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Cmdr JFarrington

Tuesday 12.02.2008

MISSION BRIEFING: The Galaxy-class starship USS Victory is conducting a survey of previously unexplored space. The ship is currently approaching the Tiiesar system, known to contain at least one class-M planet. Initial scans showed pre-industrial development on the first Class-M planet, along with several developing species. The Victory has stayed to investigate.


Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami


Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - TMir

Helm/Operations Officer/ Tactical Officer (THOps) - Wade Knight


Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kirkriker


Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - STSF Jami


Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Princess T'lak

Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR


Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - STSF GromVik



Sim Log:


STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= BEGIN CLASSROOM SESSION =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> :::walks to the podium at the front of the Academy classroom:::

WadeKnight -> ::takes his sit in the back of the classroom as is customary::

TMir -> ::sitting attentively::

STSF Sorehl -> Cadets / officers, please take your seats.

kirkriker -> ::sits next to Wade::

Princess T'lak -> :: trips and then sits in back of room::

STSF Sorehl -> Before our starship simulation this evening, a brief review of a key Starfleet principle.

TKAR -> ::Sits down ready to write::

STSF Sorehl -> We will be discussing "Applications of the Prime Directive"

STSF Sorehl -> Would someone like to offer a short summary of the Directive itself?

TMir -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> :::nods to TMir:::

TKAR -> ::raised one hand too::

STSF Sorehl -> If you have an additional answer, feel free to type your response so we don't have to wait when I call on you.

TMir -> "Don't interfere with developing cultures/species, because it could result in disaster for that culture/species"

STSF Sorehl -> :::nods::: Succinct.

STSF Sorehl -> But what constitutes interference? :::to anyone:::

Princess T'lak -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> And while you consider that, a follow-up: What constitutes developing?

STSF Sorehl -> T'lak?

WadeKnight -> ::raises hand for second question::

TMir -> Leaving behind a book on a planet who's species are consumate imitators?

TMir -> ::coughs:: Iotians ::coughs::

STSF Sorehl -> :::nods::: True. Such as the situation with Iotia Sigma and Kirk's Enterprise.

Princess T'lak -> Well the main interference would be planetary contact with a lower developmental world. This could be walking in the town,. showing off technology or even spreading disease.

TKAR -> Changing there society for the saving a crewmember,like kirk with let it be your last battlefield

STSF Jami -> ::slips into the room through the rear entrance, quite unnoticed, note padd in hand, takes a seat in the back :::

STSF Sorehl -> :::listens::: Ah, but does "walking into town" necessarily constitute interference?

Princess T'lak -> It depens on how your dressed.

STSF Sorehl -> There are many examples of direct interaction with relatively primitive species.

kirkriker -> ::raises hand for that last one::

TKAR -> ::Listens::

STSF Sorehl -> Quite true, T'lak.

STSF Sorehl -> Interference does not necessarily mean no interaction.

TMir -> A developing culture/species would be one where the society is either pre-warp or pre-industrial; and not aware that life exists outside their planet/solar system, Captain.

STSF Sorehl -> OK. :::checking his notes::: Wade, you had an answer?

kirkriker -> Not always TMir

TKAR -> ::nods::

WadeKnight -> Doesn't the prime directive also apply even to those who are similarily advanced as we are? Such as political/cultural interference say with Klingons on Romulans.

STSF Sorehl -> :::to TMir::: Or potentially a combination of those factors, if not all.

TMir -> Except that Klingons and Romulans had an alliance through most of the 23rd CEntury, Mr Knight

STSF Sorehl -> Interesting point, Wade. Couldn't simple trade be considered cultural interference?

WadeKnight -> In that respect "developing" is far to broad a description.

STSF Sorehl -> And an alliance, as noted, is certainly political interference.

TMir -> For mutual gain, Captain.

STSF Jami -> ::takes note of who is following protocol:::

STSF Sorehl -> I would posit that the Prime Directive does not strictly apply to space-faring cultures, although it does have limited application.

