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Annabelle O'Halloran

Cross Training

  In the three days since they'd left the mined wormhole behind, Anna had filed some reports, kept an eye on sensor data and helped clean up a couple of labs that had taken quite a beating, just as the rest of the ship had.  A lot of equipment was in need of repair.  Now, she had two days off in a row and was hoping to get started on a project inspired by what happened on the Bridge after the sixth and very elusive Warbird had returned, no life signs aboard her but her purpose clear all the same.  She'd been rigged to slam into Reaent and finish the job the other five had started. The Warbird's final mission had been a failure but the blowback from its demise had not been without devastating results-Reaent's aft shields hadn't been working and the resulting shock wave had hit the crew hard.  The injuries to the Bridge crew had been severe and she had felt helpless.  She thought of Jon Shamor lying there unable to move, in obvious agony, while both Captain Michaels and Commander Ridire had also been incapacitated.  From what little she'd heard, the Captain was still suffering the effects; it was rumored that his brain injury had robbed him of his ability to command.  Having lived on a station all her life, Anna knew better than to listen to rumor and she hoped this one wasn't true.


She entered Sickbay a couple of hours into Alpha Shift hoping to get a chance to talk to Debbie Matthews. The Chief Medical Officer had been run off her feet as had her entire staff, and part of Anna didn't want to bother her but the other part, the part that hated feeling helpless, wanted to ask her if it would be possible to get some kind of emergency medical training.  It was that part that had her pausing outside Debbie's office and quietly rapping her knuckles on the door frame.


"Dr. Matthews?"  Anna waited till she looked up and then smiled, a little shyly.  "Would you have time to talk to me for a couple of minutes?"


Debbie glanced at the open door with a mixture of relief and embarrassment. She'd expected to find one of her staff requesting permission to discuss yet another problem....and there were still a lot of problems in Sickbay. But the CMO was growing weary of adding one thing after another to the list of malfunctioning equipment and she really, really, really didn't want to hear anymore complaints from patients who were convinced there was no reason for them to remain in Sickbay. That was especially true of the Captain. She couldn't wait to toss him out of her medical facility but duty came before pleasure. Fred Michaels still wasn't ready to be released.


In that regard, she was relieved to see Anna O'Halloran standing in the doorway. At the same time, Debbie was a little embarrassed. Her office looked like it had been the target of the Warbird's attack. Padds were everywhere....her desk....the floor.....the chairs....they were even stacked up on the small sofa on the other side of the room. If nothing else, the encounter with the Romulans had created an abundance of paper work, most of which was waiting for her review and approval.


"Of course," replied Deb with a generous smile. "Come in. Move whatever is in that chair and have a seat. I was hoping for a break so you're just what the doctor ordered."


Debbie's smile never failed to put her at ease and Anna's widened in return as she stepped into the office and then paused for a moment, looking around cautiously.  There were padds everywhere.  She'd been in this office once before-just after she'd first come aboard Reaent and Debbie had talked to her when she'd come in for her transfer physical.  It had been neat as a pin then and Reaent had just been pulling out of orbit from around Risa.  She walked to the indicated chair and, carefully lifting the stack of padds resting on it, transferred them to the other chair that sat in front of Debbie's desk.  She gave the stack a warning look when it indicated it might go Leaning Tower of Pisa on her but then it seemed to find its comfort level and didn't embarrass her by crashing to the floor. 


 "I don't think my visit can be considered any kind of tonic, Dr. Matthews--and I'm sure my timing could be better, but ever since the Captain and Commander Ridire, as well as Jon Shamor were injured, I've been wanting to see you and ask you if it might be possible for me to receive some type of emergency medical training." 


Anna leaned forward before Debbie could respond, her hands resting on the edge of the desk.  "I can't even comprehend how busy you are and have been for weeks now but it's just that I felt so useless and I realize that their injuries were so severe only an actual physician could have helped them but there should have been something I could have done initially..."  Her voice trailing off, Anna sat back and wondered if it was even appropriate for her to be here right now and then quietly added, "I would be happy to work with anyone after my duty shift was finished for the day and on those days when I'm not scheduled for any shift at all."  She met Debbie's gaze.  "Once I got up from being tossed out of my seat, I realized they were all hurt but I just stood there. Jon was in so much pain, they all were and I just wanted so badly to be able to help them in some way until the real help arrived."


"Pardon me," laughed Debbie, dropping her stylus onto the desk. "Allow me a minute to pick up my teeth."  She leaned back in her chair and smiled at her guest.. "It's unusual for someone from another department to come in and actually ask for medical training, even cursory medical training."


She stood and walked to the small replicator tucked into an alcove on the far side of the room. "It's refreshing to have someone come in here and ask for training. I usually hear complaints about how long it took the med team to respond....that sort of thing. For once, somebody wants to be proactive and actually help out."


 Anna smiled with bewilderment at Debbie's reaction, watching her walk across the office to the replicator.  She couldn't imagine that anyone in their right mind would complain about the stellar job that Reaent's Medical department always seemed to do. "I haven't checked with Dr. Smith yet, but since it will only be on my own time and considering his own background, I don't think it will be a problem.  I know you've all been run off your feet down here..."  She gave the stacks of padds on the chair next to her a sideways glance and then turned back to Debbie.  "...but when do you think I might get started?"


Debbie glanced at the science officer and grinned. "I'm sure Brian won't mind. He'll probably be relieved someone else on the bridge has some basic medical knowledge. Just let me know when you're available and I'll make the arrangements," she replied turning her attention back to the replicator. After ordering a hot chocolate, she looked at Anna questioningly. "Would you like something?"


Anna shook her head with a smile, answering, "No, thank you."  Even though Debbie was clearly swamped, she didn't make her feel like she was imposing on her time or asking something unreasonable.  Quite the reverse, in fact.  "I'm off today and tomorrow and I'll make sure you have a copy of my duty schedule going forward.  I don't want to be an inconvenience or be in anyone's way so I understand if things are still too hectic.  You just tell me when it might be possible."  Anna leaned forward in her seat, looking earnestly at Debbie.  "Thank you so much for this opportunity, Dr. Matthews.  It means a lot to me."


Deb moved back to her desk, still a little stunned by how anxious Anna was to begin her medical training. But the CMO wasn't about to complain. She wished more of the crew would take such an interest. "Why don't you report at 0800 tomorrow," she suggested, taking her seat. "I'm pretty sure we can complete a basic course of training in a five or six days." She took a sip from her cup and then smiled at Anna. "And I'm the one who should be thanking you. So please don't feel like you're imposing."


Relieved that her request had been received so well and excited at the thought that she could begin the next day, Anna beamed Debbie a smile, and quickly got to her feet. "I've taken enough of your time, and it's not lost on me how busy you are," she stated, motioning to the waiting stack of padds as she walked to the door. She turned to look back over her shoulder before leaving, a grin starting to spread, although she was only half-joking, "Please don't say thank you until we see how the training goes. Reaent faces enough danger on a daily basis from the outside--I don't want to be responsible for raising the threat level any higher."

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