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Cmdr JFarrington

Tuesday 7.28.2009

BRIEF: The Nebula Class USS JGoldstein is in orbit of Talus VII, sent there to investigate why the colony established there a year ago has not been heard from for three months. Scans show no evidence of attack. Everything on the surface seems to be normal except for the absence of humanoid life forms. An away team is taking a shuttle to the surface to investigate.


Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington

Game Master (GM) - Will Marx


Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Will Marx

Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - Samantha Kent

Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Aidan Patrick


Chief Engineer (CENG) - Shane


Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - Cdt Kouki

Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Eva Jaz

Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) - Erika MR


Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - James Howell

Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Vilanne

Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Dusty 506


Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell

Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Lisanna

Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - TKAR



Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STSF ACADEMY =/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 7/28/2009=/\==/\=

Samantha_Kent -> <XO> ::in the cockpit, looking over HOPS's shoulder::

Lisanna -> <ASec1> :: doing the standing room only routine in the back by the hatch, can't wait to pop out and investigate ::

Vilanne -> <ASCI> ::in shuttle, messing with the scientific gizmos, preparing them for the mission::

AidanPatrick -> <HOPS> ::nervously piloting shuttlecraft::

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1> ::squeezed in between her chief and the wall trying to get comfortable ::

will_marx -> CO> ::in the cockpit, looking over Sam's shoulder, looking over Aidan's shoulder::

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::reviewing transcripts of interplanetary communications prior to the silence 3 months ago::

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> ::running last minute checks over medical equipment and checking over team. Smiles at AMO1::

Lisanna -> <ASec1> :: especially since they have a nervous looking pilot, never makes for a fun flight ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> @ Lt Fabio> ::has the conn on the bridge of the JGoldstein:::

Samantha_Kent -> <XO> ::sandwiched::

James Howell -> <CSCI> ::Calibrating his tricorder::

Samantha_Kent -> <XO><HOPS> What's our ETA to the surface?

TKAR -> <ASEC2>::checking weapons everything on stun incase we need them::

dusty506 -> <ASCI2> ::is cramped and has an elbow sticking into his side:: Vilanne get your elbow out of my side please

AidanPatrick -> ETA is ten minutes, sir.

Lisanna -> <ASec1> :: looks back toward the cockpit, and can't really blame the pilot for being a bit nervous, with the double your pleasure hover action going on ::

will_marx -> CO> ::moves back a couple of feet so as not to crowd Sam::

AidanPatrick -> <HOPS> ::is feeling a little relieved::

Vilanne -> <ASCI> CSCI> So Chief, do they expect to hand out weapons to all the departments on this one? ::glances sideways at dusty:: That's not my elbow.. that's someone's weapon

Vilanne -> <ASCI> ::turns around, taps whomever is behind her:: Can you remove your weapon from Dusty's side? I know we are cramped but golly.

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> AMO2> How are you holding up?

Lisanna -> <ASec1> :: but, take a command team off the bridge and they're like fish out of water, just flopping around getting sea slime... oh wait, that's something else ::

will_marx -> CO> CSCI> Chief, what were the last sensor readings?

Erika MR -> <AMO2><CMO> Good sir

Samantha_Kent -> <XO><HOPS> Good; advise as we get closer and set her down easy.

Lisanna -> <ASec1> <CSec> Any clues on the PADD, sir?

dusty506 -> <ASCI2>::moves forward and grabs his equipment from a tiny metal ccase::

James Howell -> <CSCI><ASCI> I'm not sure on that one Vilanne, but I'm personally hoping we don't need them.

Samantha_Kent -> <XO> ::notes she is no longer being sandwiched and straightens up, glancing back at the CO as he addresses the science team::

TKAR -> <ASEC2>::double checking the weapons::

AidanPatrick -> <HOPS><XO> Yes, sir. We are approaching the surface. Where should I set her down?

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC>::puts down the PADD with the logs on it and thinks back to shooting bottles off the old wooden fence back home::

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> Excellent news. AMO1> AMO2> I want both of you on your toes. Tricorders out and on full standby. We don't know what we're looking at.

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1>:: tries to squeeze against the wall :: <CMO> remind me to fly in first class next time ... more leg room :: grins::

Vilanne -> <ASCI> CSCI> I like being issued these special weapons for AT Missions... they are more fun than phasers in the holodeck

James Howell -> <CSCI><CO> There appears to be no sigh of humanoid life on the planet's surface, Captain. And yet no signs of attack.

Samantha_Kent -> <XO><HOPS> Just outside the colony, wherever you can find a good spot.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1>::gets shaken from his day dream:: No, uh nothing really here just standard stuff

Erika MR -> <AMO2>::Can barely reach her Tricorder::

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> AMO1> I'll make sure to see about accommodations. ::snorting in amusement::

TKAR -> <ASEC2><CSEC>sir, weapons are ready in case we need them and they are on stun mode.

