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Cmdr JFarrington

Tuesday 3.3.2009


Tonight we revisit the aging Excelsior-class USS Cairo, that has answered a distress call from the SS Alexa. Upon arriving, they've seen the number of life forms dropping one by one, with only three left aboard. No communications have been answered, and a life pod has been ejected.


Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington


Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - TMir

Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Eagle


Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - WadeFKnight


Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Lisanna

Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Alex Macen


STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SETTING =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> :::walks to podium at front:::

STSF Sorehl -> Good evening, cadets, returning guests.

Lisanna -> :: settles in ::

TMir -> ::some where in the middle, mug of green tea on her desk

TMir -> ::

kirkriker -> ::sits somewhere::

STSF Sorehl -> Last week, our post-Academy discussion touched on a good subject:

Alex Macen -> ::Takes his seat, checking hi PADD before stashing it somewhere spandex holds it::

WadeFKnight -> ::takes a seat::

STSF Sorehl -> The addition of subplots and our plot points.

STSF Sorehl -> This seemed like a good subject to discuss in a classroom setting.

STSF Sorehl -> So, first, from what source do plot points generally come?

Lisanna -> :: raises hand ::

Lisanna -> Generally, Action statements generated by the GMs.

STSF Sorehl -> Correct.

STSF Sorehl -> Anywhere else, as a standard?

Alex Macen -> ::Raises hand::

TMir -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> Alex?

STSF Sorehl -> Then TMir.

Alex Macen -> Are they also spun off by our own participation and affects to a Roleplay? Say a butterfly effect

STSF Sorehl -> Sometimes, but generally no. Interaction will come from the give and take of role-play, but plot points themselves tend not to come from this source.

TMir -> The initial plot points come out of the Mission Brief

STSF Sorehl -> I should note that "plot points" refer to elements which tend to affect the ship or whole crew, rather that, say a shipboard romance or a barfight.

STSF Sorehl -> Good point, TMir. The Mission Brief establishes the setting of the story, and often hints as to where it will go.

STSF Sorehl -> But back to Alex's point, there are circumstances where a host may look for plot points from the group, or see something they like and seize on it and expand it.

TMir -> Like the Barfight.

STSF Sorehl -> Exactly.

STSF Sorehl -> Maybe security gets an alert, which distracts them when a boarding party comes aboard.

STSF Sorehl -> Who knows?

TMir -> Or the fight results in the arrest, and subsequent break out of the crew involved?

STSF Sorehl -> Right. Over a multi-week arc, the host can hint their interest in pursuing it by mentioning it in Mission Briefs or logs.

STSF Sorehl -> Or outright ACTION statements.

STSF Sorehl -> OK, so next question:

STSF Sorehl -> Your ship is faced with a unknown problem, threat, or situation. Is it appropriate to invent a solution?

STSF Sorehl -> Broad question, so many answers, but go ahead.

TMir -> ::raises hand::

Alex Macen -> ::raises Hand::

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::enters quietly and takes a seat in the back of the room:::

STSF Sorehl -> TMir? Then Alex.

TMir -> If it doesn't go for the "Super powerful" solution. For example, having an AI as part of your main computer core.

TMir -> Would be an example of the "Super Powerful" option

TMir -> Unles role-played correctly.

STSF Sorehl -> True. A "god-mode" solution is a bad idea, which leaves the rest of the crew out of the solution.

STSF Sorehl -> Alex?

Alex Macen -> It also can't be something that is so far fetched that few know how to handle, or understand how to cope with the roleplay. If its so advanced or beyond the ideas of everyone else, then who can participate?

STSF Sorehl -> Right. What if you're presented with a big, bad guy who lacks an obvious weakness?

STSF Sorehl -> How do you deal with it?

Alex Macen -> ::Raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> Alex?

Alex Macen -> In a sense, you would either have to invent a solution that fits in and works with all crew members, or attempt to survive without winning?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::handraise::

STSF Sorehl -> Yes, think on you feet but don't be rash. I wouldn't recommend inventing a weakness - "Throw the bucket of water on her! She'll melt!" - unless the host has given some hint or indication. Use cause-and-effect to test your theories before jumping to them.

