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"Dine And Dash"' a tactical officers log

After Beaming over to the Constitution-refit USS Georgetown, Doug met with several of the senior staff then joined them for supper. He had a pleasent conversation with the commander from the Georgetown. Asking where Doug was from, Doug replied, "I'm from Earth."


Doug was going to ask the commander for a tour of the Georgetown but then he decided it was better not to. After finishing off his first course he had some wine. He had a pleasant conversation with the Georgetown staff about the Ambassador and what he was doing on the planet. Qo'noS Captain Seiben had replied that he was trying to sign a treaty between the Klingons and the Federation.


Later that evening the Challenger crew received a communication from Challenger informing them that things on the planet had gotten really bad; the fighting on the planet had gotten worse. Doug was thinking, "Oh great. Not another war."



He tapped his communicator. "Challenger this is Lieutenant Doug T. One to beam back."


When Doug had beamed back on to Challenger he ran quickly to the turbolift. He had been late for his shift on the bridge and was on edge about being in Klingon space. He knew is tactical officer Ricky had already beamed down to the planet to retrieve the ambassador with the Marines.


Doug was watching things deteriorate quickly on the planet. Challenger had another communication. Doug thought to himself, "Oh great. Now what?"



Commander Ba'alyo said, "Open a channel."




Doug was listening in on the conversation. Things on the planet were not going well.




Doug said, "Commander, permission to take a shuttle down to retrieve the away team and bring them home."




Commander Ba'alyo replied, "Hurry get down there. We have a shuttle already to go."




"Aye, sir," Doug replied.


Doug entered the turbolift then set it to head for the shuttle bay. He entered the shuttle bay nervously. Doug taped the com. "Shuttle Norway to bridge. Beginning preflight. Permission to take off."




The Bridge replied, "You have clearance to take off."




Doug punched the thrusters on the shuttle to full power, then set a course to the planet. Busy checking his sensors, he opened a com channel to inform Challenger of his ETA, then he opened a com link and said, "Norway to away team. I'm on approach to pick you up. Please stand by." Doug Set his approach vector and landed the shuttle.


Doug then picked up the away team and set a course back to Challenger. "Doug T to Challenger. We are on approach. We are one minute away. Please open a shuttle bay for use. We have everyone with us."




Doug then landed the shuttle in the bay, secured it, and headed for the bridge.

Edited by LT.doug.t

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