AidanPatrick -> <HOPS><XO> Ok. I've found a nice patch only a couple kilometers outside of the colony. Should be a smooth landing.

Lisanna -> <ASec1> <CSec> Well, it's to be expected. If they knew what to make of this from that data they wouldn't need us to come poke our schnozzes in, would they?

will_marx -> CO> CSCI> Any evidence of biological contamination, Mr Howell?

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC2>The weapons check out?

Vilanne -> <ASCI> ::finishes putting her tricorder back together, and other scientific gear is ready for the mission, tucks it neatly in her side bag::

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1>:: nods, or at least moves her neck as much as she can acknowledging the CMO ::

Samantha_Kent -> <XO><HOPS> ::nods:: Sounds fine; take her in.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Engineer (CENG) - Shane

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1>I suppose not but it never hurts

AidanPatrick -> <HOPS>Yes, sir. ::punches some controls on the helm and sits back as the craft comes to a gentle landing::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <everyone in the shuttle move over for Shane. Thanks>

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> AMO1> AMO2> Both of you try to keep hypos for Decon close to hand once we get into the thick of it.

Samantha_Kent -> <XO> ::watches the shuttle settle in for a landing and suddenly feels slightly more crowded but isn't sure why::

Shane -> <::squeezes in elbowing along the way::>

Samantha_Kent -> <XO><CO> We're down, captain.

James Howell -> <CSCI> ::Checks scanning logs of the planet:: <CO> None that I know of, Captain. Not enough to show up on scans, so nothing that would present a problem.

Vilanne -> <ASCI> ::getting a little more squished with Shane coming down from the mini-JTube in back::

will_marx -> CO> CSCI> Alright.

Erika MR -> <AMO2><AMO1> Mind getting off my lap?

Lisanna -> <ASec1> :: glad the Captain put in that request for the old tourbus shuttle from the Elvis estate sale on Decran V ::

Shane -> CENG><CO> It's quite comfortable...really.

TKAR -> <ASEC2><CSEC>yes, they are? What do you think we are going to find out there.

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1><CMO> yes sir :: turns to AMO2 :: why it's comfy ?

will_marx -> CO> XO> Have the team split into two, You take half, I'll take the other half.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1>::shoots a sly smile at the ASEC1 comment::

Erika MR -> <AMO2><AMO1> I know :P

James Howell -> <CSCI><ASCIs> Any theories on where the colonists might have gone?

will_marx -> CO> AT> We'll fan out and cover more ground that way. Anything out of the ordinary, advise either the Commander or myself. And for god's sake, no one get hurt

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> AMO1> AMO2> Would my stooges kindly pay attention? ::smiling indulgently::

Lisanna -> <ASec1> <CSec> We're splitting up, how you want to divide us? Half of me or half of TKAR?

dusty506 -> <<bacck>>

Shane -> ::pulls out his uper-duper ENG tricoreder and primes for use::

Samantha_Kent -> <XO><CO> Aye, sir. <ALL> Department heads, split your teams please; half with me, half with the captain.

Erika MR -> <AMO2> <CMO> Aye sir

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1><CMO> this stooge is giving you her full attention !

Samantha_Kent -> ((can we get symbols for each team for ease in dividing?))

dusty506 -> <ASCI2><CSCI> they might have left for some reason or they could just be being blocked by the atmosphere

Vilanne -> <ASCI> CSCI> Well, our scans did not indicate anything but a class M, sir.. no atmospheric conditions that would warrant evac, so I"m not sure yet.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <symbols work>

Cmdr JFarrington -> <first come first served>

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC1><ASEC2> Tkar, you're with the Captain along with Lisanna. I'll head out with the XO

Samantha_Kent -> ((any crewman assigned to go with me grab an @))

Vilanne -> <<::prays, there are three of us, please don't split me in half!::>>

James Howell -> <CSCI><ASCIs> Vilanne, you and I will go with the Captain. Dusty, go with the Commander.

TKAR -> <ASEC2>::looks up wonders whats up with the njoke::<Asec1><CSEC>sirs?

will_marx -> ((There ya go. ))

Vilanne -> <ASCI> <CSCI> Aye, Chief.

Shane -> <darn>

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1>::awaits to know which team she's going with ::

Lisanna -> <ASec1> <CSec> :: smirks :: Aye, sir. :: he just wants to take the rear behind Sam, she thinks; not that she's complaining about the same duty with Will ::

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> XO> Aye! ::turns to medical department:: AMO1> AMO2> I want Eva with the Captain. Erika, you're with the Commander. I'll Stay with the Captain. Understood?

dusty506 -> <ASCI2><CSCI> yes sir

Erika MR -> <A<O2> <CMO> yes sir

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><HOPS> You'll be with me. Secure from landing and pop the hatch open. Getting a little crowded in here. ::grins::

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1><CMO> aye !

