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Mission Brief/Summary

While responding to and investigating reports of Klingons encroaching upon several of our colony settlements, and slave planets and mining interests, we had come upon several damaged Rihan freighter ships, and small fighters, dead in space. Engineering noted that they were picking up indicatations of Kll'inghannsu transmissions on the surface of the planet below.  


Our away team went to investigate, and one of the Klingons, while clumsily stumbling, found the team hidding in the brush.  A cross fire ensued, and we eradicated the fvai. However, r'Tor was injured and had to be sent back to the ship. In the meanwhile, t'Rex moved ahead to help scout out the colony center, when another Klingon happened upon her hiding place. Though fighting hard, and taking out one of the fvai, he soon had others come to his aid, and the Khre'Riov was captured, and to be taken back to Qo'nos as a prize for the High Council.


The newly formed Away team made an attempt to rescue her once they had found out she had been capture, eventually regaining control of the colony's center, but the remaining Kll'inghannsu managed to drag t'Rexan onto their small ship, and take off, quickly leaving the system as the Talon tried to fire and prevent them from doing so.........


The crew is deciding whether to remain and clean up the planet, reclaiming it before moving to the next world to reclaim, or...to go after the Klingons and rescue t'Rexan and capture the Fvai that have been helping to destroy Rihan interests in this sector of space.


And, there we are for tonight....

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