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Note: this log takes place during the ten day TBS.



USS Agincourt NCC-81762



Kansas carefully shifted position on the bio bed, allowing the medical technician on duty to finish taking her blood pressure. The enlisted officer tending to her wasn’t a regular crewmember on the ‘Court, but had been temporarily assigned to help out in the interim. Over the past several days, as some sort of game plan had come into play in order to try and clean up and stabilize the ravaged planet of Earth, the call had gone out among the gathered fleet for any extra assistance where needed. Therefore, any medical personnel were highly sought after, and served temporary rotations wherever their services happened to be needed. Medical technicians such as “X-Ray” Boone for example, who was currently conducting the follow up visit with Kansas, were typically tapped to handle the non critical patient cases so the medical doctors could field those patients who were in bad shape.


The feline had been taken care of, her injuries tended to and completely repaired within a few hours of beaming back on board the Agincourt. She was still listed as off duty, and would be for a couple of days and then would move back onto the duty cycle under a light duty stipulation. For now, she would not be returning to Earth to help with the remainder of the clean up efforts being undertaken on the planets surface. But, there were plenty of duties to be performed and overseen right here on the ‘Court, what with the steady stream of refugees and injured being beamed up, processed, and taken care of on the Prometheus class ship.


In reality, JoNs was struggling with her inner feelings regarding the Earth cleanup. There was so much death and destruction, that she did not have any real desire to rush back down for a planetary based duty stint. In her mind, after experiencing her race related beating at the hands of the mercenaries working out of Africa, being up in orbit on a ship meant safety to the feline. It made her feel like a coward, but the security cat hadn’t voiced her personal opinions to anyone, preferring to keep the jumbled and confused thoughts to herself.


“Okay Commander! Everything looks good.” The male human marine tech stated, all happy-like.


You had to watch out for the perky and overly cheerful medical officers, especially if they were a marine on detached duty; they were always the first ones to go postal and freak out.


“Thank you. I do have a couple of concerns though? My shoulder still pains me, and my balance is slightly off. It’s not as bad as it was earlier, but I’m concerned …”


“Are you still getting headaches sir?”


“Nope. That stopped about two days ago.”


“I can give you a higher medication prescription, but I’m more inclined to ask you to tough the shoulder pain out … we need to conserve the medical supplies for the incoming refugees who really need the medication. And, I’ll drop a note to your acting CMO to keep an eye on you. ”


“Say no more X-Ray,” the gold feline smiled, using his given marine call sign, “as long as you are sure it’s nothing serious.”


“And, the headaches might have stopped, but you took a nasty blow to your temple and ear area,” he tapped the feline lightly on the side of the head with a big meaty finger, “that’s why your balance goes out on you every once in a while.”


Kansas carefully swung her cat-shaped hind legs over the side of the bed, landing quietly on the decking and standing upright with one paw braced on the bed until she was sure the world would not go in the opposite direction. “Okay, I know I don’t have to explain to you that this presents a real problem for a felinoid?”


The light skinned and brown eyed marine chuckled at her. “I have no doubt. The dizziness issues should be cleared up within a week. But, until then, I can requisition a cane for you.” He ran a hand over his bald head.


“Whoa, whoa, wait a minute Petty Officer. Me? Carry a cane around? I don’t think so.”


He raised an eyebrow at that, his earlier jovial outlook completely sidelined. “You want to run the risk of being dropped flat on your butt?”


“Well no, but I also don’t want to look like an idiot.”


He gazed at the leonine feline askance. “Okay, so refusing the support isn’t idiocy?”


JoNs’s ears flipped back and flattened in annoyance. The human marine NCO and the Caitian second officer did the whole staring contest routine. However, when X-Ray suddenly squinted one eye at her, she snorted out a purr of laughter in amusement at the gesture, breaking the eye contact.


“I’m gathering I’m not the first ornery patient you have had this week?”


“Nope, not at all. I have noticed that the officers tend to be the worst when it comes to arguing though.”


This is true. “Okay, how about a compromise?”


The big human tilted his head to one side in curiosity.


“I have a personal item that I can use as a support cane, and it’s just the right size for my height. It’s a Caitian walking staff, has some tribal carvings and such, but it’ll fit the bill perfectly. I know its not medical regulation issue, but if I have to use one, might as well be with a little feline style.”


The med tech nodded enthusiastically. “Sounds good to me.”


“Plus the fact, it makes a pretty good weapon if needed.”


A quick bark of laughter rang out over the medical bay. “Spoken like a marine.”


The Caitians green eyes danced with mirth. “X-Ray, you have no idea.”

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