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USS Republic Sim Log

STSF_BluRox -> MISSION BRIEFING:: The away team has taken a shuttle to perform a low orbit scan of the planet before we send down our people into the unknown...like we usually do. We must be learning after all these years.....

STSF_BluRox -> In the meanwhile, Rian has disciplined the slackers hiding by the shuttle bay eating mushroom puffs and pot stickers...and they are now no longer in sight

STSF_BluRox -> , on the ship, Joy and the bridge crew are investigating what seems to be some sort of residual ion trails that may have indicated a ship passing by this area in the last few weeks




LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::shuttle, piloting and listening for comms from the planet::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*() ::on the shuttle with the rest of the team, running some deep surface scans, looking for anything...strange::

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::shuttle-bound, scanning dutifully like a good little Fiona::

Joy -> :: actually, Joy is spending a little more effort on this unusual subspace signal off in the next sector.... ::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::to all on the shuttle:: Anything interesting or out of the ordinary ?

Joy -> :: but she has the computer trying to figure out what sort of ship how long ago might have left such a trail. ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Paces in the hall with a crying kid::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: No ma'am...deep surface scans reveal nothing so far

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::fine tuning the external sensors to detect the ion trail::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::returning to the bridge by way of the cargo bay, trying to come up with a discipline related story to make her seem scarier than the Trill really is::

STSF_BluRox -> <<bah...so what does Blu know about what's on your console!....she used to be security, not scanning spec'd...lol>

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::dryly:: I heard that a two-headed le-matya was found on Vulcan a few weeks ago. Oh, you mean, on our sensors? No.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Shall I take it in lower for a closer look?

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to Will:: So you're listening for strange things, I am scanning for them...want to make a bet to see, which one of us comes up with something first ::chuckles::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Starts crying too::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Yes Will a bit lower

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sniffles:: please stop

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: Captain...if we do detect something strange, are we going in to investigate ourselves or do we call for backup?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::nods and takes it lower:: No bets, Dave.

LtCmdrRobinson -> <AFK a min>

STSF_BluRox -> ::watching the viewscreen monitoring the shuttle below::

Capt Rian Kwai -> :;exits onto the bridge, tugging at her uniform tunic as she marches down to her station::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Dave we will call it up to the Ship first.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Based on my scans, it seems the ship had passed by fairly recently; within the past few days or so.

Joy -> :: nods to Kwai as she enters ::

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns to see Rian walk in, noting a spark in her eye and knowing that handling that 'situation' must have helped::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::nods:: Yes ma'am

Joy -> :: doesn't notice any crew scalps tied to her belt ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::nods a little to Joy, then retakes her post::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::continues his scans, adjusting for how close the shuttle is getting, he widens the range::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Rock, rock, pats, paces::

STSF_BluRox -> ::would place good latinum that Rian was still a bit angry with her::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::and she'd win that bet::

STSF_BluRox -> Joy..you still picking up that anomylous signal from....::points towards the screen..:: Over there...

STSF_BluRox -> <I'm shocked!>

Joy -> It is still there. I'm not sure I'd read it as a signal.

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: Captain...I think I've got something interesting

STSF_BluRox -> reading, signal...whatever, its something ....strange, yes?

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*():: watching the scanners in front of her:: So far So good.. What is it Dave?

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::glances at Johnson::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: There are some villages, they look like a community of farms...however...there is something odd

Joy -> Communications is usually locked on one frequency. This is spread spectrum with most of the energy in low enough frequencies to provide very limited bandwidth.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Odd?

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::arches an eyebrow, letting Kawalas ask the obvious questions::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: The construction is beyond what you'd expect to see from this level of development

Capt Rian Kwai -> Has the away team destroyed the planet below? Or has Armagodden been avoided?

Joy -> The planet is still present. Give them time.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Explain!

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: It doesn't seem like a simple farm...it seems more advanced

August Jax Robinson -> +Bridge+ this August is Will back yet? ::Sniffles, freaking out.. a little::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Advanced how?

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: The materials used in the construction of the buildings...we aren't close enough yet for me to get specifics about technology, but it won't be long

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Will Contact the Republic

STSF_BluRox -> ::lays an ear back at Rian, trying to figure out what's got her so edgy::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +Republic+ Bridge, this is the away team, checking in.

STSF_KBear -> <<WB Ayumu>>

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::continues his scans, looking for advanced technology or metals::

Ayumu Kasuga -> <thanks.. java issues again>

Capt Rian Kwai -> +Jax+ Nope. Sorry. Still out doing his job.

