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H.G. Reed


You are a blithering idiot...H.G. thought to herself, surreptitiously glancing at the new helmsman out of the corner of her eye. Usually she was quite cordial, if not somewhat friendly, with those with whom she worked, but something about this particular officer put her on the defensive. He made her feel off-balance and out of control, a feeling she disliked immensely. Being a good officer meant being in control at all times, but something about Quintin M’Guire pushed her out of her comfort zone and into uncharted territory, and she seemed to respond by turning into a veritable shrew, losing her composure and her temper in favor of sarcasm and hostility.. She attempted to study the situation analytically but couldn’t quite articulate how he made her feel, or why he inspired such bad behaviour from her.


Slowly taking a few calming breaths, she checked her station once more to ensure that the diagnostics she was cycling through were running properly. Although system diagnostics were routine and could easily be performed by her relief of the next shift, she had needed something to keep her busy in order to avoid having to attend the diplomatic function on the Elasian ship. She had given Commander Ba’aylo a somewhat reasonable excuse regarding fraternizing with superior officers, an excuse which was of course well within Starfleet regulations; however, it would also be wise to attend to her duties, lest he should decide that a ship in station keeping did not really require a navigation officer on the bridge and send her to join the others. She was an officer first and above all her duty was to the ship.


The very thought of the conventions observed at such functions brought to mind memories from her childhood, reminding her of the etiquette lessons her mother had insisted on. They would not have been so terrible, as her childish mind made them out to be, had she not been aware that her older brothers were out riding and earning merit badges while she was being instructed on the proper way to pour tea. However, the etiquette lessons had not deterred her from learning to shoot, tie knots, read a starchart, and ride, just as well as, if not better than, Drew, Brady, and Nate. While she adored and idolized her brothers, that didn’t stop her from having a good-natured rivalry with them.


The thought of her brothers made her smile slightly. All of them were now respected and successful Starfleet officers who upheld the family tradition and honour. H.G. aspired to follow in their footsteps, but would not be able to do so unless she could stop behaving in such a manner with M’Guire. Although they had had a brief run-in back in the Academy (a run-in she was unlikely to forget, as it was the only blemish on her otherwise pristine service record) she ought not to allow it to affect her. Perhaps the way he regarded her, as if she was a challenge of some sort, dredged up those old feelings of sibling rivalry from so long ago. However, she was fully capable of seeing to her own behaviour and treating him with courteousness and politeness, as regulation dictated, even if it killed her.

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