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Isabeau Delevan

Finding Common Ground

Note: This joint log takes place while the Mercury enjoyed its brief shake down cruise and before last week's sim.


En route to the Senior Officer's Mess, Isabeau walked the corridor of the newly minted Akira Class ship that still smelled of new carpet and something indefinable that said to her: I have still to make my mark. It's still about adventure, not yet about survival. The shake down cruise was in its infancy and though they were headed into uncertain space, she was eager to see what waited for them. The rest of Medical was not as enthusiastic but she couldn't blame them. According to Nick, all of the Aegis crew had been through a great deal in the past few months. The consensus was that it would be nice to get the station to its new, permanent location and unpack once and for all.


Walking through the doors, she hesitated briefly; feeling out of place, until she saw Dr. DJ McKinny had already arrived and was sitting at one of the tables set in front of the view windows. She unconsciously relaxed, the feeling of being out of place fading as she walked over. Nick had talked so often of DJ over the past few years that Isabeau had fallen into a false feeling of familiarity and when he'd introduced them in Sickbay, she'd had to resist the urge to give DJ a big hug along with some 'long time no see' babble. Today's lunch invitation was a chance to start getting to know the person in her own right and not just through the Nick filter.


“Hello, DJ.” Isabeau's smile was a little shy as she took a seat across from the other woman. “Thank you for inviting me to lunch. It's nice to see you somewhere besides Sickbay.”


"Hi Isabeau." DJ greeted her lunch companion warmly "Thanks for coming. I'm glad we could finally get together for something other than shop talk."


DJ had no intention of admitting it, but she had been looking forward to this chat since before Dr. Isabeau Delevan arrived on Skyharbor Aegis. And it was all Nick's fault. The moment he received word Dr. Delevan had been assigned to Aegis, Nicholas Lepage was over the moon with excitement. He'd spent two hours telling DJ all about his friend from medical school. He was so anxious for DJ to meet her and the more he talked, the more DJ looked forward to making Isabeau Delevan's acquaintance. Here was someone who had known Nick for years. What better opportunity to learn a few of his long forgotten secrets.


Even though Isabeau had been with Aegis for a little while, this was the first time the two women were able to sit down together for a private conversation. "So," began DJ with a slight grin. "You haven't been here long but... what do you think of Aegis?


Isabeau smiled at DJ's question, her eyes gleaming with sudden amusement. “My first glimpse of Aegis found her surrounded by the Ferengi Fleet. I came in on one of the Fed ships sent to encourage Ferenginar to stand down. It was only once on station that I discovered Aegis was being prepped for relocation; getting ready to pull up stakes and set out for God knows where. From what I've been able to ascertain, this was the reason the Ferengi were up in arms.” Isabeau lowered her gaze, and then thoughtfully returned it to DJ's. “Diplomatic dramatics aside, Sickbay was packed, unpacked, repacked and unpacked again within my first seventy-two hours.” She gave DJ a speaking glance, pausing a moment for effect. “And then the Breen performed their 'now you see 'em, now you don't' party trick, and here we are, on a road trip.” Isabeau lifted one shoulder in an elegant half-shrug, her expression changing to one of wry enjoyment. “I think Aegis suits me right down to the ground, DJ.”


DJ couldn't resist a chuckle. "Let's hope we find some ground soon," she replied lightheartedly. "Or at least a spot somewhere in space to park and set up shop. I'm over the packing and unpacking routine." She leaned forward slightly and lowered her voice. "And as far as the diplomatic dramatics are concerned, get used to it," she added with a grin. "There are some real characters masquerading as ambassadors. I sometimes think their sole purpose in life is to keep things....interesting. That's especially true of a certain Ferengi."


"I suppose you mean Ambassador Drankum," Isabeau replied with a smile. She was enjoying DJ's sense of humor. "This is the first time I've served aboard a facility that wasn't specifically for science or exploration. I'm sure it will be fascinating to watch diplomacy in action." She thought for a moment, adding, "Well, at any rate, I'm sure it won't be dull." Isabaeu looked curiously at DJ. "What's it like being in charge of Medical for the Diplomatic Corp? There must be some interesting situations that come up with visiting dignitaries and the like."


"I wouldn't know," replied DJ, her tone light yet serious. "Just about the time we finished setting up, we were ordered to shut down and pack up. I've been helping out in the station's Sickbay ever since." She picked up the glass of iced tea in front of her and took a sip. "Maybe once the station moves, I'll be able to experience some of those interesting situations," she continued. "And once I actually meet and get to know the ambassadorial staff, I might even figure out how I ended up out here."