TKAR -> ::raises hand::

Princess T'lak -> ::raises hand::

STSF Sorehl -> Clearly our alliance with the Klingons, and later the Romulans, are examples of what would otherwise be interference.

STSF Sorehl -> TKAR?

STSF Sorehl -> But Wade, your comment is very valid in that Starfleet is not authorized to interfere in a foreign spacefaring culture. The Federation may set such policy, but not Starfleet.

TKAR -> What about the fengi and pre vulcan civilizations

STSF Sorehl -> I'm not sure I catch your intent, TKAR, but it is important to note the Ferengi have not restricted themselves to such non-interference...

STSF Sorehl -> ...which brings an additional consideration. Are there pre-approved situations where the Prime Directive may be violated?

STSF Sorehl -> Anyone?

TKAR -> ::sir,some societies think of profit rather then the prime directive

Princess T'lak -> ::hand raise::

TMir -> ::raises hand:: Would a natural disaster be one situation?

STSF Sorehl -> T'lak?

Princess T'lak -> Interference by a higher power.. ie the borg or Q.

STSF Sorehl -> :::nods::: In general, it is permissible to correct prior or prevent current interference.

TKAR -> ::listens takes notes::

STSF Sorehl -> But the extent is a fine line.

STSF Sorehl -> TMir, to your point, that is an interesting question. There are strict interpretations that say no. Others are more flexible.

STSF Sorehl -> And perhaps, that has yet to be tested...

STSF Sorehl -> Very good.

TKAR -> ::Raises hand again::

STSF Sorehl -> I believe we are ready to post our roster and take our positions...

STSF Jami -> ::stands and moves to a console:::

STSF Sorehl -> Hang on to that question for the post-sim discussion, TKAR.

STSF Sorehl -> Jami?

STSF Jami -> Aye, Sir.

STSF Jami -> =/\==/\= *gong* ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN=/\==/\=

STSF Jami -> =/\==/\=STOP TYPING TO THE ROOM=/\==/\=

STSF Jami -> =/\==/\=NO PRIVATE MESSAGES=/\==/\=

STSF Jami -> =/\==/\= STSF ACADEMY =/\==/\=

STSF Jami -> .

STSF Jami -> =/\==/\= 12/2/2008=/\==/\=

STSF Jami -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Sorehl

STSF Jami -> Game Master (GM) - STSF Jami

STSF Jami -> Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - STSF Sorehl

STSF Jami -> Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - TMir

STSF Jami -> Helm/Operations Officer/ Tactical Officer (THOps) - WadeKnight

STSF Jami -> Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kirkriker

STSF Jami -> Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Princess T'lak

STSF Jami -> Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - TKAR

STSF Jami -> Chief Security Officer (CSEC) - STSF GromVik

STSF Jami -> =/\==/\=END ROSTER=/\==/\=

STSF Sorehl -> Thank you, Commander.

STSF Jami -> ::hands the mic to Sorehl:::

STSF Jami -> ::nods::

STSF Sorehl -> :::gestures to the holodeck doors::: You may enter.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The holodeck doors open, revealing the interior of a Galaxy-class ship.

TKAR -> ::what now::

TMir -> XO> ::assumes her position on the bridge, mug of chamomile tea in hand::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::enters and finds her station::

STSF Sorehl -> CO> :::enters the bridge:::

STSF Jami -> ::enters behind the cadets, taking a position to the rear of the bridge:::

STSF Sorehl -> MISSION BRIEFING: The Galaxy-class starship USS Victory is conducting a survey of previously unexplored space. The ship is currently approaching the Tiiesar system, known to contain at least one class-M planet.

STSF Sorehl -> (:) =/\= =/\= ATTENTION TO THE SCREEN =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> CO> :::eases into the center seat:::

TMir -> XO> ::settles into the semi-comfy chair::

WadeKnight -> <THO> ::steps onto the bridge and takes a seat at the controls::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::lights up her station::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> Well, this next system promises to be more than indistinct iron ores.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::swivels in his office chair, reading data PADDs regarding area traffic:::

TKAR -> <ASCI>::Working at library computer,checking data on planet::

TMir -> XO> CO> I hope for something more than geological studies... As exciting as it may be, I dread finding new variations of the Perodic Table

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nods to XO:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <THO> Let's see the approaching system onscreen.