STSF Sorehl -> Jami?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Often it's better to suggest a solution rather than inventing it. This way the GM has the choice of accepting it or rejecting it.

STSF Sorehl -> Exactly.

TMir -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> The host may have a solution in mind - it's just a matter of using the scientific method, or outright luck, to figure it out.

STSF Sorehl -> TMir?

TMir -> I'm partial to the theory of Discretion being the better part of valor. As long as there is that out.

TMir -> If you can't outfight them, out think'em

STSF Sorehl -> Good point. Don't blow up the room if putting up another shield is a viable option.

STSF Sorehl -> Rash solutions may work, but they may have larger, unintended consequences.

STSF Sorehl -> It's a tough subject. As Lisanna pointed out last week, each host tends to accept/reject subplot creation and solutions differently. It pays to observe how yours works.

STSF Sorehl -> Host plots range from tightly scripted to wildly free-form. Try to get a sense of which is in play (or just ask).

STSF Sorehl -> Any questions before we get started?

STSF Sorehl -> And we can revisit the topic after the sim if there's interest.

Eagle -> <<brb>>

STSF Sorehl -> Very well. :::gestures to the holodeck doors as they open:::

STSF Sorehl -> Jami, if you'll do the posting honors?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Aye, Sir...

Cmdr JFarrington -> :::cracks knuckles:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= STSF ACADEMY =/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\= 3/3/2009=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Cmdr JFarrington -> Game Master (GM) - Cmdr JFarrington

Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - TMir

Cmdr JFarrington -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Cmdr JFarrington -> Helm/Operations Officer (HOPS) - Eagle

Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - WadeFKnight

Cmdr JFarrington -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - Lisanna

Cmdr JFarrington -> Assistant Security Officer (ASEC) - Alex Macen

Cmdr JFarrington -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::steps back::

STSF Sorehl -> It was suggested we revisit last week's scenario, and so...

STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: The aging Excelsior-class USS Cairo has answered a distress call from the SS Alexa. Upon arriving, they've seen the number of life forms dropping one by one, with only three left aboard. No communications have been answered, and a life pod has been ejected.

STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck and enters:::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The interior of the holodeck is arranged like an Excelsior-class bridge.

TMir -> XO> ::leans agains the rail surrounding the command pit::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI> ::Enters and takes his place::

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN SIM =/\= =/\=

WadeFKnight -> <<afak momentarily>>

Eagle -> Hops::At station on the bridge...monitoring the comm and helm::

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Is in Security Offices, examining Security information and data::

TMir -> (( ::has a sudden and overwhelmingly emotional urge to slap Wade:: ))

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::in the center chair::: I don't understand, why would the life sign count be dropping? Are we witnessing the death of the crew?

Cmdr JFarrington -> (( ::channels TMir:: ))

TMir -> XO> CO> It is possible, Captain.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::on his feet::: OPS, maintain a lock on those remaining life signs.

TMir -> XO> ::moves over to the science station, and repositions Wade's cardboard cutout::

TMir -> XO> CO> Scanning the ship now, Captain.

Eagle -> Hops><Co>Aye sir ...lock confirmed

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> We need to establish a quarantine area to receive that lifepod.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <OPS> And if we decide to beam those people off, we'll put them inside the quarantine area, as well.

TMir -> XO> CO> Aye. Recommend the aft shuttlebay. It's far ennough away from anything vital to the ship.

WadeFKnight -> <<back>>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><XO> :::nods::: Alert engineering and medical, as well. We may have wounded.

Eagle -> Hops::fingers pressing butons...and tapping into the tx chiefs main for emergency beam..standing by::

WadeFKnight -> <<You don't want to slap me, I'm such a nice boy>>

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: standing in the aft bridge, waiting to get the who, what, where, when and hows answered ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Get a lock on that lifepod. Bring it around to the aft shuttlebay, but don't bring it aboard until the quarantine area is in place.

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI> ::At his console trying to figure out what the frak is going on::

TMir -> XO> CSEC> Chief, set up the quarantine in the aft shuttlebay. Coordinate with Dr Livingston and Mr Lightoller (CENG)

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><CSEC> Get down to the aft shuttlebay. I want that area secured when that pod is opened. Take who you need.

