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Mission Summary

The USS Republic was on its way away from the hiding place and towards another area to continue its mapping of the Area they were assigned to. The smell of toast still permeating the vessel. Will had been ordered to check it out and was assisted by his new ASEC Benedict Pollasski.


Engineering was asked to get the engines ready incase that the Jem Hadar would find us.


Joy and Hans began picking up an object on the sensors. IT turned out to be a locating device of the Jem Hadar. Before it could be destroyed it managed to get off the location of the ship. Evasive maneuvers where made to try to hide their departure. Joy alternated the speed from Impulse to warp to try to hide our trail.


Kania finally admitted that Rian could be and more than likely was right about the Jem Hadar and learned her lesson to take more head in what Rian had to tell her.

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