TMir -> XO> CSCI> T'Lak, what can you tell us about the system we're entering?

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::looks down at monitor:: It has one class M planet.

TKAR -> <ASCI>::setting scanners to planet,starting to scan area ahead::

WadeKnight -> <THO><CO> Aye sir. ::taps, putting the system up on the mainscreen::

TMir -> XO> ::sips her tea::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::on his feet, walks toward the screen:::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><XO>Oh and it's in the "sweet spot".. um.. it also has some rather large astroids floating around it.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::looks over system information and also monitors sensor readings::

TMir -> XO> CSCI> I see. Any EM emissions from the planet?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <THO> Asteroids. It may take some additional piloting attention to insert us into orbit.

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::scans for EM emissions::<XO> Not that i can tell...

TMir -> XO> CO> I would recommend that we take it slow, Captain. No hard maneuvering.

STSF Jami -> ROSTER UPDATE - Chief Medical Officer (CMO) - STSF Jami

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::looks back to XO::: <THO> Nice and steady. Standard orbit above the third planet.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::glances out the window briefly, then looks back down at the information:: Seems pretty straight forward....

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::standing by the med/sci console, watching data scroll across her screen:::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><XO> It does have a rather nice Magnetic field though.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <ASCI> We'll need passing scans of the other non-class-M worlds as we enter the system.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::leans over and taps on the console, bringing up topological information::

WadeKnight -> <THO><CO> Undoubtedly. I'm plotting the debris field now, shouldn't be too difficult. ::puts in some minor course corrections, steady as she goes::

TKAR -> <ASCI><CSCI>sir,there are some lifeform readings from the planet in their tropic zone area,seas 40% of the panet.

TKAR -> <<Planet>>

STSF Sorehl -> << I'll drop some ACTIONs about life forms. >>

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><ASCI>Thank you TKAR.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::checking the composition of the debris field, just in case there is something besides asteroids around:::

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Fascinating... Population centers?

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: The planet is teeming with life forms, plant and animal.

TKAR -> <ASCI>::Adjusting scanners to a narrow band::

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::brings up temperature readings:: Hopefully we're not too toasty or chilly....

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Even at this range, sensors determine there are more than twenty major population centers.

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><XO>Well we have a lot of life on the planet. Everything from small mammals to very large ones.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::considers::: But no EM fields... no obvious signs they would detect our approach or arrival?

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Makes for an interesting biodiversity study, then.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::nods agreement with TMir:::

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::notices that population centers are emerging:: Interesting...urban centers. ::taps his console to zoom in on one of the centers::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><XO>Yes it does.

WadeKnight -> <THO><XO> ::continues with his course corrections:: We should be clear of the debris field in approximately...thirty seconds. Three minutes to standard orbit.

TKAR -> <ASCI><CSCI>sir,i suggest sending a probe to the planet rather then us distroying there society -the prime drivative.

TMir -> XO> CO> Correct Captain. Possiblity of their being pre-Industrial; however, one cannot take that at face value if they have telescopes and we come warping in.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: It is evident that several of the populated areas have concentrations of distinctly different species.

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><CO> We should be undetected. Unless they have telescopes they shouldn't notice us.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <THO> Acknowledged.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::perks up, interested in the biological mix:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <THO> Angle our approach to minimize reflected sunlight.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::outloud to himself and perhaps anyone else listening in his security area:: Let's just hope there's no quicksand. ::chuckles to himself remembering a mission several months ago::

TKAR -> <ASCI>::still scanning planet::

WadeKnight -> <<What, they don't have weather baloons on this planet?>>

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::glance to Grom:: <CSEC> Yes, let's hope not.

TMir -> XO> (vq) Good...no Voyager-style eclipse

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is no evidence of electric or advanced power generation on the planet's surface.