Eagle -> Hops><Co> Aye sir...coordinates have been transferred to the TR chief...and all will be tx to quarrintine ,standing by ...sir

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: alerts a security team to assemble outside of the shuttlebay :: <CO> Aye, Captain.

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Full sensor scans, Mr Knight. we want to know what's going on over there.

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> Aye sir...initiating tractor now::presses button::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> Aye, sir. ::scanning away::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston/ Lightoller> ::standing ready:::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The remaining life forms on the Alexa seems to be congregated in an infirmary, both signs are human.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +Livingston, Lightoller+ We're setting up a quarantine in the shuttlebay, we'll need medical response and field monitoring. :: steps into a lift ::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A third life sign is running through the length of the freighter, down a long corridor.

Lisanna -> <CSec> Shuttlebay. :: rides ::

TMir -> XO> CO> Captain, I'd also recommend securing all pressure bulkheads forward of the shuttlebay once the quarantine teams are in place.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston/ Lightoller> ::acknowledge::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::considers::: <XO> Advisable. See to it.

Eagle -> <Hops>::adjusting attitude and bringing the life pod to position just off from the bay::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Do we have quarantine fields in place?

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Arrives to the Turbolift with a team of three others to meet <CSEC>::

TMir -> XO> CO> Checking now.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Enter turbolift to the shuttlebay

TMir -> XO> -=CENG=- Mr. Lightoller, are the quarantine fields in place?

Lisanna -> <CSec> +ASec+ Mr. Macen, we're not sure what we're dealing with here so be sure we have the monkey suits.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lightoller CENG> +OPS+ Fields ready. Put 'em where you need 'em.

Eagle -> < Hops><Co>Sir...pod in position..and holding

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The third life form on the ship seems to be slowing, then plunges vertically down a turboshaft. Life signs start to wane.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing CENG::: <OPS> Bring it aboard.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> +<CSEC>+ Aye Chief, we'll have the containment suits setup with the craft when we arrive on the shuttlebay

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> They're definitely distressed over there, I can tell you that. All but one of the crew are in the freighter's infirmary. The other is running for god knows...woah, where'd he go? ::taps his console::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: exits the turbolift, strides toward the shuttlebay access doors ::

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Chief, as soon as your teams are in position, Have Chief Lightoller secure the pressure bulkheads.

Eagle -> <hops>+<Ceng>+Aye chief..thank you

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Understood.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: arrives outside the shuttlebay, looks to the team ::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> Status?

TMir -> XO> CO> Chief Lisanna's been made aware, Captain.

Eagle -> < Hops>::begins tractoring the pod aboard::<Co> aye sir...pod is being tractored into position aboard

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Elaborate?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The pod is tractored into the aft shuttlebay, settling down on the deck INSIDE a quarantine field.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Team steps out seconds later:: Seems your lift was faster Chief, I had the crew prep the suits insid ethe bay already

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> Good, let's go in and suit up. :: spins, enters the bay and makes her way for the suits ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks to CSCI:::

TMir -> XO> HOPS> Mr Eagle, tap into the Alexa's core and have all logs downloaded for analysis.

Eagle -> < Hops><Co> Pod is inplace...shall I stop the tractor sir

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> Yes Chief, the team will posistion as needed ::Suits up in Containment Suit:: Weapons Check!

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: starts slipping into one :: <ASec> Do they have to make these so bulky? :: disappears inside one, latches on her helmet ::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The pod hisses and a plume of gas billows out as it unseals.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> :::nods::: Disengage.

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> I lost the one, he just fell off the map.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: looks around for Livingston & Lightoller ::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Lost? As in dead?

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Suited up, watches the gas plume, preparing with phaser to surround the bellowing:: <SEC> We're in posistion Chief,

TMir -> XO> ::looks to the damage control panel, to confirm pressure doors and bulkheads are sealed forward of the Shuttlebay::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><CO> Quite possibly, sir.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> Okay, lets surround the quarantine field. :: notes the gassy emissions, frowns ::

Eagle -> <hops><Xo> Aye sir...:;turns and tapps into the computer console...establishes a tap...and begins the upload of the alexa's computer core and logs::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Two Tellarites climb out of the lifepod.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> I only Hope this Containment Field is the same junk in these suits, who knows what we're looking at.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: takes up a position forward of the field/pod ::

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> :: Looks at the Tellarites with interest:: What the? <Security Team members remaining> Hold posistion around the pod.