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO>I'm with you Ma'am

Shane -> <CENG><CO> I'll head for which ever group is going to the main control room.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> Medical's scans of the atmosphere show no anomalies.

James Howell -> <CSCI> ::Continues to scan the environment, despite previous assurances its all safe::

dusty506 -> <ASCI2>Sam i guess im with you...

will_marx -> With XO @ HOPS- Aidan Patrick AMO EVA Jaz ASCI Dusty CSEC> Jerry Maxwell ASEC> TKar

Samantha_Kent -> ((thank you, Will))

TKAR -> <ASEC2>::goes to protect the captain::<mco>Sir , i will go first,i don,t want a dead captain on my watch and carreer bio.

Vilanne -> <ASCI> ::all packed up::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><CO> Team's assembled sir. Specific orders?))

will_marx -> ((If y'all ain't with Sam, you're with Me #))

Lisanna -> <ASec1> :: re-adjusts her phaser and tricorder on her belt slots, pulls a Picard Manoeuver, and is ready to rock ::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI2>::finishes getting his gear::ready Sam

Cmdr JFarrington -> % Lt Fabio> ::aboard the JGoldstein, monitoring the AT:::

James Howell -> <CSCI> ::Stands next to the Captain::

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> AMO1> Alright. Keep your tricorder out and get your tuckas over here. ::heads over towards the captain::

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::stands near her CSCI::

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO2> :: exits the shuttle tricorder in hand ::

will_marx -> # CO> XO> Find out what happened and report back.

TKAR -> <ASEC2><CO>sir,phaser; stun mode sir?

Lisanna -> #<ASec1> :: still back by the hatch, ready to play usher until everyone's off the bus ::

will_marx -> # CO> XO> No injuries, and no blowing anything up. Health insurance is already costing this crew too much

Shane -> <CENG>::manuvers over to Sam's group, elbowing some more::

will_marx -> CO> AT> Phasers on stun.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><CO> ::chuckles:: Aye, aye, captain. ::heads for the hatch, assuming her little team will follow along behind::

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::exits the shuttle phaser in hand::

dusty506 -> <ASCI2>::followsSam::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO> ::hops out into the open air, seeing the outer border of the colony:: <CSEC> Alright, take point; let's go check it out.

Lisanna -> #<ASec1> <XO> :: jaunty salue to Sam as she heads out :: Good luck and stay out of trouble, ma'am.

dusty506 -> <<do i have a phaser too or just security?>>

Shane -> <CENG> ::Follows behind the XO, setting phaser to stun::

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::thinks 'darn, just lil phasers and only stun', but pulls it out and sets accordingly, with tricorder in other hand::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><ASEC1> ::smiles:: I'll do my best. Same to you.

TKAR -> <ASEC2>::watches ::<CO>sir ,i will go first.

Lisanna -> #<ASec1> <XO> :: nods :: Have to, I'm with the Captain.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><XO>Ay Ma'am ::takes up the front of the group leading the way::

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1>::scans around:: <XO> I detect no "medical" reasons for the lack of humanoid life forms .. nothing bacterial or viral in the atmosphere

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The away team exits the shuttle very close to the colony and it takes them little time to enter the compound. Everything is there as though the colonists were still home, except they aren't.

will_marx -> ((T'Kar, you're with Sam))

Lisanna -> #<ASec1> :: watches everyone file out ::

Lisanna -> (( Skip put TKAR with us, Will ))

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::running tricorder on everything, searching for anything that will answer this delima::

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> ((yep))

Cdt_Kouki -> @<CMO> ASEC1> Could you keep an eye on radiation levels? I'm a little wary about all this.

Shane -> <CENG>::waving his open tricorder around searching for power signals::

James Howell -> <CSCI> ::Scans the surroundings for life signs. Scans before showed nothing, but it never hirts to scan again::

TKAR -> <<ok who am WITH?

Shane -> *@

dusty506 -> <ASCI2>::looks around::wow looks like they left in a hurry::Sam what do you think happened to them?::scans area::

Cdt_Kouki -> ((bother. mine was supposed to go to CSCI))

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::tacks little #'all over the team::

Eva Jaz -> << ok I think everyone is lost as to where they are and with whom... cause Will said one thing but the chiefs said something else ! >>

TKAR -> <<YES i,m confused>.

Cmdr JFarrington -> OK..PAUSE

Lisanna -> (( yeah, I saw Sam order the DH's to divvy up, and then they did ))

Cmdr JFarrington -> PAUSE SIM....

Shane -> @<CENG>::finds something:: Commander Kent, I'm still reading power signals normal. Nothing irregular.