WadeKnight -> <THO><CO> Aye, sir. ::makes the neccessary adjustments after the ship is clear of the asteroid field::

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <CSEC> I, personally, did not enjoy that particular diversion.

TMir -> ((They might have swamp gas, and a planet similar to Venus lol ))

WadeKnight -> << :) >>

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>Wow... well this is neat. There is a large biodiversity in several of the "cities".

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <ASCI> Anything interesting on the other planets we scanned on our approach?

STSF GromVik -> <<I'm down in my office, but I can be on the bridge if you like. :) >>

STSF Jami -> <Bummer..you mean I can't hear you comment and pester you?>

TMir -> XO> CSCI> Estimation on their approximate development, T'Lak?

TKAR -> <ASCI><CSCI>sensors confirm,more data coming in>

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: There is heavy smoke-related pollution above most of the population centers, but nothing more energetic than furnaces detected.

STSF GromVik -> <<Well, if you mutiny, I could arrest you. lol >>

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::knowing CSEC is in his office, contemplates tuning in on his comments:::

STSF Jami -> <this is true>

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::then thinks better of it:::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::scans::<XO>I'd say they are on the cusp of a major industrial period but it's a few years off.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::taps on the console:: Doesn't seem to advanced to me... ::pans the screen around::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hears CSCI's initial estimate, nods:::

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <XO> Commender, if there is an away team I suggest micro nasal inserts to filter pollution. It seems they use wood and coal for power.

STSF Jami -> *Commander

WadeKnight -> <<I like this planet already>>

TMir -> XO> CMO> Agreed.

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: As we enter orbit, scans of the biodiversity get clearer. Different regions of the planet seem to be populated by different species.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <XO> Though toxicity is not high, microparticles in the atmosphere could cause havoc with our respiratrory systems.

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><XO>It seems that most of the populations in specific areas are populated by diffrent peoples.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> An indiginous population, pre-industrial...

TMir -> XO> CO> Looks like we've got a pre-Industrial society... From what sensors are telling us, probably equivalent to Earth's mid-19th Century

TKAR -> <ASCI>::Still scannig::<CO><ASCI>sir data shows some ancient ruins near some river banks in area c where there are some furry species.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Different peoples? Nations?

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><CO>Most likely.

TKAR -> <<Ops-<CSCI>>

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::taps the console:: <XO> However... there seems to be a good deal of ore smelting in the northern cities.

STSF Sorehl -> << TKAR, please let me ACTION the plot-related points. >>

TKAR -> <<SORRY..my mistake>>

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::zooms in on one of the industrial areas:: Now, I wonder if they've got any good charcoal grills.

TMir -> XO> ::nods::

TMir -> ((Forget charcoal, they're cooking with coal, Grom))

STSF GromVik -> <<Even tastier>>

TMir -> ((Especially if they invented pizza)

STSF Sorehl -> ACTION: Each region is populated by different species entirely - some humanoid, some Vulcanoid, some Klingon-ish, etc.

STSF Jami -> <::coughsimcough::>

TKAR -> <ASCI>::Adjusting sensors to a wider area,scanning ::

Princess T'lak -> <this seems eerily familiar somehow>

TMir -> ((Deja vu all over again))

TMir -> XO> CO> Away teams, Captain?

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::slight frown:::

WadeKnight -> <THO><XO> Entering standard orbit now on the planets night side.

TMir -> XO> -=CSEC=- Mr Gromvik to the bridge.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::taps the console again, shifting parameters to population demographics:::

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> Now that's interesting... ::watching the liefeform scans come in::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::considers XO's question:::

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> + <XO> + Aye sir, on my way.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <XO> Commander, a strange mix of species on the planet.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> Perhaps premature. We don't even know if we could pass for the species on this planet.

STSF GromVik -> ::stands up and grabs his phaser off the desk as he walks toward the door::

TKAR -> <ASCI><co><CSCI>strange sir,different species in different areas not born to the planet ,maybe its some kindof zoo for our lifeforms a haven.

