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Cmdr JFarrington

Tuesday 11.3.2009

STSF_Scooter -> =/\= =/\= STARFLEET ACADEMY ROSTER=/\=/\=

STSF_Scooter -> =/\==/\= TUESDAY 03 NOV 2009 =/\= =/\=


STSF_Scooter -> STSF Sorehl

STSF_Scooter -> STSF Jami (MIA)

STSF_Scooter -> STSF Scooter


STSF_Scooter -> CO: STSF_Sorehl

STSF_Scooter -> XO: STSF_Scooter

STSF_Scooter -> MEDICAL:

STSF_Scooter -> CMO- Joker Morgan

STSF_Scooter -> AMO-Tkar

STSF_Scooter -> AMO-T'ashaya

STSF_Scooter -> AMO-Leah


STSF_Scooter -> CSEC- T'Aral

STSF_Scooter -> ::tosses the mic to Sorehl::

STSF Sorehl -> Thanks, Scooter.

STSF_Scooter -> ::bows graciously::

STSF Sorehl -> :: gestures to the holodeck doors as they open :: Places, cadets, visitors.

STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: The Galaxy-class starship Victory is responding to a distress call from Charamis II, a newly established colony.

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

Joker Morgan -> <<what er did we decide on??>>

Joker Morgan -> <<era>>

STSF Sorehl -> Post-TNG/DS9/VOY era.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::on the bridge:::

TKAR -> ::<AMO>::Nods to sorehl::

T'aral -> :: Stationed at Tactical, for the moment. ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::sitting in the semi-comfy chair, watching Chief Tar'ghet operate helm::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to CMO::: You may be wondering why I asked you and the medical staff to join me on the bridge.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> Please state your emergency.

STSF_Scooter -> ((afk fas))

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Eyebrow ... ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CMO> <AMO's> :::appreciates skipping the platitudes::: The emergency is this: We've received a distress call from the colony on Charamis II.

TKAR -> <AMO>::watches the CO and CMO Reaction::

Joker Morgan -> <CMO>Are they in the need for medical attention Capn'?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <All> The colony was established six months ago with a mere 500 colonists. The distress call indicated they were suffering some kind of... well, it's not entirely clear...

Leah -> < AMO> ::listening to the CO::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <All> It has some signs of an epidemic, or some kind of systemic reaction to something in the biosphere, but there were confusing messages sounding like some kind of external attack.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::gestures onscreen::: We're entering orbit now, but we're unclear about the biosigns we're seeing. Fewer than thirty humanoid lifesigns, but no evidence of attack.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> Are you planning a medical away screen or a regular kind?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CMO> I'm recommending a medical team, with security backup. The XO will lead the team, but you own the mission, Dr. Morgan.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> Team that is... excuse the auditory inperfection

Leah -> <AMO> ::with PADD in hand taking notes::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: 'Tricorder ... phaser ... that should be satisfactory.' ::

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> Very well do we have any intelligence on the world ie planet class, sizemic activity, population?

TKAR -> <AMO>::LInteresting::<CMO>Sir, should we have all medical teams assemble and the staff on call all shifts?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO/CMO> Class-M with abundant foliage and tropical environment, near the colony site. Normal seismic levels and no indiginous intelligent life.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> AMO> Yes head to sickbay and assemble the teams, one team for the mission and the rest waiting in sick bay

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Thusfar, we've received no response to hails. :::looks onscreen:::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Summons a second security officer to transporter, and waits for CO to finish. ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> I recommend a survey of the colonial center, which is where the largest concentration of remaining humanoid signs are, but it's your team.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> CO> But we are sure that there is a wreckage on the planet?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Wreckage, doctor?

TKAR -> <AMO><CMO>sir, shoild i get the medical pouches ready with medical teams?

T'aral -> <CSEC> ::The doctor must be expecting some kind of chaos-behavior virus.::

STSF_Scooter -> ((bak))

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> Ah, we are receiving the message from the people on th eplanet.

