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Aliana Lucindak

Intruder Alert

Intruder Alert

A Joint Log by Aliana Lucinda, Leilani Feretti and Shane Tayjer





Time: 5 min. after the Battle with the 8472



Shane was starting to get nervous. An intruder alert had sounded when the Yorktown had collided with an 8472 craft. He had volunteered to check it out, since the chief of security could not be reached for some reason. Gathering what security personnel he could quickly find, he and five others had had gone to Deck 7.



Upon arrival, Shane had split the team into three groups to cover more ground. After they had separated, Shane and his partner had come across a severely injured crewman. His partner had volunteered to take him back to the secondary Sickbay on Deck 6, so Shane continued on alone. He figured he could call for help if he encountered the intruder.



Even still, Shane was nervous about facing an 8472 alone. When reports about 8472 attacks had come in a couple days ago, Shane had briefed himself on their preferred combat techniques. The 8472 were swift and powerful, using their claws to slash at their opponents. Cells from the 8472 would then infect the opponent and begin essentially eating them from the inside, killing them in a matter of hours. They are also said to be able to rip through bulkheads with ease.



Shane, walking through the deserted deck, shifted his phaser rifle so that he could wipe off his sweaty palms. He prayed a quick prayer of reassurance and rounded the corner into the corridor that led to the primary Sickbay.




Aliana turned to the doorway when she heard that the deck was on fire. She grabbed Leilani and quickly begun to move through the air to the door. The minute they got out of sickbay though, they dropped to the ground. Aliana winced as she turned over to Leilani. "I forgot sickbay doesn't have any gravity, but the rest of the ship does."



She started to get up when suddenly something hit the ship and she went flying into the wall. She moaned and tried to get up.



"L-L-Leilani, could you lend me a hand?"



Leilani helped her up and they begun to walk towards the turbolift when Aliana fell to the ground; her leg hurt so much. She bit back a yell and concentrated on pushing back the pain.



Suddenly something moved in the darkness. She looked up and saw a huge purple alien coming towards them.



"Leilani, we have a problem."




Leilani tried to offer some support to help Aliana walk and looked up when she heard "Leilani, we have a problem." She too saw the huge purple alien coming at them and promptly screamed a bit at it. Catching herself, she stayed close to Aliana. "W-What do we do now?" Leilani said to nobody in particular. She searched herself for her phaser before finding it in her right pocket. She turned on the weapon and pointed it at the alien, after setting it to high stun. "Uhh... stay back!" she hollered at the alien. Gulping, she pointed the phaser at the alien unable to keep herself from shaking.



Shane's eyes widened when he looked down the corridor and saw the alien bearing down on the two women. He burst off running towards them, yelling,"Get down! Get down!". As he ran, he pulled his rifle up to his shoulder and took aim.



Aliana was about to kick the alien back when she thought better of it. She heard Shane yell and quickly ducked down as to not get hit. Then Aliana looked towards Leilani as she knelt "Leilani! Get down!" She yelled as she grabbed her arm and pulled her down hoping Shane didn't miss.



As soon as the women were out of the way Shane fired several quick bursts at the 8472. The alien stopped and shielded its face with its arm as it backed away. Shane paused in his firing as he moved past Leilani and Aliana. At about 10 meters past them he fired a long blast, which struck the 8472 on the shoulder. To his surprise the 8472 only stumbled a couple steps back, then rushed at him screeching and swung at him.



Shane narrowly dodged the blow to his head and the alien's hand smacked the rifle away from him. The rifle clattered down the hall, landing near Leilani and Aliana. Shane ducked as the 8472 swung at him again, then he rolled past it, unsheathing his knife from his belt as he stood up and ran a couple steps before turning. The alien had turned also and was running toward him with its claws out stretched to strike. Shane flung his knife as hard as he could. The knife sailed through the air and sank into the 8472's chest. It stopped in its tracks, screeching in pain and slowly pulled the knife out as dark fluid ran from the mortal wound. The 8472 dropped the now dissolving knife and began staggering toward Shane, raising its claws, determined that it's opponent would die along with it.



Aliana lept towards the rifle, grabbed it and aimed it at the alien. She started to dart around to get a better shot and then shot it three times at what she thought was its heart.



The 8472 was three meters away from Shane when the phaser blast slammed into its back. It fell forward, landing on its face with its back smoldering. Shane stood there with the dead alien at his feet, staring at it for a few seconds. Once he was sure it was dead he walked around it and over to Aliana and Leilani. " You two okay?",he asked.



As he said that Aliana smiled in grim satisfaction before handing Shane the phaser back and replying, "Well other then my leg I think I am ok. Leilani? You ok?" She winced and leaned against the wall to relieve her injured leg from her weight



She smiled sweetly. "I should be asking you that. Are you okay?"she asked. She looked down at the dead alien at her feet. "Well, Mr. Shane, I must thank you helping us. I'm afraid I'm not that good of a shot myself" she said looking at the phaser still in her hand. She pocketed the weapon back into its holster and looked to both Aliana and Shane. "So, what's going on? Why all the aliens and where are all the medical crew?" she said referring to the empty sickbay she and Aliana were just in. "More to the point, what do we do now?"





Shane answered, "This deck was evacuated because of fires, so the medics are on Deck 6. The 8472 transported onto the ship just before its craft was destroyed. But regardless of that we need to get you both to the secondary Sickbay."



"Well," Aliana said, "I am glad I am still a good shot, or else the alien would be the satisfied one. Now lets get going."



Shane tapped his commbadge, "Transporter Room 2, beam Ens. Feretti and Mids. Lucindak directly to Secondary Sickbay." He watched as the two women shimmered out of sight. He tapped his commbadge again,"Security Team Beta, the intruder has been found and taken care of. Regroup at Turbolift 2. Tayjer out."

Edited by Aliana Lucindak

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