"Nicolas mentioned you were CMO on Aegis before he was." Isabeau leaned back in her seat and smiled. "He was awfully glad when you came back. It's all he could talk about. I'm glad to get the chance to tell you, DJ, how nice it is to see him so happy. I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time."


"I'm reluctant to take credit for Nick's sunny attitude," chuckled DJ. "But I've always believed everything happens for a reason. I know he was positively thrilled when he found out you'd been assigned to Aegis. He couldn't stop talking about you."


"Hmm...I can just imagine what he told you. I'm afraid he thinks I'm some kind of impetuous fool." Isabeau paused for a moment and then met DJ's eyes, her face turning a little pink with embarrassment. "Not that he doesn't have his reasons, but it's based on events that happened quite some time ago." She shrugged and picked up her glass of water and swirled it, absently listening as the ice chips clicked against the glass. She looked back to DJ with a resigned smile. "Only time passed will prove I won't let him or the crew down."


DJ shook her head slightly. "I guarantee you, Nick has the utmost confidence in you. He considers you a great asset to the team." She shrugged her shoulders and grinned. "And he's never used the term 'impetuous' in conjunction with your name. Although I can imagine the two of you were quite a duo during your years at school."


Isabeau smiled and with something like relief ignored the first part of DJ's response and concentrated on the second. "We actually shared only one year of medical school. I was at DuFresne all four years and Nicolas only came in second year for the virology courses." Isabeau leaned forward, folding her arms and resting them on the table in front of her. "We actually met before the semester started--he helped me out of a jam, well, he perceived it as a jam and has never let me forget it since." Isabeau smiled, the old memory one of her favorites. "Of course, his memory of the incident is a little different and in the interest of friendship, I let him rewrite history." She leaned back and nodded to DJ. "You know what a good guy he is. I feel very lucky to count him as one of my closest friends, and to be honest, he's more like a brother than a friend."


"He is a good guy," sighed DJ, refusing to exhibit the inner relief she felt when Isabeau described Nick as a "brother." She'd known him for years but DJ had never once put Nick into the brother category. Other things...yes. A brother....absolutely not. At the same time, she had a feeling Isabeau knew Nick a lot better than she did....and Isabeau knew Nick's family as well. Nick himself had allowed that to slip out.


"I don't recall him mentioning the "jam" you were in," continued DJ casually. "But he did tell me he had helped you out a few times." She nodded knowingly. "That's probably his version of the story. If ever the mood strikes you, I would love to hear what really happened."


Isabeau tilted her head and gave DJ a considering look, her eyes gleaming with laughter. "His side of the story has me helpless and at disruptor point. My side has me biding my time to call an obvious bluff." She shrugged and added, "It's been a long time but if I'm fair, the truth lies somewhere in between and probably closer to his version than mine." Isabeau winked as if Debbie were a coconspirator. "Don't tell him I said that--I'd never hear the end of it."


"Don't worry," laughed DJ. "Your secret is safe with me." She couldn't help wondering exactly why Isabeau was at the wrong end of a disruptor but chose not to press the issue. She had a feeling the good doctor would eventually spell out the details, once they'd gotten to know each other better. In the meantime, DJ steered the conversation back to the CMO. "If nothing else, Nick likes to be the knight in shining armor. It doesn't surprise me that he came to your rescue."


"Well, I have to say, that at the time, it surprised the heck out of me, and I gave him hell for it." Isabeau's smile widened as she remembered. "I wasn't overly grateful but in the weeks that followed, I got to know him better and learned that it truly is his nature to always try to help." She sat back in her chair and met DJ's eyes, her expression sobering, as she lowered her voice. "He only very recently told me about his experience with the Cardassians. I was very glad to find out you returned to Aegis at around the same time." She hoped to convey to DJ how grateful she was that Nick hadn't been alone in the aftermath of his terrible ordeal, no matter how he'd tried to deal with it on his own.


DJ smiled sadly and shook her head. "That was an accident," she quipped. "I was here for an inspection. It was pure coincidence that I arrived just a day or two after he returned from his....encounter with the Cardassians." She paused a moment to take a sip of tea. "He had no plans to tell me about it," she continued, setting the glass back on the table. "But he was injured.....and it was so obvious. Still, it was like pulling hens teeth to get him to talk about it."