STSF_Scooter -> (( lol T))

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CMO> Correct. There's no sign of external attack or influence, that we can ascertain.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> AMO> Yes.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO/CMO> But clearly, something has happened to the other 400 life signs.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CO/CMO> Which necessitates the landing party

Leah -> <AMO> :: makes a note to survey the colonial center::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> Agreed. So unless there are further questions, let's get your team down there and see what we can do to help... and find out what happened.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> CO> Very well... I believe that splitting the away team one landing in the town center and one landing on the outskirt to be a logical decision.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CO> Of course Captain.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CMO> Take that up with the XO. For now, let's get the group down to the transporter room.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Steps to the TL ::

T'ashaya -> <AMO><CMO> have scanns been conducted of the area for known viruses that may have caused problems?

STSF_Scooter -> Helm> Standard orbit achieved Captain

TKAR -> <AMO>::Follows the cmo to sick bay:;calls sick bay to get the medical kits/pouches<Tricorders>READY ,Calls medical teams all shifts to be ready for action.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><Helm> Acknowledged. Hold geostationary orbit above the beam-down site.

STSF_Scooter -> Helm> Aye Sir

STSF_Scooter -> Helm> Geosynch orbit

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::takes the center chair and settles in to watch the scans and landing party telemetry:::

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> AMO> Do you wish to accompany the away team or do you wish to remain on the ship?

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CMO, AMOs> Doctors...shall we?

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> T'Aral, you're with me as well.

Leah -> <AMO> ::waits for orders from the CMO::

STSF Sorehl -> << Host Note: There will be no activity aboard the ship, so let's not leave any players behind. >>

T'aral -> <CSEC> Yes sir.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> As a safety precaution i believe we should equip breather masks just in case something is airborn.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::heads aft to the lift::

TKAR -> <AMO>::Nods::<CMO>reaady to go down and help doctor.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::pulls up data on Charamis II and the colony itself, seeing if there's anything relevant to pass along to the away team:::

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> ::grabs respirators for the away team and heads to the TR::

T'ashaya -> <AMO> I am also ready.

STSF Sorehl -> << Good precaution. >>

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> ::arrives at transporter room and begins handing out respirators::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::takes her mask, and assumes her beaming pose on the pad::

T'ashaya -> <AMO> ::takes respirator from Dr. Morgan::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Resperator - Tricorder - phaser ... pad. ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> MOs/CSEC> Are we ready, ladies, gentleman?

STSF Sorehl -> Transporter Chief><XO> Bridge signals ready to energize on your order, sir.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> we should probally wre them down until initial scanns are clear.

T'aral -> <CSEC> <XO> Ready, sir.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> Chief> Understood, Chief.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> Chief> Energize

TKAR -> <AMO>::checks out com message from sick bay::<CMO>doctor medical supplies <Pouches/tricorders/hypos.are waiting in transporter room including back up medical teams if needed.

Joker Morgan -> <CMO> ::puts resipirator on::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team deshimmers.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The away team shimmers, rematerializing on the planet surface, a colony city amidst jungle surroundings.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> ::using tricorder to scann the area::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Sparkly lines - more sparkles - there I am. ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::looks around:: Tropical...idyllic, as well.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> :: whips out tricorder and begins scanning for air::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Snaps open tricorder while drawing phaser - looking about for life signs. ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> NIP> Looks like one of the planets Will used to find...and lose.

TKAR -> <AMO>::shimmers <with medical supplies>::<CMO>scanning doctor:;

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Some of the buildings look overgrown with vines and foliage. The pathways between buildings have lots of weeds and small plants poking out through cracks.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Still scanning. :: <XO> 'Will', sir?

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> Captain Marx of the Exeter...he had this nasty habit of not logging Class M planet finds. Particularly if they were idyllic.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Notes overgrowth. :: <ALL> Curious ...

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Scans show a fairly high concentration of various pollens and native spores in the air.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> Indeed...must have a rapid growth cycle...

T'ashaya -> <AMO> <CSEC> I do not believe it was an important comment.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CO=- Captain, we're down. Colony center appears to be overgrown.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The air is otherwise normal and breathable.

T'aral -> <CSEC> <XO> Yes sir - exactly how long has it been since the colony was in distress?

TKAR -> <amo><CMO><all>I Wonder how long this growth is?