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> aye sir..tractor is disengaged...fiels in place and confirmed sir

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Moves to the <CSEC> In front of the pod where the Tellarites appear::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing CSCI::: <OPS> Keep a lock on those other two. If we start to see their signs drop, we'll bring them aboard.

Eagle -> *fields

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Mr Knight, lifesign readings on the other two?

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> :::grunt::: Are we back on the ship? We just ejected!

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> aye sir...lock still is green

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: looks to the Tellarites, raises volume on the suit's external speaker :: Welcome aboard the Cairo. We could use some information on the circusmtances of the freighter.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tellarite 2> ::grunts also::: Doesn't look the same. ::steps out:::

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> :::looks around::: It's Starfleet! Where have you people been!?

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> Heartrates are up, body temperature, blood pressure. They're either running one heck of a fever or they're scared to death of something.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::looks to the <CSEC> then the Tellarites:: You could be a bit more welcoming you know, we came as fast as we could.

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> Those things killed most of us! You've got to stop them!

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> :: frowns :: Let's save the recrimnations for later, shall we?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tellarite 2> Figures they'd show up now, when most of the crew is gone.

TMir -> XO> ::ponders::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <T1> Things? Describe them.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tellarite 2> ::shakes a fist::: Day late and a dollar short. Typical Starfleet!

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::looking to <CSEC>:: Yes sir. ::Looking back at the Tellarites:: What exactly are we facing here?

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo> Sir...shall I have medical go to the bay sir?

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> I watched them eat...! Describe them? Bugs. They came in right through the hull!

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Full spectrum scan, Mr. Knight. Can you discern exactly *what* is wrong with them?

TMir -> XO> HOPS> Dr Livingston should already be there, Chief.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <T1> They killed members of your crew?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Life signs on the two aboard the Alexa grow elevated. They are starting to move.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> Sir maybe we should get these Tellarites with the Doctor to Sickbay, they should be fully examined. I meant, bugs that 'Eat' through hulls?

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <T1> Do you know what sort of species these 'bugs' are?

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> All of them! Except us... :::points to Tellarite 2::: And Garg. We had to knock him out to get in the lifepod.

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo> Aye sir...::goes back to monitoring the emer beam lock on the two lf;s on the ship::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> Negetive, sir. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with them biologically. But we could be dealing with something unknown here.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Sir, we have two Tellarites here. They claim some "bugs" have passed through their hull and "ate" their shipmates.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tellarite 2> <T2> And they don't believe us! ::Points in the direction of the ship::: Go on over if you need some evidence, but don't bring 'em here.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The two life signs on the Alexa have started to move quickly through an access tube.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> If these are the last aboard, why are there life signs on the ship?

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> They're moving, sir.

TMir -> XO> CO> Captain, I have a bad feeling about this.

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> Claim!

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ If true, we may be dealing with some out of phase creatures. Advise caution.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Lock onto those signals and bring them aboard. <XO> Advise the shuttlebay team of new arrivals.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> :Tursn to T1:: So.. You are all that's left of your ship? Nobody else? Can you be sure?

Lisanna -> <CSec> <T1> I have no basis of proof, so therefore it is a claim, sir. Though I am taking you very seriously.

Eagle -> <hops><xo> Sir the two lf's on the Alexa are on the move...and appear in a hurry ...sir

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Will take it under advisement. No one, and I say again, no one leaves the containment field, or the aft shuttlebay, Chief.

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> <ASEC> There are others alive? You've got to get them out of there!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tellarite 2> ::sits, disgusted:::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: turns to Livingston :: Care to do an exam, Doc?

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Understood.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <T1> You just said you're the last ones alive! Do you have any communication on your ship?

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> aye sir::locks on and hits the emergency beam button...beaming them into a fully shielded area..as ordered::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> Probably a good idea.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> Don't enter the field, but try to do a complete scan, look for residues, etc.