Lisanna -> :: temp pause ::

Samantha_Kent -> ::PAWSORS::

Eva Jaz -> ::paused::

James Howell -> ::paused::

Erika MR -> ::)::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Will, please let everyone know where they are and who they are with.

dusty506 -> Paws

Shane -> ::temp pause::


will_marx -> Ok, Stand by for AT assignemnts:

will_marx -> With XO @

will_marx -> HOPS- Aidan Patrick

will_marx -> AMO EVA Jaz

will_marx -> ASCI Dusty

will_marx -> CSEC> Jerry Maxwell

will_marx -> CO #

will_marx -> ASEC> TKar

will_marx -> CMO Kouki

will_marx -> CSCI Howell

will_marx -> AMO Erika MR

will_marx -> ASCI Vil

will_marx -> ASEC Lis

will_marx -> CENG Shane

will_marx -> If you don't have a post PM Me

Cmdr JFarrington -> Thank you. Make a note if you need to.

TKAR -> <,got it

Cmdr JFarrington -> RESUME SIM

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO> ::moving into the colony along with her team::

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> <CSEC><ASEC2>Take up the rear Tkar.

Shane -> <CENG><CO> Sir, I'm reading all power signals normal, nothing irregular.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1>::follows XO, keeping tricorder in hand ::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI2>::walks slowly scouting out the area::

Shane -> *#

will_marx -> # CO> ::moving into the colony from the other side...::

Cdt_Kouki -> <CMO> CSCI> Is there any sort of obscure radiation in this area?

James Howell -> <CSCI> <ASCI> +COMM+ What's it like on your end, Dusty?

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO>::examines the area:: Area looks secure Ma'am

Shane -> #<CENG>::waving his tricorder around::

will_marx -> # CO> ASCI> It's too bloody quiet

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> Nope. Nothing abnormal shows on scans. Nothing threatening at all.

James Howell -> <CSCI><CMO> Hang on a second ::Scans radiation levels::

TKAR -> <@asec2><csec>yes,sir::goes to the rear::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI2>+CSCI+ looks clear for now no humanoids on scans just looks like they all picked up and left

James Howell -> <CSCI><CMO> Everything looks clean.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1> :: looks around at the deserted colony :: <w> this place is creepy!

Lisanna -> #<ASec1> :: with the team, her hand resting comfortably on her holstered phaser while she uses the other hand to scan with a tric ::

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> Whole thing seems bloody peculiar if you ask me. ::still eyeing scans::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><@TEAM> Lifesigns? Anything of interest scientifically?

will_marx -> STAGE HAND> ::Staples # on Mr's Kouki and Howell::

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> ::has an uneasy feeling::

Shane -> #<CENG><CO> If we can get to a terminal, I can access the colonies internal sensor scans.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> Life signs outside the colony, in the wooded areas, in the fields. Nothing unusual.

dusty506 -> @<ASCI2><XO>no nothing here just an empty colony

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::continues to run tricorder scans, on everything around them, adjusting settings, wide and narrow scans, different frequencies::

will_marx -> # CO> CENG> Good Call.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1><XO> I'm not detecting anything abnormal ::looks back at the tricorder trying to find a reason ::

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> Why would an entire colony up and leave without informing anyone?

dusty506 -> <@<ASCI><XO>correction average lifesigns around colony no humanoid though

will_marx -> # CO> ASE> Lis, find us a terminal.

will_marx -> # CO> CSCI> That's why we're here..

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::Keeps his eyes peeled::

TKAR -> @<ASEC2>::watches everyones back::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><ASCI2/AMO1> ::grunts:: Nothing abnormal except the complete absence of...anything...

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CO> Terminal it is, sir. :: accesses the colony map and does a quick search for the nearest building with what they require ::

will_marx -> ((::is working through typonese tonight::P)

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CSCI> Chief... there are life signs outside the colony.... way out there in the wood and near the fields... trying to identify if they are human.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1><XO> it's the same as it was when we exited the shuttle , no sign of any bacterial , viral or toxic trace around .... ::looks puzzled and creeped out ::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><CSEC> Any signs of violence or a struggle?

will_marx -> # CO> CMO> Medical scans are clear, Doc?

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> Very good, Vil.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO> Nothing noticeable

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> CO> So far...everything so...quiet. I don’t like it, but I can't say anything's wrong yet.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CSCI> Not human... not sure what they are, trying to pinpoint.

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <#> All right, the colony's infrastructure management is the nearest that has access to the system, just down this way. :: leads ::

will_marx -> # CO> CMO> You're not the only one with the screaming heebie jeebies, Doctor

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> ::continues scanning for...anything::

will_marx -> # CO> ::right behind Lis::

Shane -> #<CENG> ::falls in right behind Liz::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::sees something on the ground in front of him and jumps:: whoah!!! ::sees its just a harmless animal the size of a mouse

James Howell -> #<CSCI> ::Scanning for energy levels to see if power sources can be located::

Cdt_Kouki -> # CMO> CO> ::nods solemnly:: I'm keeping an eye peeled.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::near the back of the group::

Samantha_Kent -> @<MXO><m> This is SO bloody weird...