TMir -> XO> CO> Valid point, Captain.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::eyebrow up::: <CMO> Define strange.

STSF GromVik -> ::fasters his belt and holster as he exits the door and heads for the nearest TL::

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <XO> May I put it onscreen?

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::raises eyebrow:: Zoo?

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::walks into the TL:: Bridge.

TMir -> XO> CMO> Is it possible that this planet could have been used as a "Seed Bank" for the Preservers?

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::feels the TL begin to move upward::

TMir -> & CO>

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::pops up a demographic outline, complete with defined and presumed species::<XO> I would not presume to make such an assumption, but it does look like a possibility.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::hearing "zoo" and "seed bank"::: Valid possibilities, but we have little to substantiate such conjecture... yet.

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI>::shakes head:: That's one way of explaining it...

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> But both more likely than independent evolution. Although we have precedent for a planet with 5 evolving sentients.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::feels the lift come into a halt, exits the TL::

TMir -> XO> Bridge> And Prime Directive takes precedence.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <XO> Aye, Commander.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <XO> :::turns::: Any thoughts on how to test these conjectures within the bounds of non-interference?

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::looks around at the cadets:::

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::walks onto the bridge, and looks in the direction of the XO::

TMir -> XO> CO> Initial passive study, Captain. Sensors and scanners. Until we can determine if we can blend in with the population.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::nodding::: Prudent.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> Are there any unpopulated areas?

TKAR -> <ASCI><co><CSCI>sir,with the doctors help we can beam down to the planet and observe the species without distribing the prime directive.

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><CO>There are several, mostly inbetween the cities, and some mountainous areas.

WadeKnight -> <<Not to be a plot block , but aren't there specially trained people for observation?>>

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::considers:::

TMir -> XO> CO> If we can, and without heavy use of prosthetic appliques, then we make it a more active recon.

STSF Jami -> <There are, but we are in a holodeck simulation in the academy at SFHQ in San Fran :) >

STSF Sorehl -> << You didn't take that cross-training course, Mr. Knight? :) >>

STSF GromVik -> <<Like creepy guys?>>

WadeKnight -> <<lol I was sick that week>>

TMir -> ((It didn't offer enough CEUs for my certification))

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <CO> Captain, if I may?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> We have the technology to install a duck blind observation post, but I prefer to gather more information before such intrusions.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CMO> By all means.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::listening to the chatter on the bridge, feels very unintellectual and gruntesque at the moment::

STSF Jami -> <CMO> <CO> Suggest non-invasive drones to collect passive DNA samples from various populated areas for analysis.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CMO> Agreed, but let us make that Phase 2. There's much we can learn from an initial planetary scan and passive observation first.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::nods, turning to smirk at Grom, knowing he'd rather "hunt" on the planet than stay up here scanning:::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> :::to all::: Each department should request sensor information to analyze their respective specialties.

TKAR -> <ASCI><CSCI><CENG>and sir if we have a bio chip to transport us in a emeremcy there will not have a problom of leaving a communicator on the planet and the prime directive will not be broken.

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::looks at the direction of the CMO, rolls his eyes slightly::

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSEC> I'd like a threat assessment in case we opt to send an away team down there.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CMO> See if we can determine the origin of these species and just how far the similarities extend to known races.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::chuckles::

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> <CO> I've already had some chances to look at the topography...some areas pose more difficult terrain challenges than others.

STSF Jami -> <CMO> ::snaps to:: <CO> Yes, Captain.

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> See if we can more finely determine the cultural status of the planet. Are all regions on the same level of development?

STSF GromVik -> <CO> ::takes the seat at the open console, touches the screen to activate::

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><CO>Same development as what exactly...?

STSF Jami -> <Bucking for promition, Grom? :) >

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <ASCI> See if you can isolate a particular area of interest that warrants further investigation.

STSF Jami -> <grief..promotion even>

TMir -> ((Klingon-esque, I'm sure))

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <CSCI> :::clarifies::: As each other. Are they all pre-industrial, or are some even furhter behind.