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> :::grabs Macen roughly::: I've been running for my life! How do I know, you Starfleet coward?

Alex Macen -> <<Before I get confused, where am I standing in relation to the Containment Field, In front of ? Behind?>>

Lisanna -> <CSec> <T1> Did you get any scans of the "bugs" while they were there?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> ::pretty stunned by the tale they are telling, pulls out her tricorder for a scan:::

STSF Sorehl -> << Good question. Are the suited people inside or outside the field? >>

Lisanna -> (( think of it as a half sphere that you're on the outside of Alex ))

STSF Sorehl -> << If outside, then the Tellarite just smacks the field >>

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> Sir the other two have been successfully transported...and are in the containment fields...as ordered ..sir

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Chief, expect two more visitors.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> Hard to get a good scan outside the field, Chief.

Alex Macen -> <<Ah, then I guess that's what occured>>

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Two human figures materialize in the containment field with the Tellarites.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::removes his tricorder and scans the residual gases that emitted from the pod::

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Make sure that's all you're beaming over, sir.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: watches the humans beam over ::

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC>=- (q) That's all I hope as well, Chief.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: One of the human figures is on all fours, covered in some kind of metallic looking bugs. And screaming. Loudly.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: curse ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> I'd like to do a thorough examination but that would break the quarantine field. Permission to enter it?

Alex Macen -> <<ASEC>> ::nearly loses his lunch looking at the screaming creature:: Sir we need to call a medical emergency!

Cmdr JFarrington -> <greets, Random>

Eagle -> <hops>::initiates a diret video and audio link to the bay for the command staff::

Lisanna -> <CSec> +Computer+ Computer, erect a level one forcefield, lock down the shuttlebay. Drop bulkheads on this deck and each two decks above and below.

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> Argh! You've brought them over! You've killed us all! :::starts pushing against the field:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <distracted - missed the action - mybad>

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ We brought company sir.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Steps back from the crazed Tellarite:: Calm down! What are those bugs!

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Understood. Ensure no one leaves that deck, Chief.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Sec Team> On your toes, people.

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Mr Knight, any activity outside our ship?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks onscreen::: What? Are there creatures on that human? Why didn't our sensors pick them up?

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo/Co> Sir survelliance video and audio established on the bay sir...at your discreetion sir

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Security Team heads around the containment field, in suits and phaser prepared to fire. <ASEC> still next to <CSEC>::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> They're reading as insectoid. Suggest a level one containment field.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> Head over to the control console, be prepared to decompress the cargo bay if ordered only.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The human, unattended, stops screaming and slumps to the deck - blood is pooling below him as the bugs move off to swarm the inside of the field.

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> Not picking up anything, sir.

TMir -> XO> CO> Unknown, sir. Possibly a lifeform that our sensors are not calibrated to detect?

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Livingston> I already requested one, Doc. Let's just hope the containment field holds.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Not registering as life forms...

Eagle -> <Hops> Watching the video...agast and taken aback::

STSF Sorehl -> Tellarite 1> Let us out of here! :::slams into the field as bugs descend on him:::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Lightoller> Whatever you can do to reinforce that field, Chief.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Tellarite 2> :does the same:::

TMir -> XO> ::looks at the MVS, and begins looking greener than normal::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The human, swatting, dives into the lifepod and closes the hatch.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lightoller> <CSEC> On it, Chief. We're at full power now. I suggest beaming everything into space.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Well, anything science can do up there to figure out what we're dealing with would be a help.

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo> Shall I increase the field strentgh from a force 5...to a 10 sir?

TMir -> XO> Ops> Do it. Pour in as much power as you need

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::knows the team can't fire through the fields::: <CSCI> Can we release anesthesize gas into the shuttlebay?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Do it.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Lightoller> We didn't know the bugs were there so I don't know if we can lock on, but if we have to beam a chunk of the deck plating along with them, so be it. Prepare it, would you?

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Mr Knight, coordinate with Lisanna

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> Aye, sir.

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo> Aye sir..::tapps away increasing the power to the fields to a ten ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> LIghtoller> <CSEC> If it'll save the ship, you bet.

