engineer/Systems Specialist: Daise Erei'Riov Laehval t'Temarr

(Relieved of duty for the siuren) [female] (Consort of Spies)

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#####$//////////////// (17% 5# 1$ 16/)


Scout Ship and H'teij Specialist: El'Riov (Senior grade) Lerak Pexil

[male] (Definatey a SPY) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%###$//////////////// (15% 3# 1$ 16/)

<Acting CEng upon tTemmar being relieved of duty>


AQS and Utilities Network Specialist: = Open=


General Engineering: =OPEN=



Daise'Science Officer: Erei'Riov Sar’vek Aljie t’Jhiin [female]

(too innocent, must be spy) %%%%%%%%####$/////// (8% 4# 1$ 7/)


Life Science Specialist: Ne'Arrain Issaha N’dak [male] %

(traitor junior) <NPC>



Daise D'heno: El’Riov Shibae t'Aehjae [female]

(always in trouble) %%%%%%%###$$@@///////////// (7% 3# 2$ 2@ 13/)


Disheren Security Officer: = OPEN=


Disheren Security Officer: =OPEN=



Daise'Maenak (Infectious Disease/Biohazard Specialist):

Daise'Erei'Riov Morgana t'Ksa [female]

(Evil Maenak) (2XO) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%####//////////////////// (16% 4# 20/)

<Has assumed position of Executive Officer of the Talon >


Hiifvehi'Saehne: Erein Kelton i-Dartha tr'Radaik [male]


Hiifvehi'Saehne: =OPEN=


Extended Leave of Absence:

Sciences Specialist: El'Arrain Rhean t’Valae [female]

Hiifvehi'Saehne: Ne'Erein Ariennye R'Mor [female] %%/ (2% 1/)

(SGV El'Arrain t'Oo [female] %///( ElArraintOo) Attached to medical and science


Awards: Granted to those crew members making that extra special effort.

awards currently out of date

& - Crystal Crab Award (150 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

@ - Platinum Good Conduct Medal (100 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

$ - Gold Good Conduct Medal (50 sims in a row without an absence or excusal

# - Silver Good Conduct Medal (25 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

% - Bronze Good Conduct Medal (10 sims in a row without an absence or excusal)

/ - Service Stripe (attending 25 sims)

+ - Merit Award (excellence in log writing)

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