STSF_BluRox -> +Will+ This is the Republic...what are you seeing so far?

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::nods to Will to go on and report to Blu::

August Jax Robinson -> +Kwai+ Alright ::kid screaming in the background::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Glad to hear they haven't killed anything yet.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Grumbles:: I suck at this

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::mumbles to self:: Pretty clouds and an innovative farm.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +So far a lot of nothing. But Dave thinks he has a lead on some Farm with possibly advanced technology.+

STSF_BluRox -> +com+ Will does it appear to be safe enough for a ground incursion? But avoiding the populace until you find out more?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::orbitting and performing scans::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::waits for Wills answer::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +I can land this 5 feet away from them and they'd never see me.+ ::confident::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Id not like to be that close Mr Robinson

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() I was unaware that this vessel had a cloak, Commander Robinson. ::smirk::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Aye Captain, I was just trying to make my point. I wasnt intending to actually land that close.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::nods::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to Will:: You may be good will, but some of us haven't had more then basic training when it comes to stealth ::smirks::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Shuttle sensors have been picking up many settlements fairly evenly placed around the planet in well build villiages, and an estimated populace nearing around 20 thousand. Much more than one would expect from small farming villages

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: Ma'am...I have started to detect lifesigns

STSF_BluRox -> +Kania+ Proceed at your discresion, try not to start a war please....

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() +Transmitting the data we've gathered so far.+ ::points at Dave to do the transfer::

STSF_BluRox -> Republic out

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*() ::nods, starts to transfer data::

STSF_BluRox -> after you send Rian the data please

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: I have an estimated population of about 20,000

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::sighs:: Dr Weber? Are you gathering numbers of lifesigns as of yet?

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to Weber:: Can you confirm that Doc?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Goes back into her quarters::

STSF_BluRox -> Mr Kwai....please take a look at the data and see if you have any recommendations for the away team for better locations to land

Capt Rian Kwai -> You just waves a red flag in front of a bull, you know?

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() Aye. Upwards of twenty thousand.

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> ::beams some fresh honey toast into the replicator for August::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: This is far more then should be here

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Captain, I have a good IP we can land at. Great cover.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Puts the kid in the swing thing::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Aye, sir. ::nods::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Thank you Doc, ::turns to Will:: Lets allow a few minutes for the Rep to look over the data incase they have a better idea.

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: When the British invaded Boston, they had about 1,000 troops, surrounded by a population of more then 10,000, why do I suddenly feel like them

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks slowly to the replicator, gets the toast and sits;: thanks Holly

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::finishes transmitting the data collected thus far including population numbers::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Turns swing on:: Shhhhhhh

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Dave lets not borrow trouble

STSF_BluRox -> Rian....ready room....now

STSF_BluRox -> ::stands up and walks over to the ready room and enters::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::glances at those on the bridge, then gets up and follows Blu, wisely keeping her mouth shut::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Nibbles on toast and wishes she was deaf::

Joy -> :: Counts pips on those remaining, and decides she'd best keep an eye on the over all situation. ::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Will Show me on the chart we have so far where you plan on landing

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Look August...can I call you August?

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods:: Sure

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::brings it up on the viewer:: We can land over here. Only a short hike to one of the settlements.

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Why don't you bring the baby down to the Holodeck for a bit, want come visit....you've got to be going stircrazy stuck in that room

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Can we land without being noticed?

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods:: Sure... that sounds like a good idea ::not sure if she is reallt hearing her or is going crazy::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: I could scan for a spot uninhabited for several kilometers ma'am

August Jax Robinson -> ::picks up Gunner and exits quarters::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: A clearing or something

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() I got a spot. We can land no problem.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Thanks Dave but Will has that covered.

STSF_BluRox -> turns to Rian as she enters:: So....what has you all riled up this morning?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Surronded by trees on all sides, just barely enough room to land. Perfect cover.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps on the lift:: Holodecks

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Doc are you seeing anything enviornmental that we need to be worried about?

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() Let's just hope that this perfect plan stays as perfect in practice as it does on paper... and no, I do not.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Thats a good thing for a change

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps off the lift and into Holly's Holodeck:::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::trying to relax a bit, crossing her arms across her chest:: I'm just a bit cranky today. I'll tone it down, sir. ::shrugs::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Dave, do they have anything down there that could detect us as we land?

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() OK Will ::takes a deep breath:: Lets take her down shall we?

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to Will:: Not that my current scans can detect

LtCmdrRobinson -> (The Hollydeck?)