Alex Macen -> <<ASEC> ::Looks to the Chief and speaks in soft whisper:: Sir, in the case this fails, we should prepare an evacuation of the shuttle bay to decompression it. We don't want to be left as bug meat either.::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI>+CSEC+ Bridge to Lisanna, what's going on down there chief?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Unassisted, the two Tellarites are covered with the bugs and fall kneeling to the deck.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +Bridge+ Mr. Lightoller suggests beaming the whole kit n' kaboodle into space, can't say I mind the idea as a resort.

Cmdr JFarrington -> LIghtoller> :::sets up the program::::

Lisanna -> <CSec> +CSci+ Well, the bug things are having Tellarite for dinner, Mr. Knight. It's not a pleasant sight.

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- That makes two of us, Chief. But only if they break containment.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO>+CSEC+ Our sensors aren

STSF Sorehl -> 't registering these creatures.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Getting uncomfortable with the bugs right on his feet.:: Sir, if we're going to dot hat, should we get away from the Tellarites? And are these suits Vaccuum proof?

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><CO> ::prepares to pour some knockout gas into the bay::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::watches the Tellarites succumb to the swarming insects:::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> No one leaves the bay. :: doesn't look happy about it ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lightoller> <CESC> Can't seem to get a specific lock so I'm not sure I'll beam everything. Still, it's worth a chance.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Both Tellarites have stopped screaming... and moving.

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo/Co> Sir...containment fields are at maximum...level ten and holding ..so far sir

TMir -> XO> -=Livingston=- Doc, transfer your tricorder readings to Mr Knight's station.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Any evidence of losing containment?

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Looks at the Tellarites and Chief:: Yes Sir, The Security Team is with you. We just would like to be at Ten Foward for another drink, another day.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <XO> Aye, Sir. Transferring now.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +CO+ Well, we beamed them aboard by accident by beaming the things they were on, if we have to take a chunk of the shuttle bay decking to get them out, it'd be worth it. As an option.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> ::sends tricorder information to CSCI:::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI> ::receives the information and starts going over it:: Interesting.

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> fields are holding...so far sir,no breach detected sir

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The bugs seem to be collecting on the lifepod. No attempt to breach the shield.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: can only stand and watch the show for now, though ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <nip> Judging by the consumption pattern, I would say they can devour just about anything.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> +CSEC+ But the people inside...? :::pauses:::

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> ::Remembering the Human:: sir! If we beam the pod off the ship, we can get the damn creatures off the Cairo and warp out of here.

TMir -> XO> HOPS> Mr Eagle, extend containment two decks above and below the shuttlebay.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lightoller> ::standing by for the order to beam:::

TMir -> XO> ::remembers that the report was that the bugs came through the hull::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Beam everything within the containment field into space. 200 meters off the Alexa port bow.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +CO+ I'm afraid we're down to one human inside the life pod, sir. If it comes down to one human versus the whole crew... well, you know the Vulcan axiom that applies as well as I do, sir.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The bugs seem to be chewing into the lifepod.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> Sir, if we beam the pod off, and beam back in the person inside, we can get him with as few bugs possible, and possibly take them all off of him.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lightoller> ::configures the section and sends info to OPS::

Eagle -> <Hops><Xo> Aye sir...will erect FF's above and below x2 decks ..aye sir::tapps away and intergrates the FF's x 2 decks above and below the bay::

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> <CSEC> ::Watching the pod Deteriorate:: Time is running out sir!

TMir -> XO> NIP> Ravenous little buggers aren't they.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Decompression alert on Deck 5.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> Yes, it is.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO><OPS> Get that pod and those bugs out of there.

TMir -> XO> ::looks over at the DC board::

Eagle -> <Hops::tapping away...locks on the coordinates as instructed..and hits the beam button::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Livingston> Can you tell anything that would dissuade them from being so... munchy?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The ship rocks a little.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <ASEC> We beamed the bugs in here; there's no guarantee that the bugs won't come back again. Besides, Lightoller.... Munchy?

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> These things are composed entirely of metals....

TMir -> XO> CO> Decompression alert, Deck 5, section 24

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> What was that?