"But you did get him to talk and from the straight forward way he was able to relate the incident to me, I'm sure that being able to talk to you about it," Isabeau smiled and continued, her voice very wry, "no matter how unwillingly, has allowed him to move beyond it, even though it still affects him on a certain level, in so much as he told me he's nervous about being off the station and back shipboard again."


"I sometimes wonder if he has moved beyond it." DJ grimaced slightly. She hadn't meant for that to slip out but there was no way to take back. If Isabeau asked for an explanation, she might have difficulty putting it into words.


Nick had changed since his encounter the Cardassians. DJ would have been surprised if he hadn't. Torture had that effect on most people. But it was something he hid quite well. In public, he came across as the same charming and dedicated man he had always been, quick to smile and eager to help at a moments notice. But much of it was a carefully constructed facade....one that Nick worked diligently to maintain lest someone suspect the truth.


And DJ not only suspected, she was absolutely certain. Nick's demons haunted him. They were never too far away and were fond of attacking him without warning. Even now, after all these weeks...a sound...a quick movement...a certain smell....that's all it would take to release the ghouls from the depths of his subconscious mind. For the most part, he was able to recover quickly. But there were other times.....


She wrapped her slender fingers around the glass and smiled nervously. "I know he isn't happy about being on this ship."


"I don't know how long we'll be out here but it's possible that spending a little time off station will be a good thing. Maybe it'll feel like a return to normalcy." Isabeau looked past DJ to the window behind her and watched the stars streaking past; the sight never failed to give her spirits a lift. She looked back to DJ and smiled a little ruefully. "I don't think he'd appreciate us discussing him like this but I want you to know that I sure do. I'd be a lot more worried about him if you weren't part of his life."


"He might not appreciate our talking about him," replied DJ in a conspiratorial whisper. She leaned toward Isabeau and grinned mischievously. "But he's a smart guy. He must have known this was bound to happen."


She settled back in her chair, her hands resting lightly in her lap. "As far as the other stuff is concerned, you may be right. Getting off the station might help him....unless there is a disaster of some kind." She glanced at her companion plaintively. "Quite honestly, I think it's a matter of time. He needs time to heal but he also needs to open up about his feelings. Burying them will only make things worse."


Isabeau felt relief and it was in her smile and her eyes as she leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. The concern she felt for Nick wasn't unwarranted because DJ felt the same way. "I think he might be starting to feel comfortable enough to talk more openly about his feelings, DJ. At the time it happened, I tried to reach him regarding something I had going on and he didn't get back to me for several months and never said why. Now, here it is, months after the fact and he brought it up to me by way of explanation for not having kept in contact during that time. I think that's a good sign, don't you?"


"Yes," DJ replied quietly. Isabeau was right. Just a few weeks ago, it was likely Nick wouldn't have mentioned the incident at all. "At least he's not trying to hide it anymore."


She paused, trying to navigate the myriad assortment of emotions now coursing through her brain. She was still troubled by what happened to Nick. She would have been upset about it no matter who the victim was. But her distress level was more than she expected. And it seemed to be hanging on much longer than she imagined it would. DJ was pretty sure she knew why. What really bothered her was her reluctance to admit it.


She offered Isabeau a warm smile. "I'm glad you're here. It's good that you and Nick have been friends for so long. He really needs friends right now." She chuckled softly. "There's a lot going on right now and it might be easy for him to retreat again. But with friends around....close friends who can drag him out of himself from time to time.....well.....I think it's a step in the right direction."


DJ's smile was warm and open but over the course of the conversation, Isabeau had watched her expression darken with concern and noted the worry in her eyes as they talked about Nick. She was sure she'd seen something else there as well. She'd known for a long time how Nick felt about DJ but until this conversation, she hadn't been too sure what DJ felt for Nick. Now she was pretty sure she did and her smile reflected her certainty and pleasure. "I'm glad I'm here too, DJ, but I think Nicolas was already in pretty good hands before I arrived."


"I don't know about that," quipped DJ, her smile widening. "There are times when Nick Lepage is a bit overwhelming. Other times, he's so easy to be around....so easy to talk to." She leaned a bit closer to Isabeau while glancing around the room as though searching for a spy. "But I'm relieved to know I have back up. Poor Nick....I don't think he has any idea what's in store for him."


DJ's overly covert behavior had Isabeau laughing and she leaned forward, happy to be part of this particular conspiracy. "You mean he doesn't know how lucky he is."

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