TKAR -> <ASEC2>+<CSEC>sir, interesting i,m i nuts but i don,t hear any animal sounds.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1>::jumps as she hears ASCI yelling at the animal ::

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::seeing the ASCI jump turns and points his phaser::

Lisanna -> #ASec1> :: counts off buildings, swerves over to the door of the one she's looking for :: In here... hold while I do a quick check. :: pulls phaser and pops the door open, does a quick scan inside ::

TKAR -> <<@>>

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><MXO>what is bloody weird?

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> ::following, analyzing scan::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The mouse like creature seems to be watching the AT, interested in what they are doing.

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <#> Empty as my first cousin's skull, come on in.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><ASCI> Oh, nothing, except the fact that everyone has apparently disappeared.

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> AMO2> Anything at all? Heck, I'd settle for a hiccup...

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO> ::eyes the mouse creature:: What are you staring at?

Shane -> #<CENG>:: waits back a little, then follows in::

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <CMO> Nothing sir, not one thing

will_marx -> # CO> ;:holds up::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI2><MXO> try not to scare it lets see what its up to

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1> :: looks around and spot the mouse *watching* them :: <CSEC> Am I hallucinating or this thing is actually looking at us .. well spying on us or something?!

Shane -> #<CENG>::spots a terminal and heads to it:: That'll do.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::follows the group into the doorway, looking for any signs of life, or clues::

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CEng> And when you're done I'd like to see what the local constabulary has in their files.

will_marx -> # CO> CENG> Good... Looks like power's still running...

dusty506 -> @ASCI>+CSCI+ Sir we have found a mouse like creature here just thought in would let you know

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><AMO1>You're probably just nervous. I doubt a mouse is really studying us. It's just some little mouse thing.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The terminal shows the colonists healthy and happy, personal logs show that they have all found a mouse-like creature almost irresistible and have taken them in as house pets. The creature continues to look at the AT as though it is listening.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO> ::rolls eyes:: It's a mouse...I think we have more important things to worry about.

James Howell -> #<CSCI> <self> It makes no sense, something that would be reason enough for a colony to evac, or awful enough to kill them all, should be really obvious...

Shane -> #<CENG><Liz> Gotcha ::hooks up his tricorder to the terminal and starts downloading files::

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> AMO2> Try communicating with Eva and see if she's found anything different.

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <CMO> yes sire

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO>::nods in agreement::

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1><CSEC> yes probably :: still not trusting the mouse she takes a reading of it with the tricorder :: <m to the mouse > Go away!

will_marx -> # CO> CSCI> Unless something subtly turned 'em into lunch, Mr Howell

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CSCI> ::over hears "kill them all":: But Chief, there are no bodies, no blood... no biological signatures that we can ID, except a little vermon

James Howell -> #<CSCI> ::Staying with him group, whilst glancing at his surroundings in a curious yet worried way::

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <AMO1> Anything on your end?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Action> The mouse scampers off towards the woods.

Shane -> #<CENG> Just a large amount of ratlike readings is all I'm showing.

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::scratches head::that was odd oh well guess we should keep going

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><ASCI> Seen everything you need to?

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO>Suggest we head in ma'am

TKAR -> <@ASEC2>::still looking for an animal or two::+<CSEC>sir, do you feel like you are the ginny pig in a maze or this planet is giving me the cheeps.

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CO> The initial planetary survey of this world didn’t show any subterranean places they could all slip into, did it?

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> True, Vil. I would almost prefer that, though, at least there would be some sort of reason for the lack of life...

will_marx -> # CO> ASEC> None that I recall reading about.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO> ::watches the mouse disappear into the woods and looks after it for a moment, then shakes her head tiredly::

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1> :: jumps about 3 feet in the air as her com chirps :: +AMO2+ a mouse that's it .. tell the chief he's not missing out on the action if that's what he's worried about

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <AMO1> Thanks

Shane -> #<CENG><CO> I'l pull a video feed of the last sign of human life signs.

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- Find anything, Sam?

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> AMO2> Well? Anything at all?

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>+ASEC2+Keep it together Tkar. We just need to stay calm. The only thing that can get us in trouble is loosing our cool.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CSCI> Agreed...

will_marx -> # CO> ::nods at Shane, and looks at the monitor::

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO>+CO+ Well, so far we've found a mouse, sir. Closest thing to a lifesign in the place. Other than that...it's a ghost town.

Erika MR -> #<AMO2><CMO> Eva reports only a mouse, no other indication of whats happened

Shane -> #<CENG>::pulls up the video on the big screen on the wall::

Shane -> *big

Cmdr JFarrington -> The last logs show colonists have become shorter and very hairy.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1>:: looks cautiously where she's walking ::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::scans around a little bit more::<XO> hey sam look at these readings.. there appears to be those mouse like creatures all over

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- Yeah. We've found a terminal and are accessing the last known logs...