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: rocks :: <NIP> Now what?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> ::shrug:: Might be reacting to anything. Light. Heat. Vacuum. Material.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Decom... Seal off that section. Full containment fields.

TMir -> XO> ::Ilia-jiggles with the swaying::

TMir -> XO> CO> On it.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The lifepod and the bugs inside the field are beamed away.

Eagle -> <Hoips><Co> Aye sir..the entire pod,and all of the bay have been beamed off the ship..sir

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Livingston> And, considering their danger level, doing guesswork experimentation wouldn't be wise.

Cmdr JFarrington -> All characters> ::shake:::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: watches the shimmer of transport ::

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> Agreed.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::SHook by the Decom, but relieved of the shimmering,:: good Riddance

TMir -> XO> ::moves to the DC board, and keys up the blast door sequences::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI> ::checks sensors for anything that might have been left behind::

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Crewmen on Deck 5 are reporting bugs entering through the bulkhead, inside force fields surrounding a decompressed area.

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Number one, the lifepod and bugs are gone... Number two, what was that shimmy we just felt?

TMir -> XO> NIP> Engaging containment and forcefields two decks above and below, Captain.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::realizes they've learned nothing about how to stop these things:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO>+CSEC+ Alert. Decompression on Deck 5. These things are coming into the ship from outside.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <nip> Might even try reversing the polarity of the plating - you know, magnetize it - and see if that has an effect.

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Sighs:: Well, nothing seems to attract them except Humans. Light, Material, Heat doesn't work. They are cannibals..

Eagle -> <Hops><xo/co> Sir...We have a problem

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Hull breach on deck 5

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There are no bugs left within the field in the shuttlebay.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Livingston> Another one to add to the notebook of ideas... :: hears XO ::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI> ::recalibrates sensors to pick these things up, and is shocked at what he sees::

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI><XO> We need to get out of here.

Eagle -> <<brb...sorry>>

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ Our lucky day... coincidence in this case is hooey, so more bugs?

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Looks to Security Team:: Security Team prepare to pack up and move to Deck 5, looks like we're exterminating today.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Decompression alert on Deck 2.

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Affirm..

Eagle -> <<back>>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Helm, get us away from that ship. Maximum warp.

TMir -> XO> CO> Decompression alert, deck 2. Sir, just below us.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The ship shakes again.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <ASec> :: sighs :: Well, you take the team to deck five, I need to check in and see what else is going wrong.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Liv/Light et al> ::shakes:::

Eagle -> <Hops><Co> Aye sir::tapps in the escape vector..lays it in and punches it::

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Livingston> You might want to hunker down in sickbay and hope for the best, Doc.

TMir -> XO> CO> ::jiggles again:: Securing all bulkhead doors and activating containment fields

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There's a metal scaping sound in the portside turbolift on the bridge.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Livingston> <CSEC> I think you're right.

Lisanna -> <CSec> <Lightoller> :: shakes again :: You might be busy setting up containment fields, so I'll let you do that.

TMir -> XO> I've got a bad fieeling about this...

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: A whole opens up in the portside turbolift on the bridge and bugs start filtering in.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Lightoller> <CSEC> Working on it now.

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: moves over to the console and checks :: Dang it. :: calls a team to report to deck two ::

Lisanna -> <CSec> :: jogs out of the shuttlebay ::

TMir -> XO> ::dies a horrible death as an appetizer::

Cmdr JFarrington -> <Hoodies, feel free to leave>

WadeFKnight -> <CSCI> ::blood curdling scream::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::being bitten, eaten::: Alert all decks! +CSEC+ They've got the bridg... Argh!!!

STSF Sorehl -> And...

TMir -> ((Ja!))

WadeFKnight -> <<I'm off>>

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> ::Follow CSEC and the Team as well, phasers out and suits on hearing the turbolift:: God!

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

Alex Macen -> <ASEC> This is Madness!

Lisanna -> <CSec> +XO+ We're rapidly starting to run out of things to beam off to save ourselves... I... :: hears CO:: Aw, for the love of...

