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Humans and Vulcans

TKAR---PERSONAL LOG Stardate 04132009-----IT is a few days after my last log. Security proceedures are working out just fine even though the ship and crew are holding together by what humans call a thread.<<Which i really do not understand these terms >>Security teams<crew> and non security crew are working more closely together to keep the ship together. IT seems that the security crew doesn,t get strange looks from the crew like we did before. As for the Humans i still don,t understand some of there words or actions but i learning from them. I Have been teaching some of the crew how to play some vulcan musical instruments including the vulcan harp.Officers O,Hallorian and Shamor are really interested in learning the harp which due to working longer shifts we have not have our first harp lesson yet. I haven,t talked to the senior staff about taking a break as humans call it. I Think i will ask the CMO about this so called break for O,Hallorian and Shamor and the doctor <<Also for the rest of the crew>>It maybe beniffical for both humans and vulcans to get together and learn from each other with music.<< to bridge the gap as humans call it>> END of Personal log TKAR -OUT

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