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> I am picking various types of spores in the air. I suggest keeping the respirator on we may not know if we would find allergic substancews in the air.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Overgrown? The colony is barely six months old. :::pause::: Curious.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CO=- Indeed, Captain. When did the distress call come in to Starfleet?

TKAR -> <AMO>::rechecks medical tricorder for lifesigns::

T'aral -> <CSEC> <All> This level of overgrowth would require five to ten years under Terran conditions. The vegetation of this planet is clearly what a botanist would consider 'aggressive'.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Are we picking up any life signs?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Received at Starbase 180 about 10 days ago. We were the closest ship this far out on the periphery.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Finishes tricorder sweep ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CO=- Understood, Captain. It looks like it should've taken 5 to 10 years to reach this level.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Within short range, scattered in several structures are about 30 humanoid lifesigns of various Federation races.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> T'aral, link your tricorder to the ship for visual imagry.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A cluster of 12 is in a large cubic structure not far ahead.

T'aral -> <CSEC> <XO> Aye sir. :: Compliance ::

STSF Sorehl -> CO> +XO+ That's an unusual acceleration - unless that's natural for this world. Keep me advised.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Medics> Ok ladies and gents we are going into an unknown medical area, we are checking for vitals and taking samples. When we find what we need I will make the decision on what we will do from there

T'aral -> <CSEC> <Ship> Communications - are you getting this?

STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CO=- Aye Captain. T'aral's uplinking tricorder imagery for analysis

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::looking around::

TKAR -> <amo>::nods to CMO>::<CMO>doctor, i.,m geting some animal readings also in the same area too.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ We see it. An impressive encroachment of the surrounding vegetation. Hard to believe the colonists would have allowed it.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> AMO> What family of animal

T'aral -> <CSEC> <Ship> Do you have adequate records? I wish to continue with security sweeps.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CO=- Unless it's as aggressive the killer rabbits of Caerbannog. Or the colonists ran out of string for their weedwhackers.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO>+CSEC+ We've received your scans and are augmented from orbit. Feel free to swtch to tactical scans, as needed.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing XO, consults the database:::

TKAR -> <AMO>::starts walking scanning ::<AMO>its seems a cross between dragon and horse type small as library computer records show.

T'aral -> <CSEC> Acknowledged. :: Returns to tactical sweep - 360 deg. about party. ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::wonders just who this Monty Python is... AGAIN:::

STSF_Scooter -> (( lol ))

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Ah a Drorse.... Steer clear.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Examines readings. :: Curiouser and curiouser ... there seems to be a relative absence of fauna.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> <CMO>Maybe we should see if we can make visual contact with the group that’s not too far from here. Maybe they can help us understand what has been going on

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> Except for the odd drorse...

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> Unless the flora's more of the carnivorous kind?

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Ya lets do that

T'aral -> <CSEC> <CMO> Recommend that I take point?

T'ashaya -> <AMO><CMO> ::starts tward cubic structure, keeps scanning the area::

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Well "point" us in the right direction.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> ::chuckles amusedly::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Eyebrow as T'ashaya walks by. :: It's that way. :: Follows T'ashaya. ::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: On the way to the cubical structure, which scans suggest is a gymnasium or recreation facility, the team sees a human corpse lying in the "street". It seems to overgrown with grass. A green stalk is growing straight up through the chest, already about eye level.

STSF Sorehl -> << to BE overgrown >>

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::groans at the pun::

T'aral -> <CSEC> <All> Interesting: reminicent of Asian torture practices on Earth.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> ::lets T'aral take the lead::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Monitors tactical scans - leads group to Life-sign cluster. ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> Its just an aggressive flora, T'Aral

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Scan the corpse and take a sample... then transmit the data back to the medical team.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CMO> Doc, can you estimate when they died?

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> It seems they died in the afternoon...

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> ::continues to scan::

T'aral -> <CSEC> <MOs> ... and be mindful for any shoots - pointed protrusions in the area. For all we know these things can snap up like spears.

TKAR -> <AMO>::nods to XO and cmo,starts taking samplies as they go::<CMO>sir,look at these samplies its a hybind of some kind?

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Closing in on the cluster ... ::

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::arches her own blue-black eyebrow at the time of death::

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> ::Looks:: Hmm interesting send these samples back to the medical team on board.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> <CMO> the lifesigns of the people ahead seem to be strong, I would not think that an illness has caused the deaths.

