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Guest Fiona Weber

Remodeling, Interrupted

Well then. Fiona saw that they were most decidedly not going to be back on this lovely little planet for more shore leave any time soon. She also had a sneaking suspicion that shore leave of any kind was about to be eradicated from the upcoming "menu" of Republic. It was a shame, true, but hardly something that the doctor could really disagree with. After all, with this crew and their stunning propensities to cause trouble wherever they went, it probably was a good idea to avoid such future confrontations at all costs. A shame that they would not be returning here, however -- or at least that Fiona would not be returning. She rather liked her little mountain retreat.


Regardless of the situation on the planet, however, and the decisions of the command staff (whoever that now constituted) to curtail future shore leave, Fiona now had two projects. Projects, of course, were good. Projects kept one busy, and from coming up with projects of one's own (which Fiona was rather good at). They also tended to keep doctors from getting involved in the calamities of the moment, and especially on Republic, that tended to be a good thing.


So, then, Fiona was managing the Officer Paint Squad (plus one former officer just restruck as a cadet) and... apparently... now dealing with the fallout from whatever breach of protocol had just been committed on the planet below, since the doctor rather suspected that interruption of a state execution was considered an affront in most cases. The fact that they had jumped to warp nearly simultaneously tended to reinforce the theory, as well. One usually did not have to flee at high velocities when they were behaving in an entirely acceptable manner.


And just as quickly, they were stopped. That was also a lovely turn of events. Even more splendid was the fact that Fiona had absolutely no idea what had stopped them. Judging by the reactions of everyone else, it was a common sentiment.


Thus, Fiona's day became... decidedly more interesting than if she had simply been overseeing the repaint of her primary examination room and the installation of a lovely horizontal stripe therein. Apparently, that would have to wait.

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