Lisanna -> :: paused ::

Alex Macen -> ::Frozen in Motion

Eagle -> <Hops>::turns and draws phaser..and begins firing...on stun::

Eagle -> ::paws::

STSF Sorehl -> Well, that did turn out differently.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Excellently played.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Exellently led as well, Captain.

Alex Macen -> Beat show the last time went ^_^

Alex Macen -> Beats how*

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::hands out gold stars:::

STSF Sorehl -> Speak for yourself.

Cmdr JFarrington -> lol Alex.

Alex Macen -> Yes?

Cmdr JFarrington -> Beats how the last one went? Good one.

Alex Macen -> It does. I didn't get killed! :P

STSF Sorehl -> Well, there may be upper level positions opening up on the Cairo.

STSF Sorehl -> Assuming it survives to reach a starbase.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Captain Livingston. Sounds good.

Alex Macen -> This is why I like Galaxy Classes,

Alex Macen -> Bridge ovverun with bugs? Detach Saucer section!

Cmdr JFarrington -> Space 'em all, eh?

Alex Macen -> Nah, Just warp out in the Other half and call insurance on the other

STSF Sorehl -> Any questions on the subject of subplots and solutions?

Eagle -> The name Cairo just gives me the creeps..and almost guarntees a horrible death

Cmdr JFarrington -> This is true, Eagle.

STSF Sorehl -> A little Mummy homage, Eagle.

Alex Macen -> do these bugs look like Scarabs?

STSF Sorehl -> Nope.

Eagle -> ;)

Lisanna -> Well, version one the security team blew up the bay with the bugs still eating their way through the rest of the ship. This time, the bay survived but the rest of the ship is still getting eaten through. I'd say it's a tie.

Cmdr JFarrington -> May I ask what you had in mind for a solution, Captain - or is it above my pay grade?

STSF Sorehl -> It was to the Tellarites!

Eagle -> !

STSF Sorehl -> A no-win scenario is a situation every cadet might face. However...

STSF Sorehl -> ...the Swarm does have a weakness. This time we did little to check out any cause-and-effect.

Eagle -> All else fails...evac and hit the matter/antimatter button...self destruct

Cmdr JFarrington -> Evac to another ship and infect them, too? Cool.

STSF Sorehl -> There is a solution. Although it's likely there would be some deaths in any case.

Alex Macen -> Welll...

Cmdr JFarrington -> Greetings, jjlexi. We're finished for the evening.

STSF Sorehl -> Remember, phasers did work last week. It's just hard to target a swarm.

Eagle -> no..just the escape poids...or just blow the ship

Eagle -> *pods

Alex Macen -> I brought up saving the human in the pod with phasering the little bugs left.

Lisanna -> Well, I techincally couldn't remember last week since we did a temporal jump.

Eagle -> sorry fingers getting dislexic

Alex Macen -> But the Other bugs invading deterred that situation

STSF Sorehl -> Problem was, outside the field there wasn't much you could do. Inside the field, you're just dessert.

Eagle -> true

Cmdr JFarrington -> What - no main course?

jjlexi -> Hmmph, my laptop is still set on central time.

Alex Macen -> Just Desserts

Eagle -> or patte if you will

STSF Sorehl -> True, but there really weren't any attempts to stop the bugs this time.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Hard to stop them without an analysis.

STSF Sorehl -> That's what cause and effect is about. We've got to cause something to see the effect.

Cmdr JFarrington -> rofl

Eagle -> well I do find it a bit of a stretch for them to go through FF's...not containment fields mind ya..a dif beast all together

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::tires wrapping her brain around that one:::

STSF Sorehl -> We didn't see them go through force fields. But they seem to be able to eat through metal.

Eagle -> a containment field is limited

STSF Sorehl -> So the shuttlebay was safe. But the outer hull, not so much. And a turbolift door - no problem.

Eagle -> well the Hops did erect FF'S above and below the deckx2

Eagle -> decks...just saying :P

Eagle -> as was ordered by the Xo :)

STSF Sorehl -> Unfortunately, Decks 1 and 2 are directly connected, with open corridors. There's only so many fields.

Eagle -> exactly

STSF Sorehl -> Well, unless there are any other questions?

STSF Sorehl -> Very well. Dismissed!

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