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TKAR-SECURITY LOG---It is 3 hours into my shift.i been going over security procedures as per orders with my commandering officer Shawnsee.Checking and rechecking crews complement to see if everyone is on board. It seems that everyone is accountable.As human say<.< which i still don,t understand the meaning of the saying -in a good mood or the crew is in good spirits>> We have some new crewmembers including some new security ensigns,new doctors,and a science officer.As for the new doctor Merina<Who i met briefly in sickbay she seems to be very logical for a human>.As for shore leave it was very logical,and i finished with some interesting results.I have sent packages to My Superiors Shawnsee and Shamor and O,Hallorian.i hope they will find the items that i sent them most logical and pleasing.As for the mission i still don,t know what the mission is nor what happen to our Captain<I Hope he is well. END OF LOG-LTJR TKAR

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