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Cut Him Some Slack

Debbie pushed her way through the room and stepped out into the corridor. It was even more crowded than in the cargo bay. There had been a brief power failure a few minutes earlier. The lights were back on but the rescued colonists were still a bit edgy. Who could blame them.


      They'd been kidnapped by persons unknown and relocated to a base on their moon. Then they were unceremoniously plucked off the moon and deposited into the cargo bay of a ship none of them had ever heard of. They were tired and hungry and dirty to boot. They didn't know what was going on or what might happen next. The colonists had every right to be scared and confused.


      As Debbie stood in the middle of the corridor, hands on hips, it occurred to her that she too was scared and confused. But unlike the colonists huddled about her, she knew what was going on. And just exactly why was she so upset?


      "Your going to break your face if you don't relax your jaw."

      The CMO whipped her head to the left and glared at the woman who was now standing beside her. It was Gracie, the Reaent's nurse extrodinare. She offered Debbie a bottle of water. "Drink this. It isn't chocolate but it will help you feel better."


      Gracie worked for Debbie but that was a mere technicality. Everyone in the medical section, including the CMO, knew better than to ignore Gracie when she had something to say. And right now, it was pretty obvious there was something on her mind....and Debbie had a good idea what it was.


      Dr. Matthews grudgingly accepted the water and took a quick sip. Then she drew a deep breath and looked at the other woman. "Okay, what have I done now?"


      Gracie grabbed Debbie's sleeve and gently pulled her down the corridor to a less crowded area. "You were a little rough on Commander Ridire."

      "What?" Debbie came to an abrupt halt and glared at Gracie. "I was rough on Ridire!"

      The nurse returned the glare. "Yeah...you were. What did you expect him to do? Lay down the welcome mat?"

      "Of course not!  But he didn't have to be so...so...heavy handed."

      "He stunned them."

      "Heavy stun, Gracie!" Debbie lowered her voice as a small group of colonists were escorted by. "He set his phaser on heavy stun."


      The CMO walked a bit further down the corridor. "A more moderate setting would have been just as effective."

      "Maybe....under normal circumstances. But these aren't normal circumstances. And you know it," replied Gracie quietly.


      Gracie was right. These were anything but normal circumstances and Debbie was well aware of that fact. At the same time, she was genuinely disturbed by Ridire's behavior.


      The two women stepped aside as a hover cart loaded  with several types of beverages was pushed down the corridor toward the cargo bay.

      "He stunned them," continued Gracie in a low voice. "Perhaps a lower setting would have done the trick but who knew what was coming aboard. What if one of them had been Klingon?"

      Gracie was right again. A moderate stun would fell most species but there were some who could tolerate it. Ridire and the others had to be prepared for any eventuality. Debbie leaned against the bulkhead and closed her eyes. When she opened them a moment later, Gracie was standing directly in front of her.

      "He didn't kill them," whispered the nurse.

      "No," replied Debbie softly. "But he wanted to. You should have seen the look in his eyes."

      Gracie smiled sadly. "I saw it and yeah....he probably did want to kill them. But he didn't. He stunned them. They'll wake up in a couple of hours with monster headaches but other than that, they'll be just fine."

      The CMO crossed her arms in front of her and pursed her lips. "I know," she whispered.

      "So what's with you? What is it about this incident that has you so bent of shape?"

      Debbie shook her head and shrugged her shoulders at the same time. "I don't know."

      "I do."

      "And your going to tell me whether I want you to or not."

      "That's right," answered Gracie moving to lean against the bulkhead beside Debbie. "So listen up because I'm not going to repeat myself. You've worked with Ridire for a while now but all you've ever seen was the officer and the gentleman. A few minutes ago, you met the warrior and it scared the daylights out of you."

      The CMO turned to face Gracie. "What are you talking about?"

      "You know what I'm talking about," replied the nurse, clearly annoyed. "The command officers have been trained to harness the warrior within them. That's why they're in command. Don't be afraid of the warrior when you see him. Respect him and be grateful for him. The warrior protects his own."


      Gracie pushed away from the wall. "Ridire's first responsibility is to his crew, not to those criminals. He could have killed them in a heart beat but he didn't. He stunned them. He did what he had to do to protect us...and that includes you."

      The nurse turned back toward the cargo bay. She called over her shoulder as she started to walk away. "So cut him some slack, Doctor. And while you're at it, you might want to figure out a way to apologize."


      Debbie watched as Gracie moved through the crowded corridor and disappeared into the cargo bay. Then she closed her eyes and again leaned against the bulkhead. She wasn't quite ready to admit Gracie was right about everything, especially the need for an apology. At the same time, she wasn't as sure of herself as she had been a few minutes earlier. Debbie was now more than a little concerned that her remarks to Ridire were out of line. And....she wasn't quite sure what to do about that.

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