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A Private Investigation

"Dr. Siler?" Debbie leaned toward the comm unit as the image of Starbase 345's CMO appeared.

      "Dr. Matthews," replied the older gentleman. "Nice to speak to you in person."

      "I appreciate you taking the time. I know you have your hands full right now."

      "I dare say we both have our hands full, Doctor."

      Debbie smiled sadly. "Yes, I'm afraid so. There seems to be enough trouble going around to keep a lot of people busy."

      "I assume you're interested in Lt. Facon."

      "Yes, Dr. Siler," replied Debbie softly. "How is he doing?"


      Ernest Siler reached to his left and retrieved a PADD. He glanced at it briefly before answering Debbie's question. "He's improving. We expect he'll make a full recovery but it will take time."

      "Have you been able to talk to him yet?"

      Dr. Siler shook his head. "He is conscious and lucid. But he remains in guarded condition. We haven't told him about his ship yet. He may be strong enough to handle that sometime next week."

      Debbie sighed. "I guess the investigators have arrived."

      "Have they ever! They're circling around my Sickbay like vultures. But Lt. Facon is in no condition for in depth interviews. I'm keeping those birds away from him for a few more days."

      Dr. Matthews looked down at her hands as she continued. "I've talked to the only other engineer to survive the disaster. From what he's told me, I get the distinct impression Mr. Facon is an extremely dedicated officer."

      Debbie returned her focus to the comm unit. "The news about Cairo may very well kill him."

      It was Dr. Siler's turn to look away. "I was afraid of that. Ever since he was hospitalized he's been asking how long he'll be away from his ship. He's so ill he can barely lift a finger but he's more worried about that ship than anything else."

      Siler looked into the comm unit and lowered his voice. "That's the primary reason we haven't told him yet. I'm concerned he might give up and die on us."


      There was a brief pause in the conversation and then Dr. Siler lowered his voice even further. "You're a bit closer to the situation than I am. Do you think it was an accident?"

       Debbie had not anticipated that particular question. She met her counterpart's gaze for a long moment and then silently shook her head.

      Siler understood. "I'll make sure Facon knows that."

      "Good idea," replied Debbie. "He needs to get healthy so he can help us figure out what happened." Dr. Matthews bit her bottom lip. "I would really like to know how he picked up that virus."

      "So would I. He may be well enough to discuss that part of it. I'll try to talk to him tonight. I'll let you know if I have any success."

      Debbie smiled. "I would be grateful. Do you think Mr. Facon would be up to looking at a photo?"

      "A photo?"

      Debbie chose her words carefully. "Yes, I'll send it to you in a few minutes. I need Lt. Facon's input regarding the photo."


      Siler stared into the comm as did Debbie. Neither spoke a word but they communicated nonetheless. Debbie didn't dare voice her reasons for wanting Lt. Facon to look at the photo of Richard Drew's impostor. But Dr. Siler understood the request was extremely important. With a simple nod, he agreed to oblige her without asking for details.


      Debbie smiled, relieved the older physician was willing to go along with her private investigation. "One of my staff is doing a routine search on Quillick. You know, how many cases last year and where. Maybe we can determine a pattern of some kind. I'll forward you the results as soon as I get them."

      "Thank you, Dr. Matthews. I'll keep an eye out for the file."

      "Thanks for your help, Dr. Siler." Debbie grinned. "When Reaent gets back to Starbase 345, I'll buy you dinner at the restaurant of your choice."

      "It's a date! Until then, keep in touch."

      "You too!"


      The image of Ernest Siler had just disappeared from the comm when Brian Smith tapped on the door and poked his head inside. "I've got that information you wanted on Quillick Syndrome."

      "Thanks, Brian. Just leave it with me and I'll take a look at it in a few minutes."


      Dr. Smith dropped the PADD on the desk and quickly retreated. As he walked out the door, Debbie turned her attention to the next task on her list of thing to do....contacting the Williamsburg Center.

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