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tr'Jeth Dabi

Many Containments

Under the scrutiny of Acting Security Chief Allen Armstrong and Security Tech Bean the Diplomatic wing's clinic began to take shape. The muscle provided by Ambassador Joy's help made setting up all of the equipment necessary for such an endeavor a quick feat of change.


Chief tr'Jeth Dabi requested that another security officer be present with the science officer Le Morte when he took the runabout over to TKR-117, and of course, to play taxi for Starfleet just as Torate was doing again to bring the weak back to the station for repair.


He informed Porter of his decision to send Security Tech Jahaelm Senior to pilot the runabout for the science officer being sent to the planet and to inform him to stay with the crew to keep them secure. "Secure from what?" tr'Jeth Dabi muttered to himself, knowing there was nothing down there except the fear of radiation that could harm anyone. Being in an EV suit for this many hours had cramped his t'style and his attitude. The grumpy Rihan was more than ready to get out of the suit.


Porter also informed tr'Jeth Dabi of Armstrong's arrival. Torate was satisfied to hear that the recruit, trained in Starfleet, had been assigned to the station. He definitely needed someone more highly skilled like this officer to man security at the station.


The shuttle from the station arrived at TKR-117 about 14 hours after the changes were initiated to the wing to isolate these people. The two with non-contagious radiation poisoning to be isolated, since everything was not known about the contagion, were being loaded onto the shuttle. Chief tr'Jeth Dabi interrogated Senior about the trip, informed him of his duties on the planet, and then inquired about this new Midshipman. Since Jahaelm was ordered to prepare the shuttle prior to meeting Armstrong, to Torate's dismay, he had no new information to give.


The 12 hour trip from the planet was dreadfully long, so Torate set the runabout to auto-pilot. He pulled up the security tapes from the interrogation cells that the applicants had been locked in. He watched as Bean escaped from his chamber while creating a list of things to enhance on the station. He also watched as Senior picked away at the controls inside the panel he had loosened. His success was far from acceptable, but gave Torate ideas for additional training for this applicant, though Jahaelm did make his escape. Rutian, however, sat and sulked through nearly the entire duration of her stay. Torate was unsure about this choice when it came to her after seeing this part of the digital footage. The beginning of the feed showed her calling out to the Chief quite a few times but never made a real attempt to find her own way. He wondered about her training and background while making notes for her further education.


When Torate was first taxiing to the planet, he ordered that Maple Rutian be finally released from her cell. Torate thought he wanted to keep her as a Security Tech, since the techs did not need to be as highly skilled as the upper officers. This woman possessed amazing weapon skills that could be utilized in many potentially dangerous situations. However, Torate wasn't aware of the sniffling she did in the cell, after being dropped into isolation, because he was interrupted with a few COM's from the station and stopped the feed. "Those legs… those long legs… perhaps they are better serving java and dumplings, I could still attain lloan'na food if I sent her to work there… na, she'd just greet me with a paring knife," he chuckled in his pause, "which could have his fun."


Security Tech Bean was the only one who saw Rutian's face smeared with mascara and the back of her wrists marred with the same black smudges where she wipes her eyes. He knew he would use this some day and kept a chuck of the worst of her saved in his personal station log for future retrieval.


The shuttle was nearing the station. Torate started getting antsy to get out of the EV suit and away from the infected people. He had been cleared to land in the diplomatic wing, but his approach was still a couple hours away. The many hours without a shower were only minimally being contained by the EV suits bio-functions.

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