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House of N'Dak: Tempered Ambitions

Grey streaks had begun to form in Vae’s hair, and she smiled slightly as she ran the soft brush through her hair. Below her, Taeier was preparing breakfast for the only remaining child in her household, Aeher, while her husband was preparing to trek off to the fields to inspect the bailing of grain. Glancing at the images of her eldest children she thought of them briefly.


Maeir was at the i’Chael Military Academy, completing his final days of pilots training, while Nievae was enjoying her first months of being bonded to the son of the local tailor. She sighed slightly. Maeir had wished to go to the Imperial Military Retor in the capital, but such an expense, even with their new found wealth was more than the House s’N’Dak could afford. She shook her head, not that Praetor t’Silaeir couldn’t have afforded the patronage and he’d more than shown himself to be willing in that regard, but Arrei wouldn’t hear of it—pride was a trait her husband certainly didn’t lack.


Meanwhile, Nievae had married well. Her new husband was the son of one of Hein’Rhe’s most respected tailors, and heir to his house. Her bondmate, Jaehaj was also proving to be quite the man on his own, gaining the post of deputy constable at a young age.


She laid the silver-white brush down on the wooden dresser, taking a final glance in the mirror. Though lines had begun to form in her face, and her hair grayed, she was still fair looking—something she’d not ever admit too. Subtly, pride had finally begun to sink into her attitude. It was hard to imagine that just a few years before Arrei and herself had only a small farm house and a plot of land to work. Now though, they had a stately, yet modest three story home, servants to aide their daily life, a large plot of land that belonged to them, and her husband oversaw all the lands of the House s’Silaeir… and most importantly, they had their own house name.


When they were bonded, and she still slightly naïve, Arrei had promised her that he would work his whole life to bring her honor, and to give her, her own name. She’d thought it a lovely idea, and appreciated his love and dedication, but never in her wildest of dreams imagined he’d see it through…h’na… he had.


A smile crossed her face. Ie, na only had Arrei kept his promise, he’d secured the future of their children.




It was Aeher, bounding up the stairs three at time. “Yes, little io?”


She turned to see him standing in her doorway. There he was, her pride and joy… her baby.


Aeher lifted a brow and looked down at his mother, “I am na so little any more, ri'nanov.”


True, the once small boy had grown into a handsome young man, the spitting image of his father. Nearly seventeen, he was nearing his ascension age and would soon decide what he wished to do with his life, but until then, and if she had her way, he would remain her ‘little io.’


“Ri'nanov,” he stated again, this time more formally. “I wanted to tell au bedah before I sat out today…”


“Ie,” she said, suddenly remembering he was to travel to the capitol today to meet with Senator tr’Lkal to see about interning for him during the next session of the Senate. The hope was that Lkal would take a liking to Aeher and consider him for an appointment in the province. Such were lofty goals, but it did na hurt to hope. At worst, Aeher would at least gain valuable experience.


Io day, she told herself, the sons of the House s’N’Dak would na settle for a mere appointment to the local bureaucracy, or the third best military retor, or the son of a tailor. However, that day was na today.

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