STSF_BluRox -> Cranky eh? I dont think I can ever remember you being....'cranky' like this...

STSF_BluRox -> is there a particular reason?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() OK then, here we go. ::heads in that direction::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Joy's scans seem to pinpoint an area about 5 days travel at warp 6 near a small nebula

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::continues to run scans looking for anything that the inhabitants could use to detect the shuttle::

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> :: greets August by the door::

STSF_BluRox -> ::dressed like Mary Poppins::

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Oh my my....a little bundle of joy...

DaveJohnson -> << OMG this is too funny LOL >>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles:: a crying one.. he hasn't stopped

DaveJohnson -> <<please sing! >>

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Let me hold him for a moment if I may my lady....

Ayumu Kasuga -> <lulz>

STSF_BluRox -> <wait til you see Will come to the rescue dressed as a chimney sweep>

Capt Rian Kwai -> :;sighs softly, croppng her arms:: Just agrivated and I'm letting it get to me. Between the suggestion we use the viewscreen as a nanny cam to half thought out away mission and then your comments earlier. I'm just a wee bit...well...let's just say I'm going a bit stircrazy.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Hands gunner over to Holly:: Don't tell Will

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::sets it down in a textbook manuever::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Oh my!))

STSF_BluRox -> I don't think it was 'wee' that was on your shoe.....

STSF_BluRox -> ::trying to make a light joke, but seeing it not go over well at all::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::deadpan:: Uh huh. ::flat::

STSF_BluRox -> It's all our little secret......

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() NIcely done Will. Now lets just hope we werent seen by any farmers that ma have been passing by

STSF_BluRox -> <osrry, that was holly>

STSF_BluRox -> <really regrets my sgv never able to make monday to play her anymore>

Ayumu Kasuga -> <lol>

STSF_BluRox -> Ok ok...sorry, just trying to lighten the mood. Well..don't worry about the view screen...baby cam is off

STSF_BluRox -> and trust me... you know how much I care for kids....

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::monitorsa the shuttle and everything else::

STSF_BluRox -> Do you need some time off?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::opens the rear hatch:: Ready to have a look around?

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Doc scan around for life signs.

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to Will:: We are explorers right? ::smirks at the Doc::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Dave check again for any technology that might points us out

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::nods:: Aye ma'am

August Jax Robinson -> ::Takes a seat:: I don't think I am doing a very good job at this

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Will Your Sec I dont need to tell you what to do...::stops there::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::scans for any technology that could be used for detection::

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> You're doing just fine mum....now..if you'll just follow me...

Capt Rian Kwai -> I know how much you care for kids. And I'm not bucking for a vacation either.

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> places the baby into a stroller and starts pushing him down the street.....

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() Last I checked, my job description was more along the lines of "fix crew after their exploration ends in lacerations" and less along my actually exploring. ::dead-pan::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Gets up and Follows:: not really, I have no clue what I am doing..

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> I have a little surprise for you down the street

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::nods:: I know. Look angry and shoot anything that causes trouble.

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to Will:: You shoot something here and it could end up starting a war

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() If you can call energy weapons versus bronze-bladed combat... war.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::gives the Doc a look:: Doc If your on an away team you here to assist.

STSF_BluRox -> I'd love to send you on one, but....we're a bit away from home at the moment

Capt Rian Kwai -> I hadn't noticed. ::smirked::

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::smiles sweetly at Kawalas:: Now, Captain, would I ever do anything less?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::quickly gets ready and steps out the rear hatch::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() I hope not.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::does a quick survey of the IP:: It's clear.

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> ::stops in front of a small brick building and motions for August to head up the stairs::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Doc can you tell how far away the nearest life sign is from us?

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> here is your portal to the rest and relaxation that you've been needing

August Jax Robinson -> ::goes up the steps::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: I think we're safe Captain

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Will remain under cover We can not allow ourselves to be seen at least not yet.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Goes inside::

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() Two kilometers.

Fiona Weber -> (That's kilometres for Kasuga)

Fiona Weber -> (Oh, damn, missed her.)

STSF_BluRox -> Alright Rian..I'll bite....what can I do for you to help you relax? need a few days on the holodeck alone? Or what about that tall handsome guy I've seen you glance at over in astrometrics....

STSF_KBear -> <<LOL Fiona and she missed it>>

STSF_BluRox -> We could get him a pass too?

Capt Rian Kwai -> You realize that being on the holodeck ruins the high risk of running into you-know-who? ::raises a brow::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: AS HOLLY POPPINS leads August into the building, they find inside it is build like a Roman Spa, you can't tell from the outside..