STSF_Scooter -> ((afk again))

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is another similar body propped near the gym door, covered in grass, but vines are wrapped around it and growing up the side of the building.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Scans it to see how it shows up on the tricorder ...::

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Hmm... Poison Ivy...

STSF_Scooter -> ((bak))

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> ::scans the corps::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Nods with satisfaction :: This scans as a plant - the group inside should be the remainder of the colony.

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Enters building. ::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The corpse near the door used to be a Vulcan male.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> NIP> Most ominous...

T'aral -> << Hopefully nobody I knew ... >>

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Interesteing... it seems that this man used to be vulcan.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The interior of the building is dark, except for light streaming in through the glass panels and doors.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> ::enters after T'aral::

T'aral -> <CSEC> :: Looks about ... :: Hello?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::on the ship, watching the visuals silently:::

T'ashaya -> <AMO> :: turns to Dr. Morgan :: have you seen any movement from the plants outside that would lead you to believe they are the cause of this?

STSF Sorehl -> Voice Inside> Hello? Who's out there? :::faintly:::

TKAR -> <AMO>::calls the ship to pick up the samplies and run testson them::<CMO><all amo>sxo>Sir i have a theory maybe they tired to grow a higher from of plant to havent for food and it evolved into something they couldn,t control and attacked the inhabitants li

STSF_Scooter -> XO> Commander Wesley and Chief T'aral of the Victory

TKAR -> <<OPPS harvest>>

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> There are many different plant lifes on this planet it would illogical to rule out that possibility.

STSF Sorehl -> Voice Inside> Starfleet? You got our message?

T'aral -> <CSEC> That is correct - what has happened here?

T'ashaya -> <AMO> <TKAR> We havent seen anything moving now. I would assume that it happens at night

STSF Sorehl -> Voice Inside> The whole planet... freakin' attacked us! Don't breath the spores! :: muffled sounding ::

T'aral -> <CSEC> We haven't ... do you require medical assistance?

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Luckily we have respirators.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> or maybe the plants can grow from the inside out...

STSF Sorehl -> Voice> Most of us are okay. We sealed off the doors in here with plastisteel sheeting, but a couple have been coughing. They might have been exposed!

STSF_Scooter -> XO> (m) Talk about pollen allergies from Hades...

TKAR -> <AMO>::nods to both ::<CMO><amo,all>Doctor i called the ship to use contament fields while studing the samples i sent to the ship.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> Bring me the ones who have possibly been exposed.

STSF Sorehl -> Voice> :: to someone else :: Pull those sheets down. I think they've got doctors out there.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> Voices> We have medical personnel with us.

T'ashaya -> <AMO> The people that have been coughing we need to examin them.

STSF Sorehl -> Voice> :::to Joker::: We'd rather not come out there. We don't have respirators.

T'aral -> <CSEC> <XO> Sir: with proper protocols, we could beam the survivors on board and quarantine them until we were certain who is or is not infected.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CSEC> That is quite logical.

T'aral -> <CSEC> <XO> Recommend dividing them into 'coughing' and 'no coughing'.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> -=CO=- Captain, recommend we start beaming survivors up to the ship, using cargo bays 2 and 3 for quarantine. We'll triage down here before having them beamed aboard

T'ashaya -> <AMO> <CSEC> Tho we need to have caution with everyone, we do not know that the uninfected are not carring the spors in their cloths, hair, ect.

Joker Morgan -> @<CMO> I concur sir, however I would suggest setting up a quarrantine peremiter around sick bay and that all my medics were resipirators.

TKAR -> <AMO>::Still scanning ::<cmo>Sir we have the new bio unit quarantine unit in sick bay 2 ready medical teams are preparing it now.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +XO+ Acknowledged. I'll advise engineering to work with the remaining medical personnel to establish a quarantine area.

STSF_Scooter -> XO> CMO> Doc, we're going to use Cargo bays 2 and 3 for quarantine.

STSF Sorehl -> Voice> Thank the Maker you got our message.

T'aral -> <CSEC> <XO/CMO> Agreed.

STSF Sorehl -> And...

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

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