Lisanna -> #ASec1> :: props a hig on a nearby desk to watch the video ::

James Howell -> #<CSCI> ::Observes the monitor the Captain is looking at, curious at what it could reveal::

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CSCI> If there is a mouse, there may be mice... if there are mice... there is food.

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> I see...No pertinent medical scans of the creatures? <CO> My other Medical Officer, Eva, reports only strange mouse-like creatures from her team.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> Mouse creature? not just a mouse?

will_marx -> # CO> ::still on an open channel:: Mutation? Or regression?

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <#> Uh... is that... :: head tilt at the short, hairy colonists :: That's just odd.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><CO> ::nods:: Understood, sir...I'll have my people take a look around in some of the buildings. ::hears ASCI:: And apparently...chase more mice.

Eva Jaz -> <<it's the special kind Vil >>

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> We aren't here for food, Vil. We're here for answers.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> <<LOL Eva>>

will_marx -> # CO> CMO> Commander Kent's checked it also

Shane -> #<CENG>::watching the video feed, wishing he had popcorn::

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CEng> Go back a bit, see if you can cross-check and see if you can find one where they're... more human in appearance, same loggers.

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> ::shudders at screen:: short, hairy colonists

TKAR -> <@ASEC2>+<CMO>doc anything on your end i feel something is watching us.+<CSEC>i will keep it together but this is the cheepist plant i been on compared to vulcan this is hell.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CSCI> I know Chief, but... if we find a food source, maybe we can find the mice pack... maybe it would lead us to some other life signs... or answers.

will_marx -> # CO> CMO> Doc, look at the screen. Is genetic regression possible?\

TKAR -> <<Planet>>

Shane -> #<CENG>::rewinds a little::

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> AMO2> Ever seen anything like that before? ::studying intently:: Does the terrain suggest that this is a natural state of evolution?

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> that is a thought, if there is food, it means the people didn't starve...

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::moves closer to the screen:: What the?

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><ASEC>TKAR i wouldn’t worry about the feeling of something watching you its probably nothing just don’t think about it

Erika MR -> #<AMO2><CMO> I've never seen anything remotely like this

will_marx -> # CO> CSCI> Mr Howell, your comments as well

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO><ASCI> Actually I have the same feeling too :: looks around even more creeped out ::

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO CO> ::waving hand int he air:: It is possible that we're looking at a genetic regression. The question is how long a period of time this change took place over. We COULD just be seeing the next evolutionary step for these people.

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- Sam, we just found something interesting...

Cmdr JFarrington -> The colonists have fields they have cultivated, just outside the compound. The plants seem to be healthy and prosperous.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><@ team> Alright, I want a look inside of some of these buildings...see if we can-- ::cut off as CO comms her again::

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::calculates degeneration / regeneration rates over the last three months:: They would have lost 1.5 feet per month, according to that picture... could it be?

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO>+CO+ Yes, sir?

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CMO> Having Shane back up and trying to get more vids from the same loggers, get some side-by-side comparisons.

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><AMO>so do i got it right before the creature showed up ::looks around worriedly now

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- We've got some video feeds of colonists regressing...

Lisanna -> #ASec1> :: tapping chin, in thought while she watches CEng go through the videos ::

TKAR -> @<ASEC2>::watching everyones back, still wonders what happened to the animal life forms on this planet.

James Howell -> #<CSCI><CO> I'm honestly puzzled, Captain. If the colonists died, there would be remains, it's not been long enough for all the bodies to decay.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO>+CO+ ::blinks:: Regressing? To...what?

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO>:; shakes her head:; Ok I think we're all giving into group paranoia :: weak smile ::

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> ASCI> ...Months? For this to be evolutionary it would have to take place over the course of years...

Shane -> #<CENG> ::pulls up multiple feeds, lining them side by side::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><XO>yes Ma'am i think we better hurry though im stgarting to get worried

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><AMO/ASCI> <m> You might want ot listen to this...::gestures at her commbadge::

James Howell -> #<CSCI>::Thinks:: Regressing...into smaller mammals...like mice?

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CMO/CSCI> But if it's degeneration... it could take place in any manner of time.

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> What could be causing this, and so rapidly?

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO>:: gets closer to hear what the XO is talking about ::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::listends in shock:: uhhh that doesnt sound to good

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CEng> Yep, definitely the same people, aren't they? :: shakes head :: And while the gentleman in question could use some help with male-pattern baldness I don't think getting fur was what he had in mind.

Cmdr JFarrington -> After a while the mouse-like creature returns, accompanied by a few others. They stare at the AT with doleful eyes.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::nods to Erika:: Yeah, the big question.