August Jax Robinson -> ::Gets along with you know who ;) ::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() OK Folks lets gear up and head out to take a look.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Exhile:: a spaa

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Enjoy your day...Hector here, will take care of everything you need, he's set you up with a hot stone massage after you enjoy the mineral spas.

Joy -> << I'm waiting for Dick Van Dyke and the Dancing Penguins. >>

STSF_KBear -> <LOL>>

August Jax Robinson -> Thank you Holly

Ayumu Kasuga -> >lol>?

STSF_BluRox -> <be careful what you wish for Joy>

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::grabs his pack::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() :: stands up and gathers her phaser from its holding place ::

STSF_BluRox -> I'll be back in a few hours and see how you're doing...oh wait....::leans over to August:: I hate to ask...cause it will cut things short....are you nursing him or bottle feeding?

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*():: Looks around to see if everyone is ready::

August Jax Robinson -> Bottle

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::gives the Captain a nod::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Doesn't get why Holly whispers, Hector is fake::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Lead the way Will

STSF_BluRox -> Ah...then you have more time to enjoy your spa

Capt Rian Kwai -> I wouldn't mind some time off, a coffee break is fine. ::not wanting to go near anyone or thing that tries to string her up with fly paper::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::leads on carefully::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Changes and slips into the bubblie water::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() :: nods to Doc to follow Will :: Dave bring up the rear

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() ::following and scanning::

STSF_BluRox -> You dont' like Hector? ::whistles:: How about Marcus, Thadeous and ...a few others?

STSF_BluRox -> Anyway..have fun!

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at all the men standing around::

Fiona Weber -> (I'll take Hector if she doesn't want him)

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Exits with the baby to let August enjoy a few hours of down time and takes the baby to the nursery in the next building

STSF_BluRox -> <you had your chance..you wanted to be adventure dr ! lol>

August Jax Robinson -> ::relaxes, sips the fuzzy drink::

August Jax Robinson -> *Fizzy

STSF_BluRox -> Take a day or two off Rian...

STSF_BluRox -> Go sleep, or read a book....whatever you need

Fiona Weber -> (The things I give up for my career.)

STSF_BluRox -> Kania has the planet in hand.... and we've got the bridge..

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::follows Will, scanning for anything strange::

STSF_BluRox -> <2 minute warning>

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION> On the planet, the villages though rustic in appearance, seem to have alot of advanced materials used in the basic construction of the main buildings...not what one would expect to find

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Lets try to stay away from anyone. I do not want to get even close. No closer than 1 kilometer

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs::

STSF_BluRox -> Marcus> Would you prefer to start with a mineral bath, a foot washing, or a massage?

August Jax Robinson -> Hmm, Mineral bath

Capt Rian Kwai -> Are you sure? Positive? :;very skeptical::

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Will how much further to that village?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() About 100 feet till we reach the edge of the woods.

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Aye

STSF_BluRox -> Thadeous> We have girls to come do your nails as well,just let us know when you have finished your soak...it's all prepared with lavender crystals and aromatherapy candles

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() Doc any lifesigns near?

STSF_BluRox -> Absolultely......oh, and I know a secret.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smiles;: thanks

Capt Rian Kwai -> What's that?

August Jax Robinson -> ::disrobes, slips into the water::

STSF_BluRox -> I hear...there is a Roman Holiday program running on the Holodeck, private matter, that you are welcoem to partake in as well

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::continues to scan for any technology that may be of note::

Fiona Weber -> !@#$%^&*() Nothing that hasn't been past the edge of our "safety" circumference for the past ten minutes. ::shrug::

Joy -> << Hey. That Joy's program! Don't steal Gregory Peck! >>

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() ::sighs a sigh of relief::

STSF_BluRox -> and...

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::gets to the edge and in visual range of the village::

DaveJohnson -> !@#$%^&*()::to KBear:: No strange technology on my tricorder...yet

August Jax Robinson -> ::Nibbles on toast::

STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Rocking the baby to sleep, wondering why all the fuss

August Jax Robinson -> ::he is Will's crazy kid!::

Capt Rian Kwai -> And what?

STSF_BluRox -> ::as the lights dim and the scene closes out, a plate of figs and chocolates appear next to August

STSF_KBear -> !@#$%^&*() What are those buildings made of.

STSF_BluRox -> Oh..just go to holodeck 2, you'll relax.

STSF_BluRox -> Pause sim

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