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STSF Jumper

12.04.08 Thursday Academy

MISSION INFORMATION: Section 31 was the code name of an officially nonexistent and uncondoned rogue agency within Starfleet Intelligence that claimed to protect the security interests of the United Federation of Planets.


Little information is available about the activities of the organization; one of its operatives claimed that Section 31 dealt with threats to the Federation that others did not even realize existed. Section 31's actions were neither controlled nor acknowledged by Starfleet Command or the Federation government. They have been described as the "Judge, Jury, and Executioner" of the Alpha Quadrant. (Copyright Memory Alpha)


MISSION BRIEF: The crew of the USS Grey Raven (Defiant Class) - an unofficial black ops ship employed by Section 31 - have been sent on a courier mission to deliver Captain Katinga, a Klingon warrior, to a debrief meeting on Space Station Deep Space Five.





Commanding Officer <CO> - - - STSF Jumper

Mission Executive Officer <MXO> - - - Samantha Kent


Chief Lurker <CL> - - - CmdrJFarrington



Helm Officer <HELM> - Rachel Garrett

Tactical/Chief Security (TSEC> - Wade Knight



Chief Sciences Officer <CSCI> - TKAR



Chief Medical Officer <CMO> - Chase


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