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Mission Summary

As the Republic crew enjoy their shoreleave, two of the members find themselves in trouble with the local law. Lt Ayumu

and Ltjg Hawke are under arrest and are being housed in the local jail cell. It seems that Ayumu was flying a shuttle above the crowded beach, in a reckless manor. As a flock of Avatrix flew up, he hit one sending it threw his engine causing the crash as well as polluted the beach scape.


While Mr Hawke was walking on the beach he saw the birds walking on the beach about the same time that AYumu flew over. Thinking nothing about it he stepped closer to the birds to get a better look at the indigenous wildlife. In doing so he caused the birds to fly in which caused the accident with Ayumu and the shuttle.


During their interrogation, Mr Hawke asked to send a message to the ship and was told that he would be able to do so after the interrogation was complete. The questions of the interrogator became more than what he could answer and he suggested that the Authorities ask those question of the XO. The interrogator took this as reluctance to cooperate and called out to his team to locate this Captain Ace and bring him in.


The rest of the crew seems to be enjoying their well deserved time off. Some are on the beach swimming, Some meeting others from the plant, some doing the shopping thing, some dining, some of which may have seen what happened, some that may have not.


What will happen to Ayumu and Hawke next week? We shall see.

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