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Mreh K'hal

Dermal Data

OOC: Lisanna's log describing her efforts is here in the Lower Decks B&L section.



Sitting at the auxiliary console keeping an eye and ear on the away team's progress, he was informed by a beep from his console of an incoming report. Looking, he saw it was from Ms. Stuart down in the transporter room and tagged as important. Knowing, through getting a number of standard duty reports from her that she wouldn't tag it unless it deserved it, he opened up the report and read through it.


"Clever girl," his voice purred. She had put as much detail in it as a body could want, complete with cross-references to the library material and sensor data she'd used to formulate her ideas. Knowing quite a bit more about the anatomy of skin than the transporter operator, he saw a few spots in it that needed refined, but all in all he thought it fit quite nicely, and the sensor data provided the evidence to turn it from an opinion into a viable scientific theory. It would need more data to turn it into a solid one, but with this they could probably work something worthwhile out of it.


He sent back an acknowledgment down to the transporter room with an "atta girl" tacked on and then began to work on it a little himself to add to the picture she'd started. In a few minutes, he'd be ready to bring it to everyone's attention.

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