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Cmdr Ridire

The Beginning of the End Part 1

Aidan studies the retreating form of Doctor Matthews as she slips into the crowd.  Her insinuation was almost enough to make him say something highly unprofessional in response.  Still, he can't deny what she insinuated was a very brief thought that ran through his mind.  However, he may be many things but one thing he wasn't..and would never be a cold-blooded killer.  He wasn't going to become what the killers of the Cairo had become, he wasn't going to sink to their level of depravity.  


      The six that beamed aboard armed were simply a tactical situation to Aidan.  With security stretched as thin as it was the chance that the six would cause trouble, especially in light of the chaos caused by the intruders, couldn't be ignored.  The simplest way to deal with them was to sedate them but then Aidan doubted they would simply allow themselves to be sedated.  And the last thing that needed to happen right now was a hostage situation.  


      The intruder alarm sounding draws Aidan's attention back to the task at hand.  As he heads for the door, Lieutenant Shamor and a couple of spare security personnel fall in behind.  As he slips through the door he gives a wide berth to one of Dr. Matthew's nurses as she slips through going the other way.  He turns and heads for the nearest turbolift but before he reaches it he finds Dr. Matthews leaning against the corridor wall, apparently fuming to herself.  


      Debbie had been leaning against the wall with her eyes closed when she sensed someone was standing in front of her. When she opened her eyes, she wasn't quite prepared to see the first officer glaring at her but there he was. The CMO quickly pushed away from the wall as the Commander addressed her.


      He pauses and waits until she has her attention on him.  In an emotionless and glacier cold voice he says "Doctor, detail a couple of your people to accompany Lieutenant Shamor and myself to Deck 10.  There may be casualties there because of the intruders..or the intruders may need medical attention themselves.  Either way we need to get the situation under control before this....situation manages to get even more chaotic.  Be quick about it though.  We have one other stop to make before we get to Deck 10."  


      If looks could kill, Debbie would be six feet under. Ridire was clearly annoyed with her. The last thing she wanted to do was irritate him any further.

      "I'll go," she quipped. "I seem to be the only one just standing around right now."

      The moment the words crossed her lips, she wondered if she'd made another mistake. Perhaps the XO would have preferred she not accompany the team to Deck 10. But it was too late now. She'd already volunteered. How would it look if she suddenly changed her mind.


      Aidan nods after a second and says simply "As you wish, Doctor."  With that he steps into the nearby turbolift.


      Debbie picked up two medkits from a nearby cart and tapped Russ Eckert on the shoulder. "You're with me," she whispered. "Possible casualties on Deck 10."

      Russ nodded and grabbed another medkit. The two physicians then fell in behind Ridire and Shamor as they made their way to the turbolift. When they all stepped inside, Debbie was grateful she was standing behind Commander Ridire. She forced herself to concentrate on the crisis at hand in an effort to steady her nerves.


      The group takes the turbolift to the armory on Deck 9.  While the turbolift is in motion Aidan glances at Lt. Shamor and says "I think it's safe to say you know this ship better then me.  What's your recommendation on how to proceed once we get to deck 10?"


      Shamor thinks for a few seconds then says "That you take the other security guards and the two Doctors and make sure the intruders don't escape off Deck 10 and make their way to Engineering or the Bridge.  I can get onto Deck 10 on my own and make my way to where Ensign Kenickie is.  She'll need the help because of her condition."


      Aidan arches an eyebrow then shakes his head "You're right..you're going to Deck 10..but you're also wrong..we're going too.  Sorry, Lieutenant, I am not the type that lets others do my fighting for me.  This is my home too and if it's at risk then I intend to do something about it.  Besides, I know you're good at your job, your record itself more then proves that.  However, only a person looking to die walks into the situation that we have on Deck 10 without backup and sorry, I'll be buggered first before that one happens.  Now if the doctors or your subordinates here wish to take your suggestion fine, their choice."  


      A glance at the two security guards is enough to tell Aidan that they intend to remain.  As the turbolift doors open near the armory Aidan lets Shamor lead the way.

They retrieve several phaser rifles from the armory as well as several 24th century equivalent of flash-bang grenades.


      Once properly equipped the group takes the Turbolift to Deck 10 but before it can stop and opens the door Aidan presses the control button that holds it in place.  He glances at one of the security guards and says "Any lifesigns in the corridor, Lieutenant Sharilar?"  The young female human activates her tricorder and reports after a few seconds "No.  The only lifesigns are in...Ten Forward."  She arches an eyebrow as she says that, clearly surprised by that considering that both Auxiliary Control and the Primary Computer Core are also on Deck 10.

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