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> Certainly, Vill...I think we should follow those mice after all...

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><XO> look :points to mice::

Samantha_Kent -> ((to the @ team?))

Vilanne -> <<which AT is it looking at, Jami?>>

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> ASCI> ::watches the CSCI:: That's true... ::turns to AMO2:: <AMO2> Com back to Eva...see if we can get some more comprehensive readings on these creatures.

Cmdr JFarrington -> The creatures approach both teams (just to make it easy)

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- Looks almost like they started regressing into H.Floresiensis...before at least that's the last feed

TKAR -> @<ASEC2>+<all>Sir maybe they transformed in a new form maybe energy.

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> ASCI> Now this phsyical regression we're seeing...does it suggest a mental regression as well? Are we looking at a loss of sentience as well as body efficiency?

Erika MR -> #<AMO2><AMO1> Eva, what are you getting off your mice?

James Howell -> #<CSCI><CMO> Look especially to see how their DNA differs from the colonists' race

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO>+CO+ ...Excuse me?

will_marx -> # CO> CENG> Any more to this feed?

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::hears the CO, pops that info into her tricorder and searches for information relating to the regression possibilities::

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO><ASCI> Regression?! :: puzzled expression :: into mice?!

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CMO> Doc, here's the side-by-side... :: checks the date-stamps on the videos :: Course of twenty-three days between.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::keeps his phaser locked on the little mice::

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> Not really sure, Doctor.

Shane -> #<CENG>::shakes his head:: The human life signs stop after this.

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> ASec1> ::rubbing his chin, eyes wide as he moves closer to study the tapes closely:: Can we get deeper? If these people were aware they were changing, there might be more documentation....

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- You never did study up on your antropology, Sam. Flores Man, or the Hobbits they found on Flores Island in Indonesia on Earth

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::scans mouse in greaat detail::<XO> Sam there is very smaall traces of the colonists DNA in this mouse...

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1>+AMO2+ I;m not getting anything off the mice yet haven't found one to sca..... :: stops mid sentence seeing a bunch of them standing on 2 paws around the team ::

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <AMO1> Eva? Eva?

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CEng> Need the medical center data for that. Should be able to get access from this terminal.

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CMO>*

Eva Jaz -> @AMO1+AMO2+ Just found some ... I'll report as soon as I know what we're dealing with ....

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><@TEAM>is nybody else creeped out byu this or what?

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> As sad as this is, Vil, I'm truly fascinated...degeneration on this scale has never happened so quickly...

Lisanna -> #ASec1> :: gets a beep on her tric, checks it out and looks over to the door where some of the afore-mentioned mice are peeking in at them ::

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <#> We have company.

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> Asec1> Alright...can you try to get into the medical center then? If these people did regress, I want to know what did it if possible. Is it in their DNA or is there something about this place...?

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><CO> I'll be sure to study up for next time. My people on this end are telling me it's something to do with the mice as well?

will_marx -> # CO> (m) Unless someone found a heck of a lot of Drowned Mice water...

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO> ::eyeing the approaching rodents and their doleful eyes with a raised eyebrow::

Shane -> #<CENG>::taps for a bit:: I'm showing that all personal logs stop about the time the life signs do.

Eva Jaz -> <AMO1>:: takes a scan of one of the mouse :: <XO> I concur with Mr Dusty there is a definite trace of humanoid DNA in the mice-like creatures scans

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> AMO2> ::turns quickly:: Anything? Has Eva found something?

Lisanna -> #ASec1> :: looks at the Vid again :: Hmm... I don't suppose any of you are John and Cindy Westhaven?

Cmdr JFarrington -> The creatures continue to watch, some of them rubbing against members of the AT as a cat would.

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> ::scans the AT to make sure no one has changed their height in the last hour::

Lisanna -> #ASec1> :: looking at the mice ::

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <CMO> not yet sir

TKAR -> @<ASEC2>+<everyone>sirs we have visitors::<Mice?>hello.

Shane -> #<CENG>::avoids the rubbing in fear of contamination::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Vilanne finds that some of the AT are getting shorter - minute amounts, but definitely shorter.

Eva Jaz -> @AMO1+AMO2+ I have traces of humamoid DNA in the mice scans will let you know when I get more Jaz out

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::tries to push a mouse away from his foot::

Shane -> *the

Cmdr JFarrington -> Smaller, too.

James Howell -> #<CSCI><ASCI> I wouldn't worry, Vil. This sort of thing won't be contagious.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><AMO1> ::looks at her for a moment and then rubs her temples:: Right...ok, so...how did this happen?

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <Mice> I'll take that as a no.

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- We're investigating...

Erika MR -> #<AMO2> <AMO1> Got it

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> <CSCI> Boss... important find here. ::shows tricorder readings:: The AT's height has reduced, just in the hour we've been here.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO>I hate anything smaller then a horse

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO>+CO+ Presence of human DNA in the mice is definitely confirmed. Will comm you back when Eva and Dusty have something more.