STSF GromVik -> <<A premonition would be easier for this plot, then I would know if they were hostile in advance>>

STSF GromVik -> <CO> <ASCI> Hey TKAR, can you send the sensor feed to my console as well?

STSF Sorehl -> <CO> <HOPS> While CSCI studies the populace, use secondary scanners to document the planet itself.

TKAR -> <ASCI><CO>yes sir.

STSF GromVik -> <<whoops, wrong tag>>

STSF Jami -> <::snnkk::>

Princess T'lak -> <CSCI><CO>They are for the the same in the upper hemesphere, but the lower hemisphere is a little ahead of them actually.

STSF Sorehl -> << And there's a strong possibility of picking up this plot next week... >>

STSF GromVik -> <CSEC> ::receiving the sensor data from TKAR::

STSF Sorehl -> << At which point, Gromvik might find out whether there's any hostility or not... >>

WadeKnight -> <HOPS><CO> Aye, sir. ::begins scanning planet, starting with a topographical analysis::

TMir -> (( ::sneaking towards the sound stage door:: ))

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

STSF Sorehl -> =/\= =/\= PAUSE SIM =/\= =/\=

|TKAR -> paused

STSF Sorehl -> Aren't Vulcan captains just frustratingly cautious?

STSF Jami -> That they are, but justifiably so.

TKAR -> :) lol

STSF Jami -> It is, after all, logical.

STSF GromVik -> We had an over abundance of Vulcans and Vulcan-hybrid names tonight. :)

TKAR -> true

Princess T'lak -> lol

STSF Sorehl -> Good work everyone. My plan is to expand this plot next week, if you're interested in returning.

WadeKnight -> I'll be here, as always. :)

STSF GromVik -> Then there's Jami...who is certainly not Vulcan.

Princess T'lak -> Well i'm the least Vulcan of the vulcans so. lol

TKAR -> me too

STSF Sorehl -> If I weren't married, people would wonder about my crew selection.

STSF Jami -> Sounds good to me. Right - Jami is not, but Imaj can be deadly.

STSF Jami -> ROFL Sorehl.

STSF Sorehl -> Any questions? Did any Prime Directive concerns come up? Did we handle them right?

TKAR -> vulcans can be deady too

STSF Sorehl -> Indeed, TKAR. As an occasional Vorta has found out.

Princess T'lak -> I believe we handled the Prime diective pretty well.

STSF Sorehl -> I agree, but I'm open to hearing - any concerns?

WadeKnight -> You're asking the wrong person. I'm an isolationist.

STSF Sorehl -> Well, then I'm asking the right person!

STSF GromVik -> Well I think it's interesting how the Prime Directive was ignored quite a bit in the original Trek and the later versions...as for tonight, I think we were pretty careful.

STSF Jami -> 'Course we're always going to have the occasional grunty hoorah go get-em CSEC who wants to throw the PD out the port hole.

STSF Sorehl -> Agreed. We saw a lot of beaming down to pre-industrial societies and fully interacting with them.

TKAR -> a concern that someone leaves a starfleet item on the planet that might distroy the planet.

STSF Jami -> We never were going to go down, TKAR.

Princess T'lak -> With most trek, if they followed hte Prime directive to a T we'd never see any aliens. lol

STSF GromVik -> Plus there's the "exigent circumstances" question and "security of the Federation" question that muddies the waters.

WadeKnight -> If it were up to me, I'd say we just take ourselves a few passive scans and then be on our merry way.

STSF Sorehl -> Ah, but there's a danger in that too, Wade.

STSF Sorehl -> One specifically worked into this plot, as a matter of fact.

WadeKnight -> Of course, part of the prime directive is also approaching a society approaching warp capability for obvious reasons, and we can't know when they are approaching that without observation

WadeKnight -> And of course the fact that the major federation species are all represented does warrant some additional investigation.

STSF Sorehl -> Right, we might fail to observe something important - like emerging warp tech or interference by some other culture.

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