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Its another cadet! Run for it!

Salutations, fellow simmers. No matter what your rank is, I feel that you deserve it. Recently, I have been searching for a Star Trek simming organization, or fleet, (whichever you prefer) to escape into. I've been simming on and off since about September of 2000, but I've not had the pleasure of simming in the last 6 months or so. I've felt like I've lost my roleplaying skill, and especially, my creativity with treknobabble. That being said, I really want to work on these skills again, and become better than I used to be, and definitely better than I am now. I've attended 2 academy sims so far, and honestly, its been frustrating to me. I really wish that there was time for interaction with the hosts to talk about what they think you did wrong, or why you made the choices you did. So far I've been so nervous that someone will see me in the wrong light and hold me back in academy sims because of a misunderstanding, or because I'm not sure of how to deal with a player who just seems to make me his target practice. I feel the need to justify my actions, but I'm not sure where to go for that. I have plenty of experience.. I want to move on to better things, but something's telling me I'm going to be here awhile.

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Many academies have debriefings after the academies where general observations are made. Also, you can always PM the hosts of the academy after you've played and ask (nicely) about your performance in a given academy.

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Welcome to STSF. This is a wicked cool site to RPG on.


Interaction time is usually before the academy (ie, open questions) and as LoAmi said, the debriefings held after the academy. As for a wrong light, target practice, or a misunderstanding, this is generally stuff the GMs are on the lookout to avoid before it ever gets to that noticeable a point.


Just ride the learning curve, try to enjoy the experience without analyzing every detail that zooms your way, and get more comfortable within our academy system. As the time you put in accumulates, you will notice that the academies become easier and easier, and your progress is as well noted by the acad GMs.

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:clears throat::



Two things to remember: 1) Any Academy hosted by STSF N'Dak is a guaranteed suicide mission [And that's a direct quote from his signature]. 2) Never compare the GMs to Captains Bligh or Queeg if you want to get graduate sometime before the turn of the century.


That being said, I'd recommend reading: How to sim, as well as: Tips from the Moose


For all your technobabble needs, visit Memory Alpha or Ex Astris Scientia.


Academy times are listed ET, so adjust as appropriate for your timezone. Academies are mandatory, and everyone is human. Save your character development for your Advanced Ship. Minimum graduation time is 3 Academies, but don't expect to graduate that quickly; the host teams prefer to see how are over a longer span of time. And once you are posted to your first Advanced Sim, it's strongly recommended that any ideas that go outside Trek canon be approved by your host team.

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Welcome to the game Reid! If you have questions then you could pm a GM in either the forums or in the sim. Also ditto what the others said. I really hope you have fun!


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Welcome aboard! Look forward to seeing you around. :)

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Hi, Reid! I was looking forward to meeting you Sunday night, but you didn't come. We always have a debrief after the sim and I'm generally around for questions even after the debrief is over. Also, you can check out the academy sim logs in the Academy Sims Log folder. There you can read at your leisure and perhaps pick up on some of the things others did that might help you next time.

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Hi, Reid! I was looking forward to meeting you Sunday night, but you didn't come. We always have a debrief after the sim and I'm generally around for questions even after the debrief is over. Also, you can check out the academy sim logs in the Academy Sims Log folder. There you can read at your leisure and perhaps pick up on some of the things others did that might help you next time.


I really wanted to attend Sunday, but I lost track of the time. I was seriously angry when I missed it. I had been looking forward to it all day.

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I really wanted to attend Sunday, but I lost track of the time. I was seriously angry when I missed it. I had been looking forward to it all day.

Dont be to upset. There is one every week (except for on holidays or things like that.)


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