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STSF Linus

Sunday 3pm Academy 11.30.2008

The shuttle Danube has made a desperate landing on a barren planetoid

approximately 9 hours away from Starbase 36.

All hands are well except for Captain Chirakis, who was knocked

unconscious by the impact.

Before we were drawn into the gravity well, HOPS did get a message to

Starfleet that contained our last position.

Life signs have been detected but noone seems to be able to get a

definite fix or reading.

Engineering has been working to repair the shuttle's systems.

Peripheral sensors are working. Short-range comms are working.

Night has fallen. We now have 6 hours before the Starbase realizes we

are missing.



Mission Commanding Officer (MCO) - Chirakis

Mission Executive Officer (MXO) - STSF Linus


Chief Engineer (CENG) - Kara Midanyl

Assistant Engineer (AENG) - Samantha Kent


Chief Science Officer (CSCI) - Damian Porter

Assistant Science Officer (ASCI) - Jay Newson


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