Shane -> #<CENG>::kicks one of the mice away when it persists::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI><XO> hey sam r u getting shorter or am i getting taller?

will_marx -> # CO> -=XO=- Roger.

Erika MR -> #<AMO2><CMO> Sir, Eva reports that the mice do contain traces of humanoid DNA

Shane -> #<CENG>::hears the comm:: Oops

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <ASci> :: zips around at hearing that :: Oh fiddlesticks... I'm so not Minnie Mouse material.

James Howell -> #<CSCI>::Reads the tricorder screen, goes pale:: <ASCI> Oh, my. We'd best keep put time on this planet short.

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> AMO2> ::curses lightly under his breath:: ...Well suspicion one confirmed. <#> What about us?

Cmdr JFarrington -> The creature that Shane kicks slinks away, sad.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><ASCI> ::distractedly:: I'm always short, Cadet.

will_marx -> # CO> ASEC> Lis...you're looking a bit...more vertically challenged than you should

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1><XO> your guess is as good as mine , genetic manipulation , atmosheric contaminent side effect , something our scans haven't picked up , honestly I really don;t know

Samantha_Kent -> ((awww))

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::feels something crawling up his leg::get off me ::picks up mouse::

Vilanne -> #<ASCI> CMO> Doctor, do you have the latest height on every crew member on the AT from their last physicals? I'd like to share these readings with you.

Shane -> <<Don't make me feel bad Sam!>>

Cmdr JFarrington -> The creature that Dusty picks up is affectionate.

James Howell -> #<CSCI><CO> Captain, according to scans, we have indeed reduced in height over the course of our time here.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Like a kitten. Almost irresistable.

Samantha_Kent -> ((I want a human mouse!))

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CO> Well I've never been a gallumphing Amazon, but geez... I suppose we should isolate ourselves from the ship, and call them while we still have vocal chords.

Samantha_Kent -> ((Someone buy me one))

will_marx -> ((Bart, is it me, or is the world getting...taller?))

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> ASCI> I have it stored away. I wonder if we could contain one of the mice and return it to the ship. I wonder if its possible that getting it away from this planet might reduce ill effects.

will_marx -> (( <- would rather have a killer rabbit))

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO1><XO> I suggest we trat the creatures with a little more respect .. they don't seem to be your garden variety rodent ... :: feels a bit dafty telling people to respect mice ::

Vilanne -> << Bet you want a golden egg for easter too, Sam>>

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::pets mouse::awww

Samantha_Kent -> ((are both teams shrinking or just the one referenced in the action statement?))

Eva Jaz -> *treat

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><AMO1> ::looking at ASCI with the mouse:: Yeah...I'm getting that impression.

Cmdr JFarrington -> <the ones that Vil scanned show they are. Maybe if someone else scans the rest?>

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><AMO1> They're kinda cute, really.

will_marx -> # CO> ASEC> Right

TKAR -> @<ASEC2>+<CSEC>sir,any idea what do you do now?

Lisanna -> #ASec1> <CMO> Before our legs get any shorter, we should head to the medical center and see if they found anything at all.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC>::feels the neckline on his uniform becoming slightly less tight then he's used to::

will_marx -> # CO> -=Fabio=- Marx to Goldstein.

Erika MR -> #<AMO2>::Notices everyones not towering over her as much as usual::

dusty506 -> @<ASCI>::pulls out tricorder and scans:: guys everybody has decreased in height by exactly 3.2 inches

James Howell -> #<CSCI>+COMM+ <ASCI> Dusty, could you run a scan on your team, check their heights.

Cmdr JFarrington -> % Lt Fabio> +Marx+ Goldstein here. Go ahead, Captain.

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO><XO> sir was your uniform this big before ? :: eyeing Sam's sleeve that seems a little too long ::

Cdt_Kouki -> #<CMO> ASec1> ::Snorts:: You don't see me arguing, do you son?

Shane -> #<CENG>::notices the terminal is taller:: Ah, fooy

will_marx -> # CO> -=Fabio=- We've run into a probable cause on the colony's disapperance. And we seem to be caught up in it.

Samantha_Kent -> @<XO><AMO> ::glances at sleeve:: No. ::looks towards ASCI:: Ah, frak...

James Howell -> #<CSCI><CO> Captain, I suggest we leave soon, this no longer appears to be safe.

Jerry 'Skip' Maxwell -> @<CSEC><XO>::after hearing the ASCI statement:: Suggest we consider these mice a threat and dispose of them however necessary

Eva Jaz -> @<AMO>:: doesn't wait for an answer and starts scanning Sam with tricorder ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> % Lt Fabio> Roger, Captain. Stand by.

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

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