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Professional Suicide?

Thanks to Commader Ridire for allowing the use of his character in this log.


    There were at least seven hundred people crammed into the cargo bay. Even worse, it was quite apparent most of them hadn't bathed in several days. The rescued colonists seemed unaware of the odor. They had probably adapted to it. On the other hand, the Reaent's personnel were tolerating it as politely as possible.        


      So far, most of the colonists were in remarkably good condition, though a bit malnourished and dehydrated. There were only a few injuries but none were life threatening. There were thirteen pregnant females of varying species. One was due to deliver any day now. They appeared to be in good health but all were ushered to Sickbay for more thorough examinations.  


      In the meantime, Debbie requested additional medical personnel for triage duty and to assist in the relocation process. Unless the situation changed dramatically, the routine shift in Sickbay would be able to handle things there. It was down here, in the cargo bay, where the fight was on to keep one step ahead of chaos.


      And then there was Ridire.  Debbie was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate on the new arrivals. She was disturbed by the Commander's handling of the six suspects who were now lying unconscious in a corner of the cargo bay.


      The CMO was well aware the six had been carrying weapons. It was safe to assume they had been guarding the colonists when the Reaent started beaming everyone off the moon's surface. In short, these were the bad guys. And hadn't Debbie openly voiced her concern about the bad guys finding their way aboard along with the rescued colonists?


      It wasn't so much that Ridire had stunned them. She could rationalize that. There were over seven hundred people in the cargo bay. Although a large security contingent was present, they were badly outnumbered. Decisions regarding possible hostile forces had to be made quickly and definitively. The welfare of the entire ship depended on it.


      What bothered Debbie was the look in Aidan Ridire's eyes as he pulled the trigger. She and Brian Smith were standing just a few feet away when it happened. She wasn't sure Brian picked up on it, but just before the incident, Debbie noticed something in the tone of Ridire's voice that caught her attention. She was looking right at him when he fired the phaser.


      The effect was immediate. The six men collapsed where they stood. Debbie thought she heard Brian say something but she didn't bother looking in his direction. Instead, she kept her eye on Ridire as she quickly approached the unconscious men. A quick scan confirmed the phaser had been set on heavy stun.


      Security officers arrived to remove the men from the transporter pad. Debbie stepped aside and allowed them to do so.  It would take a couple of hours for the six to come around but they would all recover. She again focused her attention on Aidan Ridire who was still standing by the transporter pad.


      "Heavy stun?" asked Debbie as she approached the XO. "Was that really necessary?"

      "Are you questioning my decision, Doctor?" His voice was as cold as ice.


      The CMO studied her commanding officer for a long moment before answering. At 6' 2", he towered over her but all she could see was the cold rage clearly visible in his emerald green eyes. In that moment, Debbie knew those six men were actually very lucky. If Ridire had done what he wanted to do, he wouldn't have stunned them. He would have sent them on their way into the after life.


      Debbie never looked away. Instead she shook her head slightly and glared at him. "Yes, sir....I think I am," she answered curtly. With that, she stepped around him and disappeared into the crowd wondering if she'd just committed professional suicide.

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