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USS Republic Summary

The USS Republic has its crew back on board and are on its way to its new destination. Kania and Will are waiting to be spoken to by the admiral while Rian has taken some time off and gone to the holodeck. She has found herself in the arms of a very well built gentleman that has her in a tango dip with her having a rose between her teeth. Tango Lessons continue.


Back on the bridge Blu calls Kania and Will into her ready room for a meeting. After she read over the reports, making them sit there and wait while she reads. Possibly a form of punishment. When she finally does start discussing this over with them Will ges a call ffrom Sickbay that Jax is having pains. He is given permission to go to his wifes side and Kania is ordered to go with him.


Jax decided to go in on her own for a check up this time, surprising even Dr Weber. She told Dr Weber of her eating habits of late and was reassured that odd cravings were normal. as she went to the door she began experiencing pain in her lower back. Pain she hadnt felt before. She then asked Dr Weber to get Her husband. She would feel better if he was here with her. As Dr Weber helped her get back to a biobed the pain increased. Jax was certian this was it. This was the time she was going to deliver. OR so she thought. Will came to her side as well as Kawalas.

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